Global Wrestling Network sent the following in regards to their streaming service:
Thank you for being among our first subscribers to the brand new Global Wrestling Network! We hope you have enjoyed the extensive library of great matches – there is definitely more to come. We also welcome your feedback to make the service better, from new features to content you would like to see. Just let us know through our contact page.
Every month we’re adding new content just for you. Historic pay-per-views from our deep library, fresh new episodes of our latest shows, amazing promotions from around the world or exclusive digital video that can only be found on GWN. This is what’s coming up:
All five October 2004 episodes of IMPACT, featuring stars like Jeff Hardy, Monty Brown and Abyss in a #1 Contendership Tournament, and the high-wire action of the X-Division including a massive Six-Man Gauntlet Match
Some of the most popular compilations in IMPACT’s history: The Best of AJ Styles (parts 1 & 2), The Best of the X-Division (parts 1 & 2) and The Best of Christian Cage (parts 1 & 2)
All four November 2004 episodes of IMPACT, featuring the fallout from TNA’s first 3-hour pay-per-view Victory Road, the IMPACT debuts of all-time legends “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Diamond Dallas Page, and a fantasy dream match between AJ Styles and Scott Hall
Two classic “Asylum Years” pay-per-views every week, featuring stars like AJ Styles, Raven, Jeff Jarrett and CM Punk
Stay tuned for more content from independent promotions around the world, including two seasons of Rocky Mountain Pro’s flagship program ‘charged’ out of Colorado, hard-hitting action from Wisconsin-based Freedom Pro Wrestling, North Carolina’s annual Wrestlecade extravaganza, plus Toronto, Canada’s Superkickd.
Also coming soon — the biggest stars and matches from the rare St. Louis Wrestling At The Chase library – showcasing the likes of Ric Flair, Harley Race, “Cowboy” Bob Orton, Dick the Bruiser, Bruiser Brody, Gene Kiniski, Lou Thesz, Dory Funk Jr. and Ted Dibiase.