AEW Dynamite 7/14/21 Fyter Fest Night 1 Coffin Match Allin vs. Page, IWGP U.S. Title Match, and more

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- AEW commentator Jim Ross begins the show with, "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means. Ross then welcomes the viewer to the H-E-B Center in Deer Park, Texas, for Fyter Fest week one.

NXT North American Title Match Between Tony D'Angelo And Oba Femi At NXT Halloween Havoc To Be Decided By Pinfall

IWGP United States Championship Match
"Machine Gun" Karl Anderson (w/ Doc Gallows) vs. Jon Moxley (C) (w/ Eddie Kingston)

Jon Moxley is out first, and the crowd goes nuts for him; Karl Anderson is out second to some jeers. AEW commentator Excalibur mentions the Bullet Club and how it started and name drops Prince Devitt (Finn Balor) and Tama Tonga. Before the match begins, Eddie Kingston starts attacking Doc Gallows, and the two continue their fight and leave the ringside area.

The match begins with Jon Moxley and Karl Anderson exchanging multiple punches; the crowd is overwhelmingly all for Moxley. The match is under NJPW rules; the action goes outside, and Moxley and Anderson are outside the ring until the fifteen-second mark.

Karl Anderson hits Moxley with a nice spinebuster; Anderson goes to the top turnbuckle; however, Moxley is right back up and bites Karl Anderson and then delivers a superplex to Anderson. Next, Moxley hits Anderson with a release German suplex, but Anderson is back up, and both men hit multiple stereo clotheslines.

Anderson and Moxley both are exchanging strikes; Anderson counters Moxley's offense and slams him down hard. Anderson then goes to the top and hits him with a variation move of a cutter. Next, Anderson hits Moxley with another cutter. The cameras show that Moxley's nose or mouth is busted open. The action continues with Anderson getting some strong shots in; Moxley counters Anderson's offense and hits the Paradigm Shift, then pins Karl Anderson to retain his IWGP United States title.

Winner and still IWGP United States Champion: Jon Moxley

- We go to a backstage segment with Lance Archer and Jake "The Snake" Roberts; Archer talks about how Moxley beat him for that title. Archer challenges Moxley in a Texas Death Match on next week's AEW Dynamite.

- We get a promo with Andrade El Idolo cuts a promo telling Alex Abrahantes that he is looking for the Death Triangle.

FTW Championship
Ricky Starks vs. Brian Cage (C)

Ricky Starks is out first, and then Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs are both shown at ringside. Taz is on commentary; Taz says that they are stuck in the middle and sell it that "they are torn" with who they want to win. Brian Cage starts just throwing Starks around easily. Cage is laying it in on Starks; Cage then hits Starks with a powerslam.

Starks now gets some offense in as Cage runs in for a shoulder tackle but misses. AEW goes to their first picture-in-picture commercial with Starks in complete control. Starks hits Cage with a nice chop and then starts attacking the back of Cage's left leg. This gets Cage somewhat agitated, and he starts getting some offense in on Starks now; Starks goes for a top rope maneuver. Cage starts lifting Starks and showboating. Starks counters and takes down Cage.

The action goes outside with Starks and Cage battling it out; it goes back into the ring with Cage taking Starks down with a huge slam. Starks hits Cage with a massive powerbomb, Starks goes for the pin, but Starks kicks out at two. Starks goes to grab the FTW title, and Powerhouse Hobbs does not let him grab it. Hook distracts the referee, and Hobbs hits Cage with the FTW title. Starks hits Cage with a spear and follows it up by pinning Cage, and we have a new FTW Champion.

Winner and New FTW Champion Ricky Starks

- Tony Schiavone and Excalibur talk about Malakai Black's debut last week; Cody Rhodes comes out and calls out Malakai Black. Black appears on the screen and tells a story about how he no longer sees "it" in the eyes of Arn Anderson and Cody Rhodes. Rhodes then tells Black to get to the ring, and Black says, "I was hoping you would say that," and the lights go out. The lights come back on, and now Rhodes and Black are exchanging strikes. AEW referees and management come out to break it up.

- We are back from the commercial break, and we see Alex Marvez talking to Tully Blanchard, Blanchard is leaving, and he comes across Santana and Ortiz. Santana and Ortiz appear as if they will attack him but don't, and then tell Blanchard to get FTR so that they can meet in the ring.

- We go to the ring, and Schiavone is there to interview Adam Page. He says he wants to challenge Kenny Omega; he is interrupted by Don Callis, The Young Bucks, Brandon Cutler, and Kenny Omega. Nick Jackson says that Page "is the next great tragedy in wrestling and that he doesn't have the balls to hit him. Page then hits Jackson, and The Dark Order makes the save before he gets attacked by The Elite.

Omega says The Elite will wrestle The Dark Order in a five-on-five elimination match. If Page's team wins, he gets his World title shot, and The Dark Order gets a Tag-Team Championship title shot. However, Omega says that Page "will lose his title shot when The Elite wins, and The Dark Order loses their tag-team title shot. But, Hangman says, "The Dark Order does not walk away from a fight," and that they accept.."

- We get a backstage promo, and Chris Jericho tells MJF that he doesn't care who he has to face him and that he will do what it takes to get to MJF. Shawn Spears comes in and hits Jericho with a chair, and MJF tells him that next week Spears will face Jericho, and the stipulation is that Spears can use a chair and Jericho cannot.

Christian Cage vs. Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy comes out with Private Party and Angelico, but Hardy sends them back to the back. Christian Cage is out second, and commentary mentions that Cage has never beaten Matt Hardy in a one-on-one match. The bell rings, but the crowd gets excited, and it stops both men; they then start with a lock-up.

Neither let go of the hold in the lock-up, and it goes to the outside of the ring. Cage gets a few shots in on Hardy and then tosses Hardy into the rails at ringside. Cage jumps from the top turnbuckle and nails Hardy on the outside. Cage gets Hardy back into the ring and hits him with a reverse DDT. Cage now hits Hardy with ten punches as the crowd counts out loud. Hardy then gets some offense in and throws Cage down head first onto the ring steps. Hardy gets the action back into the ring; Hardy catapults Cage into the bottom rope. We go to another picture-in-picture commercial with Hardy in control.

We return, and Hardy is still in control and hits Christian Cage with multiple bodyslams. Hardy then starts showboating, and Cage sweeps his legs out underneath him, and now Cage is in control. Cage goes for the Killswitch, however Hardy counters and goes for the Twist of Fate. Cage counters and then delivers a spear to Hardy, he goes for the pin, but Hardy kicks out. Cage is still in control, and Cage hits Hardy with a nice frog splash. Cage goes for the pin again, but Hardy kicks out. Hardy and Cage are exchanging strikes on the corner turnbuckle. Hardy hits Cage with a superplex from the top rope. Hardy goes for the pin, but Cage kicks out at two. Cage goes for inside cradle, and Hardy kicks out at two. Cage goes for another Killswitch, but Hardy kicks Cage in the groin, and the referee does not see it. Hardy hits Cage with the Twist of Fate, Hardy goes for the pin, but Cage kicks out at the last second. Hardy can't believe it, and he takes Cage out of the ring. Cage gets in back in at the nine-count and gets in the ring, and hits the Killswitch. Cage then pins Hardy to get his first singles to victory over Matt Hardy. After the match, Private Party and Angelico come out from backstage to attack Cage, but Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus make the save.

Winner: Christian Cage

- We get a promo from Miro, and he talks about how he became "God's favorite champion

- We get a promo from Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D., and she cuts a promo on how she is not scared of Nyla Rose, and Baker then says, "Vickie Guerrero, I know you are back there, and because of your last name, you will forever be tied to wrestling forever." We then get a short promo, and Nyla Rose says that she will beat Baker next week.

- Jon Moxley cuts a promo and accepts Lance Archer's challenge for Fyter Fest Night 2.

Wheeler Yuta (w/ Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy) vs. Sammy Guevara

Before the match, the camera shows The Blade and The Bunny at ringside. The match begins with Wheeler Yuta taking Sammy Guevara out with a shoulder tackle. The crowd is cheering Sammy Guevara big time; Yuta hits Guevara with a nasty back elbow. Guevara then hits Yuta with a big powerslam; Guevara hits a shooting star press after missing it twice. Guevara goes for another one, but Yuta gets his knees up.

Yuta hits Guevara with a German suplex and then hits Guevara with a big splash; Wheeler goes for the cover, but Guevara kicks out. Guevara hits Wheeler with an enzuigiri and then a springboard cutter. Guevara ends it with the GTH to get the win. After the match, Guevara checks on Yuta and then gives him the thumbs up and leaves the ring.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Penelope Ford vs. Yuka Sakazaki

The match begins with Yuka Sakazaki with a flurry of offense, Ford leaves the ring, and Sakazaki hits Ford with a cannonball from the top rope. The fight goes back into the ring, and Ford has Sakazaki on the ropes and choking her. Ford breaks the hold and screams into the camera. AEW heads out to another picture-in-picture commercial break with Ford in control.

AEW comes back from the commercial, and Sakazaki hits Ford with a brainbuster; Sakazaki now hits Ford with a sliding knee. Sakazaki goes for the pin, but Ford kicks out at two. Yuka hits a spinning back elbow; Ford comes back with two big pump kicks. Ford goes for the pin, and Yuka kicks out at the last second. Yuka hits the Magical Girl Splash and gets the win.

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki

- The announcers go over the matches for Night 2 of Fyter Fest.

- We get a promo for AEW Rampage.

Coffin Match
"All Ego" Ethan Page vs. Darby Allin

The match begins with Darby Allin going right after Ethan Page; he has a steel plate on his back and takes out Page. Allin lifts the top of the coffin, and Scorpio Sky is in it, and he attacks Allin. Sky sends Allin into the steel steps. Sting comes out, and the crowd goes nuts; Sting kicks Sky in the midsection, fighting in the crowd. Ethan Page has removed the turnbuckles in one corner of the ring.

Allin now sends Page over the guardrail into the crowd; now, they fight on the stairs. Allin goes for a big splash onto Page, but Page catches him and starts throwing him into the wall multiple times. Finally, Ethan Page starts bringing Allin back down to the ring; Page throws Allin at least eight to ten feet onto the concrete floor. Then, AEW heads out for their last picture-in-picture commercial break. We return from the commercial; Page has the metal hook and hits Allin with it.

Page tells the referee to open the Coffin; however, Allin gets away from Page, and then Allin puts the hook inside the mouth of Ethan Page. Allin then nails Page with a big kick, and Page goes into the coffin, but Page gets out of it after he hits Allin with a big back body drop outside the ring. Page is busted open, and now Allin goes for the Coffin Drop on Page with the metal steps in the ring; however, Page counters and hits Ego's Edge on Allin. Allin lands on top of the steel steps; the action goes near the coffin.

Allin then uses his skateboard deck and hits Page. Page goes into the Coffin, and Allin shuts it for the win. After the match, Allin moves the Coffin out some and then goes back into the ring and goes for the Coffin Drop and hits it, and Allin goes through the Coffin and lands on Page, and the show goes off the air.

Winner: Darby Allin

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