AEW Dynamite 6/4/21 Friday Dynamite Britt Baker Celebration, Young Bucks vs. PAC and Penta El Zero M

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We are welcome to AEW Dynamite by AEW Commentator Jim Ross. He starts with his regular catchphrase, “It’s Friday night, and you know what that means.” He then welcomes us to Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida, “Home of the Jags.”

Hiroshi Tanahashi Says He Will Transition Into Full-Time Office Role With NJPW After His Retirement Match

PAC and Pentagon Jr. vs. The Young Bucks ( w/ Don Callis and The Good Brothers)

Before the match starts, Frankie Kazarian attacks Karl Anderson, and they chase after Kazarian. The match begins with PAC and Pentagon Jr. with the first strikes and gets some strikes; The Young Bucks recover, and the action goes into the ring. The bell finally rings with Matt Jackson and PAC; both teams get a flurry off offense and exchange tags quite a bit. PAC hits Nick Jackson with a shooting star press, and he is the legal man. Nick Jackson is outside the ring, and PAC goes after him; Nick holds Brandon Cutler to distract PAC. Matt Jackson then kicks PAC in the face, and PAC goes down. The Young Bucks are controlling the match; however, PAC comes back and hits Matt Jackson with a huge clothesline.

Matt and Nick Jackson continue to exchange tags some more and continue their beat down until PAC moves out of the way and Matt misses the splash in the corner. PAC tags Pentagon Jr. and Pentagon hit Matt and Nick with the switchblade; Pentagon goes for the pin, but Nick breaks up the tag. Pentagon makes it over to PAC for the tag, and PAC hits Matt Jackson with a pop-up powerbomb. PAC and Pentagon hit Nick Jackson with a double thrust kick. Pentagon hits Nick Jackson with a destroyer; Matt Jackson gets the blind tag, and he hits Pentagon with his own destroyer.

PAC and Nick Jackson are in the middle of the ring and exchange tags. Nick Jackson takes the mask off of Pentagon, but Pentagon has another mask underneath. Pentagon gets the upper hand and takes Nick down; PAC is tagged in, and he hits the Black Arrow. PAC goes for the pin, but Matt breaks it up. The referee is distracted, and Brandon Cutler hits PAC with an object. This allows Nick to pin PAC to get the pin and the win.

Winner: The Young Bucks (w/ Don Callis and The Good Brothers)

- Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview Mark Henry. Mark Henry says he is not in AEW to fix things because AEW does not need to be fixed. Tony asks Mark if he will wrestle again; Mark says he's not sure, but he has a lot in the tank left. Vickie Guerrero then introduces Andrade! The crowd is excited and chanting, "AEW, AEW, AEW." Andrade says, "he will be the face of AEW," and he leaves with Vickie Guerrero.

Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson (w/ Arn Anderson) vs. QT Marshall and Anthony Ogogo (w/ Aaron Solow)

Cody Rhodes, Lee Johnson, and Arn Anderson are out first. The match begins with Lee Johnson and QT Marshall, and Johnson takes control and gets a few shots in on Marshall. Johnson then tags in Cody Rhodes, and Rhodes gets some strikes in before tagging Johnson back in. QT retreats and tags in Anthony Ogogo; Ogogo wants Rhodes, so Cody is tagged in, and Ogogo has the advantage and gets some strikes in on Rhodes before he tags Marshall back in.

Marshall now gives Rhodes a few jabs; Rhodes gets away and tags in Johnson. Johnson then hits Marshall with a series of strikes. He sends Marshall out of the ring; Johnson goes after him, Ogogo turns the corner, hits him with a heavy punch, and rolls Johnson back into the ring. Marshall is in complete control and just wearing down Johnson; they head out to their first picture-in-picture commercial with Marshall punishing Lee Johnson.

They return from the commercial, and Johnson almost immediately gets to Rhodes for the hot tag. Cody brings some intensity by hitting QT with a monkey flip; Rhodes has a second and takes out Ogogo. Ogogo was waiting for a possible tag. Rhodes hits Marshall with a powerslam. Rhodes puts Marshall in the figure four; Ogogo jumps on top of Rhodes's face from the turnbuckle. Marshall then hits Rhodes with a Diamond Cutter; Marshall goes for the pin, but Rhodes kicks out, and Lee Johnson also dives on top of both men even though Rhodes kicked out of the pin.

Rhodes goes to finish it; however, Aaron Solow distracts the referee, allowing Ogogo to hit Rhodes with his heavy punch, which ends it. Marshall goes for the pin and gets the win.

Winner: QT Marshall and Anthony Ogogo (w/ Aaron Solow)

- Inner Circle is now in the ring and taking in the fans singing "Judas." Jericho says, "let me introduce you to the 2021 winners of the Stadium Stampede". Jericho tells the fans that they give the fans free Inner Circle shirts; he tells the fans to check under their seats. Jericho then introduces the "hero of the night," Sammy Guevara; Guevara talks about "doing a 630 splash at home when he was younger to main eventing at Double or Nothing". Santana and Hager say they are not done with The Pinnacle. Hager challenges Wardlow to an MMA fight in two weeks. Jericho says he is not done with MJF, and "it will never be over." Jericho says, "he will beat MJF and The Pinnacle that it isn't over."

- They go to a backstage vignette with Chuckie T and Trent talking about how Omega cheated, and Cassidy says, "you think this is over, it's not."

- Now, they go to a backstage vignette with Kenny Omega and Don Callis. Callis says next week they will show a video that shows that people are working against Omega. Kenny then talks about his future match against Jungle Boy.

Jungle Boy and Christian Cage vs. Private Party (w/ Matt Hardy)

The match begins with Christian Cage and Isiah Kassidy; Cage gets some punches in and tags Jungle in right away, and he begins getting some strs in. Marq Quen is now the legal man, and he gets a few strikes in on Jungle Boy, but it does not last long, and Marq Quen hits Jungle Boy with a big dropkick. Private Party is controlling the match; Jungle Boy avoids a senton from Kennedy. Jungle Boy gets to Christian Cage for the hot tag, and Cage is in control and throwing multiple punches at Kennedy while standing on the middle turnbuckle; until Marq Quen distracts the referee Aubrey Edwards.

The distraction allows Matt Hardy to drop Cage onto the top rope. They now head to another picture-in-picture commercial break with Private Party in control, and they continue their beat down on Christian Cage. They are back from the commercial break, and Private Party messes around, allowing Christian Cage to hit both Private Party members with an inverted DDT. Cage makes it to Jungle Boy for the hot tag, and Jungle Boy clears the ring and hits Marq Quen with a big brainbuster and then follows it up with a DDT. Jungle Boy has Kassidy in the snare trap, and Marq Quen breaks it up; however, Jungle Boy puts it back on, and Kassidy taps out. After the match, Matt Hardy hits Christian Cage with the Twist of Fate and then runs away.

Winners: Jungle Boy and Christian Cage

- Taz does a promo and tells Adam Page that he got lucky at Double or Nothing, and they are not done.

- Tony Schiavone is now in the ring to interview Sting and Darby Allin. Tony congratulates Sting and Allin; Sting says at Double or Nothing will be a night he never will forget. The fans chant, "you still got it." Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page show up on the big screen, telling Darby Allin that Sting is carrying him. Sky tells Allin to find anyone else other than Sting and challenge them to a match. Darby does not get a word in, and they go to a commercial.

Tony Schiavone is now introducing Dr. Britt Baker to celebrate the new AEW Women's Champion. The ring is halfway filled with some of the heels in AEW. Baker says there are some coupons for a free burger under their seats; she then says they are not there. She has them; she talks about how nobody believed in her. She then told Tony to grab a burger, and he does; Nyla Rose then walks over and knocks the burgers out of her hands, and Rose walks out. Baker was not happy with what went down and is annoyed as she watches Rose walk away.

The Bunny (w/ The Blade) vs. Red Velvet (w/ Big Swole and KiLynn King)

Red Velvet enters the ring, sees the Bunny coming right after her, drops her onto the middle ropes, then hits a double knee strike on The Bunny. Red Velvet goes for the pin, but The Bunny kicks out; The Bunny now controls the match. She takes out Red Velvet with a thrust kick, and Velvet falls out of the ring. The Bunny is in complete control; she hits Velvet with a sliding elbow. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with The Bunny continuing her assault on Red Velvet.

Red Velvet is now in control; she hits The Bunny with a rising knee strike and then a stunner; Velvet goes for the pin; however, The Bunny kicks out. The Blade hands over some brass knuckles to The Bunny but Red Velvet avoids her and hits The Bunny with a thrust kick to the face. Red velvet goes for the pin and gets the win.

Winner: Red Velvet (w/ Big Swole and KiLynn King)

- They go to a backstage promo with The Dark Order, and John Silver says that he talked to Tony and is going to give a TNT title shot; he then says he is not cleared, so he gives it to Evil Uno.

- Miro cuts a promo and says that he wanted to say hi to his hot wife and take on Evil Uno on next week's Dynamite. They announce other matches for next week's Dynamite. Adam Page and Dark Order's 10 will go against Brian Cage and Powerhouse Hobbs, The Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler will team up and go against PAC, Penta El Zero Em, and Eddie Kingston.

Bull Rope Match
Dustin Rhodes vs. Nick Comoroto

Nick Comoroto comes out and begins attacking Dustin Rhodes. The ref has not started yet; the referee has to put the rope on. Dustin and Nick both exchange strikes, and neither men take control as they continue to strike each other. Rhodes hit Comoroto with the bell on the bull rope. The action goes outside the ring, and Comoroto has the advantage until he takes his focus off Dustin and pushes Fuego Del Sol. Comoroto turns around to go back after Rhodes, and Fuego Del Sol jumps on the back of Comoroto and attempts to attack him, but it did not work. Comoroto threw Del Sol into the crowd of wrestlers and then walked away. Dustin is back up and hits Aaron Solow with a right. Rhodes then turns around and hits Comoroto with the bell, and Comoroto is busted open and is bleeding pretty good.

They go to their last picture-in-picture commercial with Comoroto in charge. He is beating Rhodes down, and Comoroto gets a few punches and elbows in on Dustin Rhodes; very soon, however, Rhodes retakes control. Aaron Solow pulls a table out from the bottom of the ring, and Comoroto tries to throw Rhodes through the table, but Rhodes hits Comoroto with the bell. Rhodes is distracted by Solow, and Comoroto grabs Rhodes and now slams Dustin through the table. Solow takes the padding off the turnbuckle and exposes it. Solow is trying to get involved again, but now Colton Gunn comes out of nowhere and attacks Solow, and they head off.

Rhodes hits Comoroto with a bulldog; he goes for the pin, but Comoroto kicks out. Dustin hits another bulldog after Comoroto's head hits the exposed corner of the turnbuckle; Rhodes then takes out Comoroto and gets the pin and the victory.

Winner: Dustin Rhodes

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