Afternoon Notes From CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Chris Amann Trial From Fightful

Day five of the trial is taking place at the Richard J. Daley Center in Chicago between Dr. Christopher Amann versus CM Punk and Colt Cabana. Here are notes from the afternoon session:

  • Punk’s attorney says she has no more questions for Mendez-Brooks.
  • Amann’s lawyer starts his cross-examination.
  • Mendez-Brooks states her and Punk met with Amann in the afternoon of the Royal Rumble.
  • She doesn’t remember if Punk had any heat packs on him that day.
  • Mendez-Brooks says she vaguely remembers the lump size.
  • She says that Punk told her when she first saw the bump that it didn’t hurt.
  • Mendez-Brooks said she felt the lump and it was discolored at first.
  • The attorney read her deposition in 2016 and it stated she didn’t see any discoloring.
  • Mendez-Brooks stated twice to the attorney who kept pressing that the lump was the size of lemon/lime and it pushed to the skin.
  • Punk’s attorney objects. Amann’s attorney reads her deposition detailing what Mendez-Brooks said the size of the lump in terms of a lemon/lime. She said it could have been bigger or smaller.
  • The attorney starts to go over a text exchange between Punk and Mendez-Brooks on Jan. 28. Punk’s attorney says it isn’t in there. Amann’s attorney stutters and says he needs a moment. Ends up finding what he needed.
  • Mendez-Brooks says the lump didn’t first appear after the Rumble and was hoping the lump would go down size since Punk was no longer wrestling for WWE.
  • Mendez-Brooks is very cool, calm and collected in her testimony thus far even though Amann’s attorney is trying to get her to crack.
  • Amann’s attorney appears to be being selective in his quotes to Mendez-Brooks. Punk’s attorney calls for an objection and wanting full quotes ot be read.
  • Another mistake by Amann’s attorney showing the wrong exhibit in terms of a text exchange on Jan. 30 between Mendez-Brooks and Punk.
  • One juror seems to have fallen asleep.
  • The judge is getting annoyed with Amann’s attorney making mistakes in his exhibits.
  • Another mistake by Amann’s attorney, this time on a Jan. 31 text exchange.
  • Mendez-Brooks said when her and Punk first started dating that she lived in Tampa and would often see her family in Puerto Rico in regards to why they were texting each other so often instead of seeing each other.
  • When Punk wanted to stab himself with a metal pin, Mendez-Brooks didn’t want him too because she didn’t know of the pin was dirty or sterilized and didn’t want him to have further problems.
  • She reiterates that she thought “Doc” was in reference to Amann since she was going through it all with Punk.
  • Mendez-Brooks keeps reiterating she doesn’t remember the full conversation to whether Punk had MRSA but remembers hearing “staph” being used in his conversations with Patrick Duffy.
  • She says the lump at its highest point was a half-inch to an inch high and doesn’t know the exact measurements of the lump.
  • Amann’s attorney rests.
  • Punk’s attorney starts her re-direct.
  • Mendez-Brooks said she didn’t use any produce or sporting equipment to measure Punk’s lump.
  • Punk’s attorney rests.
  • Amann’s attorney has a follow-up question.
  • Mendez-Brooks said her lemon/lime comparison was a “guesstimate”.
  • Amann’s attorney rests.
  • Punk’s attorney has SpaSoak Massage Therapist Corrine Sanders take the stand.
  • Sanders said she started working there in 2011.
  • She said Punk began coming in 2013 and went 20 times to her.
  • Sanders defines what a Swedish and full-body massage is.
  • She said Punk was appropriately covered for every visit.
  • Sanders said she first learned of the lump from the receptionist.
  • She believed she first noticed the bump in Punk visits on Oct. 2 and 4 of 2013.
  • She said Punk notified her of what it was and gently massaged.
  • Sanders said the lump was three inches in diameter and one-half inch of the skin. She said she would avoid it in that session.
  • She said saw Punk on Jan. 30, 2014 and the lump was darker in color.
  • Sanders showed how big the lump was and made a circle which made it look like the size of a tennis ball. And the jury went “Whoa” in unison.
  • She said Punk told her in his April appointment that it was a staph infection.
  • She said his massages went well after that.
  • Punk’s attorney rests.
  • Amann’s attorney begins his cross-examination.
  • The attorney wasn’t laying the foundation in question on how records are kept and keeps getting objected by Punk’s attorney.
  • She said Punk’s last appointment was in Nov. 2014.
  • Sanders gave her deposition on Sept. 26, 2017.
  • Judge begins to yawn.
  • She says in the January visit that the bump starts to become more sensitive.
  • But in her deposition, Sanders said that to her the lump in Oct. and Jan. might have been those dates it wasn’t hurting too bad.
  • She says by the April 2014 visit, the lump was gone.
  • She says the lump was a “half-baseball”.
  • Then in a few bizzare moments, Amann’s attorney tries to submit charts from the temperatures in October. Punk’s team objects because SpaSoak isn’t close to O’Hare airport. Clearly upset, the judge calls for a sidebar.
  • Punk goes to Cabana and they start chatting.
  • Someone from the benches comes up and starts talking to Cabana.
  • The weather question is asked to Sanders again. She laughs and says it was five years ago and doesn’t remember.
  • Amann’s attorney rests.
  • Punk’s attorney rests.
  • Evidence has concluded.
  • Judge says closing arguments will take place tomorrow.
  • Judge tells jurors that no electronics are allowed for obvious reasons.
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See morning notes at this link. 

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