More names have been removed from Impact's roster on their website recently. This doesn't necessarily mean they are completely gone with Impact, but none of the people below were on the last set of tapings. The people removed from the site include:
- Alisha Edwards, wife of Eddie Edwards. She is mostly remembered for a feud between her and her husband against Angelina Love and Davey Richards. She has since seen her name added back to the roster page.
- Swoggle, who had been used mostly for comedy purposes. He made his debut back during a Broken Hardyz segment and stayed on to mostly feud with Rockstar Spud.
- The Veterans of War, Mayweather (Crimson) and Wilcox (Jax Dane, former NWA champion). They were hyped and brought in this past May, but haven't been a part of the last few tapings.
- Mahabali Shera, who was signed as a part of TNA's efforts to tap into the India market. He had been used often, and they even tried to get him to go viral with a dance called the Shera Shake, but wasn't used at the last set of tapings.
This all comes as a ton of people have either decided not to resign or were cut altogether, including cutting most referees, the retirement of Gail Kim and James Storm's departure at the last set of tapings.