Nigel McGuinness: Bryan Danielson Is The Best Wrestler Of My Generation

Nigel McGuinness actually has kind words for Bryan Danielson.

Bryan Danielson is perhaps Nigel McGuinness' most famous opponent as the two had many classic battles in Ring of Honor, including a 2006 match to unify the ROH World and ROH Pure Titles. Danielson's last match in ROH was in 2009 against Nigel.

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Though Nigel has famously called Danielson a "Clamdigger" in the past, Nigel did have kind things to say about Danielson ahead of AEW All In.

"I'm very proud, certainly very proud of those matches. People used to say, 'what's your favorite match?' It would never be a match with Bryan because there is a lot of pressure, there was a lot of physical toll as well. I was glad I was able to have matches that still stand up today and glad I got the chance to wrestle him. I call him a Clamdigger and make fun of him for having girly arms and taking six months off because he broke one little arm where he has 205 perfectly normal bones in his body, but ultimately, in my opinion, he is the best wrestler of my generation or perhaps any generation. Why that is the case? I'm not really sure. You can look back to how he grew up, what made him the person he is, but I don't think there is anyone you can put on that level in terms of having great matches with absolutely everybody he gets in the ring with, maybe a Kurt Angle. Certain people might be in the conversation, but obviously, I'm biased because my best matches were with him," said Nigel while speaking to Tempest of WrestleTalk, representing Fightful.

Sadly, despite teases from both men, Nigel and Bryan were unable to clash at AEW All In due to Danielson's injury.

Nigel was on commentary for the event.

Fans can find Fightful's coverage of AEW All In by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast by clicking here.

Watch the full interview with Danielson in the video above.

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