Match Ratings For WWE Raw 9/3/18, Podcast Notes From Sean Ross Sapp Of

Opening segment 

  • Renee Young is back on commentary. Sweet.
  • Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre come out and wait for a video air.
  • Ah, there we go. "I don't give a damn if any of uuuuuuuuuuu peeeeeeeeeople like it or not." The go to heel line in WWE.
  • McIntyre and Ziggler says they're going to be the most dominating group of all time. The Shield interrupts them. 
  • Corbin sends a bunch of wrestlers out and they all get beaten up by The Shield. The camera zooms and cuts are at an all-time worst here. The brawl is just fine, but the production is totally miserable. 
  • None of these guys had trouble neutralizing Ziggler or McIntyre in 2014......
  • Why would anyone go to commercial right now?
  • The whole Shield is being arrested and there's a near riot backstage. Corbin looks overwhelmed. 
  • We're told the Shield were arrested, appeared in front of a judge, were arraigned and charged with inciting a riot. AT TEN PM EST ON LABOR DAY.
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Bella Twins defeated Riott Squad (w/ Ruby Riott)

  • Nikki lands a swinging armbreaker from the second rope, then the Bellas drop Logan's shoulders across their knees. 
  • Brie ready to hand out those free surgeries with Knee Mode.
  • Brie completely screws up a suicide dive attempt. Back from a commercial, she hits a missile dropkick.
  • Brie botches ANOTHER suicide dive, and Nikki wins with a Rack Attack 2.0 on Liv Morgan.

Chad Gable & Bobby Roode defeated The Ascension

  • Charly Caruso interviews Bobby Roode and Chad Gable. This is very fake and cheesy.
  • The Ascension run Roode and Gable down, calling Roode a flash in the pan. Gable is called a sawed off duck butt. 
  • Gable lands a cool suplex, but after there's some pretty mediocre tag team action until he gets a hot tag again later. 
  • Gable finishes the hot tag with a rolling bridging German suplex. Bobby Roode is ecstatic. 


  • Elias comes out and cuts a promo about Ohio being total idiots. He's interrupted by Alexa Bliss, Alicia Fox and Mickie James.
  • Alexa Bliss gets a huge pop and puts over the crowd, and does an OH-I-O chant. Of course, she heels the audience after that and calls them zombies.
  • She apologizes to Elias for Trish Stratus, and asks him to perform a song. She also calls Natalya Rousey's pet cat. WWE really has Alexa Bliss cut her lines like she wants to bang everyone.
  • Ronda Rousey interrupts, and then Natalya for their scheduled matches.

Alexa Bliss (w/ Mickie James & Alicia Fox) defeated Natalya (w/ Ronda Rousey)

  • Alexa Bliss looks leaner than in recent months. 
  • Natalya looks on her game. She's all over the place and hits her slingshot release atomic drop. 
  • Alexa Bliss has a great right hand. Alicia Fox and Mickie James help Bliss cheat and Bliss hits a DDT.
  • Bliss applies a really bad armbar and Natalya taps. 
  • Rousey comes in to make the save and ragdolls Fox with judo arm drags.
  • Bliss attacks with a chop block and runs Rousey into the stairs. Rousey fights Bliss off.
  • Bellas come back and offer Rousey their help training backstage. Natalya says she isn't feeling like herself.

WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre defeated The B-Team (c) to win the titles

  • Strowman says since The Shield are gone tonight, Corbin needs to find them some competition. They want a tag title shot and insinuate The Revival won't be able to compete.
  • The Revival vs. McIntyre and Ziggler will be unbelievable when it happens.
  • McIntyre and Ziggler attack the Revival backstage and take their places in the title match.
  • B-Team rolls early on and get some good, still offense in. 
  • After getting worked over by McIntyre, Dallas connects with a nice tornado DDT. He follows with a neckbreaker, then we see a double tag. 
  • Axel gets a PerfectPlex on Ziggler, but his bridge leaves a lot to be desired. Ziggler ends up nailing a superkick.
  • Zig Zag Claymore gets the win. New tag team champions.
  • This title switch needed to happen, and the spot here was obviously to kill some time. The B-Team have had some level of protection, but this should have been shorter.

Authors of Pain (w/ Drake Maverick) defeated jobberskis

  • Drake Maverick looks ridiculous with AOP. 
  • AOP needed a manager bad. I don't know that they needed Drake Maverick wearing the same gear as them though. 
  • They're facing a couple of enhancement guys and beat the shit out of them.
  • A pop up assisted Death Valley Driver into the corner!
  • Super Collider back. They needed a reboot. WWE wasted a half-year of AOP's careers.
  • They had to get rid of the Last Chapter. 


  • Shawn Michaels comes out and says that he thinks Triple H will beat the Undertaker.
  • THE UNDERTAKER returns!! He says he knows he took the most important thing from Michaels -- his career. 
  • Shawn Michaels says he's a man of his word about his retirement. Every time he's in a ring he hears "one more match," and the whole roster begs to face him. He stays retired out of respect to Undertaker.
  • Undertaker says it's out of fear because he'd put HBK down again. In Melbourne, he'll put Triple H down, too.
  • Man, I did not expect this meaningful segment to be dropped in my lap on Monday Night Raw September 3 in the year of our Hogfather 2018.

Boss N' Hug Connection defeated Dana Brooke & Ember Moon (w/ Titus Worldwide)

  • Ember Moon teaming with Dana? Sure, why not? It's different.
  • Dana Brooke has improved a lot in the ring and looks like she's playing to her strengths.
  • Titus and Apollo are arguing ringside and Dana Brooke yells at them.
  • Sasha wins with a headscissors pin. 
  • Dana Brooke tells Titus Worldwide she's done.


  • Bobby Lashley is giving a performance review and is ordered to attend a meditation from Jinder Mahal.
  • Lashley calls Mahal and Sunil "MY MAN" a lot.
  • He's actually trying to participate, but Kevin Owens shows up and attacks him. Powerbomb on the apron.
  • I think their match will be pretty good.

Braun Strowman (w/ Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre) defeated Finn Balor

  • Finn Balor challenges Baron Corbin to a match and accuses him of having a small dick.
  • Corbin asks a stage hand to clean his rolex. He later tells Balor he's been so busy.
  • Braun Strowman is the opponent.
  • Balor gets on Strowman's back with a choke and does a double stomp to his back off the apron.
  • Strowman gets posted, per usual. 
  • Man, that's an incredibly bad triangle set up. Balor pulled guard. 
  • Pulling guard from the second rope is not an extraordinary thing.
  • Powerslam. Pin. 
  • This was the worst match I've seen from either guy in a long time.
  • The Shield are back. DID THEY STEAL THE COP CAR!??!?!
  • The WWE heels all attack The Shield. Strowman stairs Reigns.
  • Rollins is sent into a police van window off the stage and gets cut open.
  • Strowman powerslams Reigns on the floor. 
  • I mean to be fair, if I were on the WWE roster and the Shield came back, I'd probably organize this too based on their history.


10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a "star rating," which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive "TV match" lands at a 5.

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