WWE & GFW Each Assigned Trademark Attorneys For Hardys Case

The battle for the rights to the 'Broken Gimmick' has finally entered the courtroom... Kind of.

According to PWInsider, both WWE and GFW have filed for trademarks related to Matt and Jeff Hardy--WWE on June 19, and GFW back on April 28--and both of them were assigned to an attorney on July 27. This means that the WWE has bypassed the customary three-month wait period that applies to most applications. 

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WWE’s application for Matt Hardy received an initial refusal from the trademark office because of a potential confusion involving Matt's own “Broken Matt Hardy” application, filed before GFW filed their own claim. Until Matt's application is finalized, all other actions for all other applications by all other applicants will be frozen--this includes both WWE and GFW.

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