AEW Dark Results 12/08/20 Brian Cage, Gunn Club, The Acclaimed, Jurassic Express, Big Swole, More

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Baron Black vs. Sonny Kiss w/Joey Janela

The match starts with Sonny ducking a punch from Baron and kicks him. Baron recovers and hits Sonny with the Backstabber. Black gets Sonny into the corner, and he runs into, but he avoids the suplex. Sonny hits the Hurricanrana on Black, followed up with a Legdrop. Sonny goes to the top of the turnbuckle, but Black stops him. Sonny avoided his attack when Black was attempting a Powerbomb, but Sonny sends him to the corner, and Sonny finishes the match by hitting the Big Splitting Leg Drop and then pins him.

Winner: Sonny Kiss

Danny Limelight vs. Brian Cage

Limelight walks in front of Cage and flexes, and the match starts. Limelight avoids Cage; he goes outside the ring and then gets back by attacking Cage right away with an Enzenguiri. Limelight does diving Hurricanrana. Cage gets out of the ring, and then Limelight does a Tornado over the top rope. Cage recovers and just throwing him around and then throws Limelight in the ring. Cage throws him into the ropes and hits a slam. Cage hits a Powershot, but Limelight recovers. Limelight hits the Canadian Destroyer. Cage recovers and then catches Limelight attempting a DDT, and then Powerbombed him and picked him back up and then does a Bucklebomb. Cage then picks up Limelight for the Drill Claw; and then pins him for the win.

Winner: Brian Cage


Alex Garcia vs. Nyla Rose w/Vickie Guerrero

The Match starts with a lockup, but Nyla throws Garcia down right away. Garcia starts throwing strikes, but it does nothing to Garcia. Nyla picks up Garcia and gets her into the corner, and starts throwing punches. Then Nyla goes to the opposite corner and runs and gives Garcia an elbow. Rose picks Garcia up and does the Oklahoma Stampede. Nyla picks up Garcia again and hits the Beast Bomb, and then pins Garcia for the win.

Vickie then gets in the ring to cut a promo and talks about Nyla taking out another victim.

Winner: Nyla Rose

- We go to The Waiting Room with Dr. Britt Baker, and her guest is Dustin Rhodes. Britt first congratulates Kenny Omega. She then welcomes Sting to AEW and says that Sting will eventually be in The Waiting Room. Then she says Thunder Rosa is lucky that AEW officials stopped her from messing up Rosa's face. She then welcomes her guest Dustin Rhodes.

She starts talking about the Two-Pack Action Figure Dual Set. She takes a shot at Dustin and says, "the guy is 80-years-old, and he's busting out five-star matches. Baker asks, "why is Cody's contract so much bigger than yours?" He replies, saying he makes way more money than she does. Then Dustin adds on, saying, "Hey, did your boyfriend win the match of the year? No, me and Cody won the match of the year." They zoom in on Baker, who now has what appears to be an angry expression on her face. Dustin says he will be facing 10 of The Dark Order, and he says he will bring it all to stop The Dark Order. Baker ends the interview by saying the 80-year-old needs to go to bed, and she needs to get home to her former Wrestler of the Year Boyfriend."

10 of The Dark Order vs. Aaron Solow

10 and Solow start with a lock-up. 10 goes for the Dark Order signature move, but Solow tries to show off his strength, but it does not work. 10 hits a dropkick, and then 10 goes in for a Side Headlock, but instead powers over Solow. 10 then hits the Spinebuster. 10 is wearing Solow is down, but he hits the Stalling Suplex. Solow now starts trying to mount his comeback by doing a Spinning High Kick on 10. Solow then goes for a Cazadora, but 10 grabs up Solow and bounces him onto the ropes and then a High-Angle Suplex. 10 nails a Ripcord Clothesline on Solow and gets the win.

Winner: 10 of The Dark Order

Peter Avalon vs. Louie Valle

Peter Avalon tells Valle "not to touch his face" before they lock up. Avalon gets Valle to the mat as he hits multiple strikes onto Valle. Avalon and Valle are exchanging punches; Avalon avoids a strike but hits the Leg Lariat. Valle countered Avalon's punch but then does an Irish-whip into the corner and hits a second-rope Dropkick. Avalon has Valle up and bounces him off the ropes, and does a Samoan Drop. Avalon uses the Marti-knees for the pin.

Winner: Peter Avalon

- Avalon issues an open challenge. He says it can be anyone except for people who have "bad skin" or "overweight" and "have the science of beauty." He said, "Pretty Peter's Pageant Provocation" will be next week.

Shawn Dean, Sean Maluta, and Ryzin vs. The Gunn Club

Gunn Club makes its entrance on a golf cart. Taz gets upset, and then he says that he has never liked Gunn and says, "Gunn has never beaten him." Colten and Dean begin the match; Dean hits the quick-arm drag on Colten. Colten then does an arm-drag and follows it up with a dropkick.  Colten tags in Billy; Billy tells the guys to stop messing around and get serious, that allows Dean to tag Maluta. However, The Gunn Club is controlling the action. Maluta gains an advantage and then hits a Samoan Drop on Austin Gunn. Austin escapes Maluta's wrist hold by going outside the ring; Ryzin hits him with the clothesline outside the ring. Austin is now cornered; Dean is making fun of The Gunn Club and brings down Colten.  Austin makes a comeback; he and Dean hit each other with a clothesline. Billy and Ryzin are now in; Billy takes down everyone with ease. Billy Gunn yells at Ryzin and tells him to "Suck It," Ryzin countered Gunn's Famouser by kicking Gunn. Ryzin now tells Gunn to "Suck it," then goes but misses the Moonsault attempt. Billy capitalizes and now hits the Famouser and pins Ryzin.

Winner: The Gunn Club

Red Velvet vs. Dani Jordyn

The match begins with both opponents trying to get the upper hand at a fast pace. Dani can catch Red Velvet uses a small package roll-up for a close two count. Dani attempts to do a Pump-Kick on Velvet but missed because she was showboating in-front of Red Velvet, allowing Red Velvet to make a comeback and hits the Northern Lights Suplex, and then double knees the back of Dani's head and then hits a big boot and Velvet pins Dani for the victory.

Winner: Red Velvet

Falco and Mike Magnum vs. Jurassic Express

The match begins with Luchasaurus in the ring; however, Stunt wants in and tells Luchasaurus; Luchasaurus obliges and lets him in. Falco then throws down Stunt and begins showboating in front of Stunt. Marko looks mad and then starts with some quick offensive. Marko hits a DDT on Falco. Magnum is now in after being tagged.  Stunt gets Magnum into his corner and then tags in Luchasaurus; Luchasaurus hits Magnum with a big strike. Magnum is now trying to make a comeback with chops; Luchasaurus is not bothered and hits Magnum back. Luchasaurus tagged in Stunt now and throws Marko, who now after Magnum. Magnum takes grabs, Falco, Stunt now takes on both guys simultaneously and makes the tag to Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus is now in control with Falco and Magnum, then nails both guys with a Double Clothesline. Magnum and Falco attempt to counter with their own Double Chokeslam, but Stunt can tag in Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus hits another chokeslam on Falco with Stunt doing the Leg Lariat and goes for the pin, and Jurassic Express wins.

Winners: The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt)

Brandon Cutler vs. Fuego Del Sol

Cutler and Del Sol attempt to hit finishers at the beginning of the match, but each counter. Cutler hits the Tope Suicida; Cutler now is showboating, allowing Del Sol almost to get an upset win with a roll-up. Cutler is now using his power to gain control and hits the LDL but gets a two count. Cutler hits a Springboard Elbow Strike, but Del Sol starts getting punches in and does a Facebuster to Cutler but can only get a two count. Cutler and Del Sol both attempt to do the Cross Rhodes, but Del Sol is the one who can hit the Cross Rhodes on Cutler. Cutler is soon able to count Del Sol's DDT attempt and use the TPK and gets the victory.

Winner: Brandon Cutler

Skyler Moore vs. Ivelisse

Ivelisse hits Skyler with a quick strike;  Skyler recovers but can escape Ivelisse. Skyler is now trying to hit Ivelisse in the corner; however, Ivelisse is now controlling the action. Ivelisse hits Moore with a Swinging Neck Breaker and then puts Moore into the Dragon Sleeper. Skyler can escape and attempts to roll up Ivelisse but can only get a two count. Ivelisse hits Skyler with a nasty clothesline and goes for the on but only a two count. Ivelisse is now trying to get Moore into the sleeper. Moore can counter with an Arm Drag. Skyler uses the Neck Breaker but is troubled because of the sleeper. Moore uses some strong moves on Ivelisse.  Ivelisse recovers and gets Moore in a Hold Variation and makes Skyler tap.

Winner: Ivelisse

Big Swole vs. Lindsay Snow

Swole gets Snow in a side headlock,  Snow powers out into a modified version of the Tazmission. Swole gets out of it and does a big boot onto Snow. Swole is bear-hugging Snow; Snow hits Swole's ears to get out of it. The two trade strikes,  Swole gets the upper. Swole continues to get strikes in on Snow's back. Lindsay goes after Swole by using a knee into the midsection of Swole's and takes her down. She attempts to pin Swole but only gets the one count. Swole can get some room by avoiding Snow for a few seconds. Snow runs into the corner and hits multiple knee strikes on Swole and now uses her boot on Swole. Swole escapes the Shining Wizard and does some chops. They both counter each other multiple times, but Swole gets the upper hand when she catches Snow, does a rollup pin, and gets the win.

Winner: Big Swole


Sotheara Chhun & VSK vs. The Hybrid2

The match begins with Hybrid2 jumping on Chhun and VSK while talking about who will begin the match. Angelico gets Chhun onto the outside, now Angelico and Evans begin double-teaming VSK. Chhun is back in the ring and does a Diving Crossbody onto Evans and Angelico. Chhun and VSK both  Suplexes on both Evans and Angelico. Hybrid2 are back in control and use a Combo Back Suplex and the Diving Stomp. They make another combination move, and then Angelico goes for the pin and the win; Evans stops him so they can do the Young Bucks signature pose. Evans now nails VSK with a spinning kick as Angelico hits the Navarro Death Roll and then locks in the Inverted Figure Four, and they win by submission.

Winners: The Hybrid2 (Angelico & Jack Evans)

Diamante vs. Tesha Price

Diamante slaps Price in the face right away, and now Price tries to lock-up. Diamante is in control and has Price's wrist. Tesha counters it into an arm drag, and then she and Diamante stare each other down. Price missed a cartwheel kick, which allowed Diamante to hit the Back Suplex. Diamante now is in control against Price; Diamante does a powerful, strong corner dropkick but only gets a two count. Diamante now has Price in a chin lock. Price can work her way out; now she and Diamante are trading strikes. Price counters Diamante by using the Neckbreaker. Price hit Diamante with a cartwheel kick and then his facebuster; however, only a two count. Diamante countered Price and hits the Standing Sliced Bread. Price rolls up Diamante, yet Diamante kicks out and gets up quickly to hit the Code Red and get the win.

Winner: Diamante

Shanna vs. Freya States

Shanna goes for the lock-up, but States doesn't let her. States is showing off her power by getting Shanna up with one arm. Shanna is striking States and then hits the Neckbreaker. States show's her power again to try and slow down Shanna, and Shanna comes back with strong strikes to counter. States caught Shanna and now slams her onto the corner turnbuckle. She goes for the cannonball, but Shanna moves and then begins with strikes and then the stunner. Shanna now is going for the Tiger Suplex, but States powered out. States again catches Shanna;  Shanna countered it into a DDT. Shanna back in control and dropkick's States, and then Shanna hits States, goes for the Tiger Suplex, and does the bridge pin for the win.

Winner: Shanna

Jon Cruz & Michael Nakazawa vs. The Acclaimed

Caster comes out and is dropping another freestyle rap, with Bowens reacting to Caster's rap. Nakazawa hid his baby oil. Nakazawa and Caster are starting it off. The Acclaimed are beginning to work on Nakazawa, Nakazawa grabs his baby oil and starts to spray it all over the ring, and it also goes onto Bowens. Nakazawa now tags in Cruz, but the ref is distracted, and The Acclaimed starts getting some extra strikes on Cruz. Cruz now tries to take on The Acclaimed by himself but to no avail. The Acclaimed hit a combination move on Cruz. Caster is now starting to taunt Nakazawa, then does a Back Suplex to Cruz. Cruz and Nakazawa get the upper hand, and Cruz hits the bulldog. Cruz tags in Nakazawa, and now Nakazawa is taking both members of The Acclaimed, but they easily avoid a splash by Nakazawa.  Nakazawa can use Bowens, and this allows him to push Caster away. Nakazawa is attempting to take out his thong, but Bowens gets to Nakazawa. The Acclaimed hit a combination move on Cruz. They then go to use the Acclaim to Fame and get the win.

Winner: The Acclaimed

The Varsity Blondes (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) vs. Colt Cabana & Alex Reynolds

Reynolds and Garrison start the match off. Garrison hits a few shoulder tackles on Reynolds and follows it with a bodyslam. Pillman and Garrison are working together to keep the advantage going. Pillman Jr. tags in and Varsity Blondes start building themselves up with a small celebration of sorts and begin hitting, getting some great strikes in on Cabana and Reynolds. Cabana gets an undercut in on Pillman Jr.; however, in just a short-time, Pillman Jr. hits Cabana with a boot and tries to escape; it did not work as Reynolds is now dragging him by the hair. Reynolds lays-down a big strike onto Pillman Jr., and now he takes out Garrison in the corner. The Dark Order is continuing to wear Pillman Jr. down, but Pillman Jr. is fighting his way back into the match, and he gets to tag in Garrison eventually. Garrison is now bringing his quickness against Reynolds and Cabana. The Varsity Blondes try for a combination move, but The Dark Order counter with their own move and go for the pin. Pillman, The Dark Order, is trying to finish this match quickly. Varsity Blondes gain control and hit the Blockbuster, and get the victory for the win!

Winner: The Varsity Blondes


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