Kris Wolf Says She Drops Too Many F-Bombs And Attacks Too Many Children For WWE

Indie wrestler Kris Wolf was interviewed by Women's Wrestling Weekly. You can see submitted highlights below, and the full podcast above or at this link.

What plans does Kris have for the near future?

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At the end of August I’m going to go to Germany for the rest of the year, and I’ll bounce around in Europe and the UK. And then after that, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll come back to the US again, but I don’t really feel like I have a permanent place just yet, because I just feel awkward [laughs].


Top five people Kris wants to wrestle:

I feel like this would be my exit out of the game, and be like, Maito Santomora, Aja Kong, um, I mean, basically people who could like, destroy me, because then I’d be done. Walter! Tim Thatcher! Um, Brian Cage! [Laughs] This would be like, Kris’s sendoff! Maybe Walter would be the last one...


Any plans to pursue Mae Young/ROH/WWE:

I don’t think so. Do you think I’d be appropriate? I feel like I would drop too many F-Bombs and attack too many children. I mean, like, I think it’s really cool and I really like watching it, I get hyped watching these women like perform. I’m so into it! But, like, I also know what wrestling does for me is this kind of moment where I can do whatever the fuck I want, and I can be myself, and like, you know, this is my job. So, I’m not interested in being anything else but myself, and I think I’ve been lucky that each promotion that’s asked me to work for them is like, “You be you, Kris!” And I’m like, “Yes, thank you!!! Thank you!”

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