Alberto Del Rio Hired by Two Promotions Including Paige's Family

Almost immediately after coming to terms with WWE, Alberto Del Rio is scheduled for two wrestling shows.

The former WWE Champion will be in Newcastle and Norwich, England. Del Rio will appear at a taping for Whataculture Pro Wrestling in Newcastle on the 15th of September. Del Rio will be appearing the next day at World Association of Wrestling, a promotion founded and ran by his paramour Paige's parents. 

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Whataculture Pro Wrestling announced his appearance earlier this week. The promotion is referring to him as Alberto El Patron, the name Del Rio used during his last hiatus from WWE. Del Rio will be appearing at WCPW's Loaded show, which is taped. The company boast adding Del Rio to the growing list of former WWE talent they've paid recently,"including the likes of Aaron Stevens (Damien Sandow), Kurt Angle...Bret Hart, Jim Ross, Drew Galloway, and Cody Rhodes." Drew Galloway will be on the September 15th taping with Del Rio. 

Another promotion acquired Del Rio's services. World Association of Wrestling announced Del Rio "as the newest member of the WAW roster". The company says he is coming to WAW because of his relationship with Ricardo Rodriguez who wrestles for WAW occasionally and his relationship with "The Knight Dynasty" (Paige's family). Del Rio and his brother Memo are announced for a match against The UK Hooligans (Paige's brothers).  The event is on Friday September 16th.

Del Rio's new romance Paige is in the middle of a contentious relationship with WWE. Both Del Rio and Paige were suspended for wellness violations and now Paige is reportedly asking for release from her WWE contract. Whataculture Pro Wrestling played up Del Rio's outspoken nature saying "What will he have to say to the Newcastle audience if he is given a live mic and allowed to express himself?". This certainly was apart of his El Patron character on Lucha Underground after he was released from WWE seemingly for standing up to racist comments. 

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