It is well known by UFC fighters that the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) can collect a random drug test sample whenever they want, no matter where the fighter(s) are located at.
Cristiane “Cyborg” Justino is the current UFC Women’s Featherweight Champion and while on a trip in Thailand, was summoned for a drug test by USADA.
An unnamed USADA officer showed up at the hotel that Cyborg was staying at and when attempting to get a hold of the champion, had the police called to the hotel.
Body Clarke is the owner of Phuket Top Team and he took to the UG Forums on to explain the whole situation:
“Fake news aside, here's the first hand on the spot happenings of the situation.
As owner of Phuket Top Team I feel I should fill in some of the missing info. My Thai staff was made aware of several people believed to be "stalking" Cris cyborg, as they would not identify themselves.
We were told by our staff that 2 people checked into a hotel room next to cris and were acting strange by asking questions about them. Cyborg was placed in an exclusive location to provide her privacy while training at my gym.
Initially my staff thought the couple were just overly excited fans.
At 6am those people knocked on the door of the of Cris's bungalow and the hotel staff notified my office of the disturbance.
The hotel staff told my front desk that they heard the people requesting a urine sample.
In Thailand the only people who do this are police. Unable to contact Cris by phone My staff rang the local police to ask why they would send people to her residence.
The police stated they had no knowledge of any officers at that hotel, and sent a patrol car to investingate.
It was after the police arrived that they discovered the pair was from Singapore.
Speaking directly to Cris they learned that the testers where checked into the hotel to do their job of collecting a urine sample for testing and not on vacation.
The police further investigated the situation to discover that neither employee had a valid work permit and when questioned both individuals from Singapore failed to mention they were part of any international testing agency, instead informing the officers on site they were only in Phuket for Vacation.
Allowing them to initially leave, the police later detained them upon reviewing paperwork completed during the testing. and later discovering that they were wearing uniforms and in the presence of work ID's.
Cris cyborg complied with the entire process, giving her sample as she was unaware of the issues with them not having a valid work permit until the test was completed and the local authorities arrived to investigate the situation.
The issue for the police was two part.
First The Singaporean collectors made false statements denying they were here working and to collect urine samples. In Thailand the country is big on saving "face" and having two Singaporeans lie about their purpose on the island did not sit well with them.
Second since they were here working without a permit they did not provide the country with the proper taxes for conducting business in Thailand.
To further escalate the situation one of the testers attempted to offer money to the Thai police in exchange for them to be let go without incident.
Cris was uninvolved in the police and immigration issues other than providing answers to the police when questioned.
The entire process was started by the hotel staff notifying my front desk of a disturbance at our VIP guests residence and was further escalated by the false statements made to the police by the testing agency.”
Cyborg also took to Twitter to explain her side of the story, even saying that the USADA people didn’t follow their normal procedures:
I gave my sample without hesitation. I have no failed whereabouts in the past 12 months and wanted to maintain that despite the incident
— #UFC219 CyborgVHolm (@criscyborg) September 23, 2017
They were not Thai there were other differences with how the sample was collected that were not normal procedure as well.
— #UFC219 CyborgVHolm (@criscyborg) September 23, 2017
While Cyborg and Phuket Top Team commented on the situation, there has been no statement issued by USADA on the situation. Cyborg has had an interesting history with USADA, as she just recently returning from a suspension by the drug testing agency.