AEW Dynamite Results For 7/28/21 Fight For The Fallen The Elite vs. “Hangman” Page and Dark Order

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- "It's Wednesday Night, and you know what that means." We are welcome to the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, by AEW Commentator Jim Ross. Then, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone begin going over tonight's card.

Shazza McKenzie Coming To Japan For The First Time, To Challenge Yuki Arai For TJPW International Princess Title

The Elite (Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and The Good Brothers) (w/ Don Callis) vs. "Hangman" Adam Page and The Dark Order

We get a video introduction for "Hangman" Adam Page and The Dark Order, and they are over with the crowd big time. Justin Roberts then introduces The Elite individually, and they are doing the whole Basketball pre-game warm-up before the match begins. Next, Excalibur does a promo for Space Jam 2 as all members of The Elite are wearing "Elite Squad" jerseys.

Adam Page and Karl Anderson get in each other's faces, and the match starts with a tie-up; Page hits Anderson with a shoulder tackle. Hangman Page takes out Anderson again. All ten men are in the ring and fighting; it goes to the outside. The action goes back into the ring; The Elite delivers stiff shots at Alex Reynolds in the corner. Reynolds gets away, and now Doc Gallows is in the corner and The Dark Order. Anderson eliminates Alex Reynolds by pin. Almost immediately after pinning Reynolds, Stu Grayson and Evil Uno end Karl Anderson's night after hitting the Fatality. Uno pins Anderson and Anderson's night is over. Gallows is now in the match for The Elite. We go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break. Stu Grayson and Gallows are battling it out.

Grayson this Gallows with the 450 splash; Grayson goes for the pin, and Nick Jackson breaks the pin. Grayson dives from the ring to the outside, and he hits his head hard. Gallows and Grayson take the fight to the crowd and get eliminated. Evil Uno and Omega are now the legal men. Evil Uno goes up for the senton but misses; Omega hits the V-Trigger and follows that up with a One-Winged Angel. Omega pins and eliminates Evil Uno; John Silver is now in the match and hits Omega with a spear. Silver gets hit with a bulldog by Nick Jackson. Nick then attempts to get Page in the ring by showboating in front of him. Jackson then delivers a spinning heel kick to John Silver. They head out for a commercial break.

We come back from the commercial break, and they show The Young Bucks hit Hangman Page with a powerbomb on the outside. Kenny Omega comes in and hits Silver with a V-Trigger. They take Silver out of the ring, Brandon Cutler sets up Nick Jackson for an Alley-oop and piledriver combo, but Nick misses the dunk. The Elite gets Silver in the ring and pin and then eliminates him. Hangman is now taking on The Young Bucks and Omega; Omega hits Page with a V-Trigger, and The Young Bucks hit him with a superkick. Omega goes for the pin; Page kicks out. Omega tags in Matt Jackson. Jackson goes for the pin, and Hangman kicks out again.

Omega goes for the V-Trigger again and misses; Page takes him out with a big lariat. Page then takes The Young Bucks out. Page then hits The Young Bucks with a Double Buckshot Lariat. Page then pins Matt Jackson. Omega hits the V-Trigger and the One-Winged Angel to get the win. Unfortunately, "Hangman" Adam Page and The Dark Order will not get their title shot.

Winners: The Elite (Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and The Good Brothers) (w/ Don Callis)

- Alex Marvez is interviewing PAC, and PAC says Penta and Fenix are running late because someone canceled their travel to the arena. Andrade and Chavo Guerrero interrupt PAC. Andrade says he set up the accommodations for Penta and Fenix, and they will be arriving by Limo and in style.

- Taz introduces FTW Champion Ricky Starks, and a band comes out to play music to celebrate. Starks cuts a promo saying that getting rid of Cage was suitable for Team Taz. He blames Brian Cage for all the bad things that happened to him. He says that Cage is "selfish and inconsiderate" he says that "Cage has no charisma," and Brian Cage's music goes off, and Cage is out, and he takes out members of the band. Cage gets in the ring, and they retreat.

- IWGP's Hiroshi Tanahashi does a promo stating that he is challenging the winner of tonight's Hikuleo and Lance Archer.

Santana and Ortiz (w/ Konnan) vs. FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard)

Cash Wheeler and Ortiz start with a tie-up; they reverse each other’s holds. Ortiz sends Wheeler out of the ring, Wheeler calls for a time-out. He gets back into the ring and tags Dax Harwood and Santana are in the ring; Santana gets the upper hand of the match until Harwood hits Santana with a big spinebuster.

We have another picture-in-picture commercial break with FTR in control. They come back from the commercial break with Dax Harwood getting taken out by Ortiz. Ortiz hits Wheeler with the top con Hilo; he goes for the diving foot stomp. Ortiz hits Wheeler with a powerbomb, Santana tags in Ortiz, who hits a big frog splash. Ortiz then hits Harwood with a big German suplex; Harwood is up right away and hits Ortiz with a big clothesline. Santana hits Harwood with another powerbomb; Santana goes for the pin; however, Harwood kicks out. Harwood then hits Ortiz with a big right. Wheeler gets hurt somehow, and there is some confusion in the ring; Harwood hits a brainbuster and then pins Ortiz for the win. After the match, they show Wheeler is bleeding badly but getting help from the trainers.

Winner: FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard)

- We get a promo from Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., on how Nyla Rose could not beat her. She says, "Nyla Rose breaks bitches, but she's the baddest bitch on the block." We go to a commercial break.

- We get a promo for the AEW Rampage event held at the United Center in Chicago on August 20th. Darby Allin cuts a promo saying he's faced some of the greatest, and he will be in Chicago and makes a reference to the "Best in the World."

IWGP United States Championship
Lance Archer vs. Hikuleo (w/ King Haku)

We start with Lance Archer going right after Hikuleo; both competitors hit each other with solid strikes. Finally, Hikuleo hits Archer with a quick powerslam. We go to another picture-in-picture commercial break. The action goes to the outside, and Hikuleo is controlling the match. King Haku gets involved when the referee was distracted.

Archer hits Hikuleo with multiple strong shots to the chest of Hikuleo. Archer then walks the ropes and takes down Hikuleo with a significant arm drag. Archer has Hikuleo on the top rope turnbuckle for a huge superplex. Archer is going for the Blackout, and he hits it. Lance Archer pins Hikuleo to win and now will travel to New Japan and face Hiroshi Tanahashi.

Winner: Lance Archer

- After the match, they go to a backstage promo with Cody Rhodes, and he is attacked right away by Malakai Black. The action goes to the ramp in the arena, and the crowd is cheering; some wrestlers come out to stop Malakai. Malakai takes out Fuego Del Sol, and we go to a commercial break.

- Miro cuts a promo telling talking about his upcoming match against Lee Johnson.

Private Party and Angelico (w/ Matt Hardy) vs. Christian Cage and Jurassic Express (w/ Marko Stunt)

Angelico and Christian Cage begin the match, Angelico takes down Cage right away. They tie up again, and Cage hits Angelico with a big right. Cage tags in Jungle Boy, and Jungle Boy goes to the outside. Hardy takes a cheap shot at Matt Hardy. Cage and Marko Stunt chase after Hardy. Jungle Boy gets attacked by his opponents; however, Luchasaurus gets the hot tag from Jungle Boy. Luchasaurus hits Private Party with a German suplex. Luchasaurus tags in Cage, Cage hits Isiah Kassidy with a frog splash. Cage then pins Kassidy for the win. After the match, The Blade comes out and knocks out Cage with his brass knuckles.

Winner: Christian Cage and Jurassic Express (w/ Marko Stunt)

- We get a promo from Nick Gage and talks about his history.

Julia Hart (w/ Varsity Blonds) vs. Thunder Rosa

The match begins with Thunder Rosa, and Julia Hart with a technical start and exchange holds. Hart waves to the crowd; this allows Thunder Rosa to take over and gets in multiple strikes. Thunder Rosa applies the kneebar, Hart makes it to the ropes, and Rosa releases the hold. Rosa hits Hart with a dropkick and then lifts Hart for the Fire Thunder Driver to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

- Before they go to their last commercial break, they go over some of the matches for next week's AEW Dynamite in Jacksonville, Florida.

- Before the match, Moxley cuts a promo about Tanahashi and says that he might be the smart one by avoiding him.

The 5 Labours of Jericho
"No Rules Match"
Nick Gage vs. "The Painmaker" Chris Jericho

The match begins, and Nick Gage goes right after Chris Jericho with a Pizza slicer, and Jericho is cut open. Gage drops Jericho in the corner, the action goes outside, and Jericho gets a few shots in on Gage, but it does nothing to him. Gage hits Jericho with a big suplex from the corner and then hits Jericho with a Falcon Arrow. Gage has Jericho in the corner and goes for a massive kick in the corner; however, Jericho is ready and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Gage gets out of it and leaves the ring, and goes and grabs his fluorescent lights. Jericho has a bat and gets a few shots in; however, Gage recovers somewhat quickly, taking down Jericho again. Gage has the Pizza Slicer again and starts using it on Jericho again, and Jericho is bleeding profusely. We go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break.

During the commercial, Gage continues to use the Pizza Cutter. Jericho gets another shot in on Gage, but it does nothing to him. Gage takes down Jericho again; as Jericho is recovering, Gage grabs a pane of glass and puts it in the ring. Gage will attempt to put Jericho through it, Jericho counters it, and Gage goes through it. Gage recovers again, and he hits Jericho with multiple light tubes. Gage then hits Jericho with a piledriver onto the shredded glass. Gage then starts driving the light bulb into the forehead of Jericho. Gage gets out of the ring to grabs more light bulbs. Gage enters the ring, and Jericho spits Green Mist into the eyes of Gage. The mist blinds Nick Gage; Jericho then grabs the bulbs and breaks them over the head of Gage. Jericho then hits the Judas Effect and pins Nick Gage to get the win.

After the match, MJF tells Jericho that in the third match of the "Labours of Jericho," that Jericho will have to battle one of his greatest foes Juventud Guerrera. Then, the show goes off the air with one last shot of Chris Jericho.

Winner: Chris Jericho

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