Rhio Says Losing To Stephanie Vaquer Was A 'Hard Pill To Swallow', Knows She Can Beat Vaquer

Rhio believes she can defeat Stephanie Vaquer.

At Rev Pro/CMLL FantasticaMania earlier this month, Rhio would challenge for the NJPW STRONG Women's Championship when she took on Stephanie Vaquer at the event. Rhio would come up short in the matchup, but remains the Progress Women's World Champion and has her sights set on Dani Luna and the Undisputed British Women's World Title.

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While speaking to Fightful's Corey Brennan about her recent match with Vaquer, Rhio noted that she feels she wasn't on her A game for their recent match, and that on a better day, she could dethrone Vaquer.

"Definitely. Do you know what? It was really fun, but I'm not going to lie to you. The past couple of days since then, I've been a bit angry with myself because I know fine well that on my A game, as good as she is, she is phenomenal. But I know on my A game that I'm unbeatable and the fact, like, I don't feel that I was on my A game that day and I don't feel like I gave her everything I could, and that resulted in me not winning the New Japan Strong Women's Championship, which, I mean, it's purple, so it's made for me, really, let's be honest,. But, yeah, definitely, I think that was a hard pill to swallow is that, I mean, I was not the better woman of the day. That is always one that sucks to have to say out loud. But, yeah. I think I know for a fact that when I am 100% mentally on my A game with that, that I could beat Stephanie. I know that. Like, there's no part of me. So I feel like I'm angry at myself because I feel like I let that champion slip through my fingers. It was, you know, definitely not easy. You know what I mean? Like I say, again, facing her is no easy challenge. And there's a reason. She is a triple champion. But... I also think as well what part of my problem as well was I wasn't on my A game because I'm too busy chasing the Rev Pro one as well, because I was supposed to wrestle Dani Luna before that but she had like a car broke down or something so in the back of my head I've like I already knew that I'd thrown out the challenge for the 2nd of June, so as cool as FantascaMania was and like Stephanie and stuff I think in my head in like the back of my mind was always but I've got Dani Luna and that's the one, because then that makes me the triple champion. If I beat Dani Luna next weekend, I am then the Rev Pro, ICW and Progress champions. Triple champ, sorry. Yeah, I'm the triple champ. So I think in my I am so focused on that right now. Like I'm trading everything for that, and I know that Dani Luna doesn't die and she's jacked as well. So she's probably one of the most jacked people i've probably ever faced. So I know I'm, in my head, I'm preparing for that. I need to be ready. I can't let that slip through my fingers. In the process of that, I've let the New Japan one slip through my fingers. So similar to what we were saying before with the question of, like, would I like to go on like a Nina Samuels chase? See, this is where, for me, I put so much into them that if I focus too much on one, I don't want to lose the other. And that has literally just happened to me. I'd like to face Stephanie. I'd like to face the CMLL girls again as well anyway. Let me focus on the Rev Pro Championship. That's the one I'm going for next. That's the one I want, and then I, like I say, to be a triple champion, I think, I mean, that's never been done by anyone. So I think, well, I'll be a legitimate double world champion and undisputed British women's champion. So yeah, that is the main goal. But then after that, Stephanie Vaquer, then my focus, My focus is on her. I know she's coming back in August as well. So then I'll have enough time. I'll be re-prepared."

As Rhio mentioned, Vaquer is scheduled to return to the UK in August with Rev Pro.

Rhio is currently scheduled to defend the Progress Women's World Championship on Monday in the first ever ladder match with the championship on the line. Lizzy Evo, Kanji and Nina Samuels are set to challenge Rhio for the title.

Elsewhere in her interview with Fightful, Rhio stated her belief that it is time for a Progress Super Strong Style 16 tournament for women. You can read more about that here.

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