AEW Rampage Results For 8/27/21 Tag Team Eliminator Tag-Team Match Jurassic Express vs. Lucha Bros

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- The show begins with Excalibur welcoming us to AEW Rampage, and they are coming to us from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Excalibur then introduces to his colleagues Taz, Mark Henry, and Chris Jericho.

NXT North American Title Match Between Tony D'Angelo And Oba Femi At NXT Halloween Havoc To Be Decided By Pinfall

Tag-Team Eliminator Tournament Finals
Jurassic Express (w/ Marko Stunt) vs. Lucha Bros. (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

Jungle Boy and Rey Fenix begin things; they counter each other’s moves for the first 45 seconds until Jungle Boy hits Fenix with a nice arm drag takedown. Fenix tags in Penta El Zero M and Jungle Boy tags in Luchasaurus, and all four men are in the ring and battling each other, and moments later, all four men are lying in the ring for a short time. Fenix and Luchasaurus are the legal men; Fenix hits Luchasaurus with a tope Suicide. Fenix tags in Penta, but Penta is met with a heal kick from Luchasaurus to Penta.

Penta tags in Fenix, Fenix hits a huge frog splash. Fenix goes for the pin, but Luchasaurus kicks out at the last second. Jungle Boy is tagged in and hits Fenix with a big lariat and a poisonrana; Jungle Boy goes for snare trap; however, Fenix kicks Jungle Boy. Penta is tagged in, and he hits a huge backbreaker. Rey Fenix walks the ropes from one corner to another, and he hits Jungle Boy with a hurricanrana to the outside. Jungle Boy lands on Luchasaurus and Penta.

Fenix and Jungle Boy are the legal men battling it out, and he gets hit with a destroyer by Penta. Fenix and Penta then hit Luchasaurus with multiple kicks. Finally, Fenix and Penta end it when they hit Luchasaurus with a combination piledriver and pin Luchasaurus to win. After the bell, The Young Bucks attack The Lucha Bros.; The Jurassic Express save Lucha Bros, and they embrace in the ring as The Young Bucks retreat. The Lucha Bros. will face The Young Bucks at All Out.

Winners: The Lucha Bros. (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

- Miro is supposed to come out to be interviewed by Tony Schiavone; Miro does come out; however, he is simply beating down Fuego Del Sol all the way to the ring. Miro has Del Sol in the ring, and Miro says you accepted something he shouldn't have (contract). Miro attacks Fuego Del Sol, Eddie Kingston's music hits, and he runs down to the ring, and he and Miro begin exchanging punches. The referees separate Miro and Kingston.

Tay Conti vs. The Bunny (w/ The Blade)

The Bunny attacks Tay Conti before the bell rings; referee Aubrey Edwards separates The Bunny and Conti and then rings the bell. The bell rings, and The Bunny goes right back after Conti and knocks her down hard into the turnbuckle. The Bunny then hits Conti with a dropkick, and The Bunny has the upper hand until Conti hits The Bunny with a few strikes to the chest.

The Bunny claws Conti's back and then grabs her uses the ropes to choke her. The Bunny hits Conti with a big lariat, The Bunny goes for the pin attempt, but Conti kicks out. Conti is back up and knees The Bunny in the face and hits a variation of the Boss Man Slam. Conti hits The Bunny with three big kicks and then attempts to go for the Tay-K-O; however, Penelope Ford comes down to the ring and distracts Conti and Aubrey Edwards. This allows time for The Blade to hand The Bunny brass knuckles. The Bunny hits Conti with the brass knuckles and then pins Conti for the upset win. After the match, The Bunny and Ford embrace in the ring.

Winner: The Bunny (w/ The Blade)

- Mark Henry is interviewing both Kenny Omega and Christian Cage. Omega says he plans on ending this match early and send the fans home happy. Christian Cage says that Omega cannot figure out how to beat him as he wants to keep his AEW Championship title. Cage says he will take that from him too.

Kenny Omega and Brandon Cutler (w/ Don Callis and Michael Nakazawa) vs. Christian Cage and Frankie Kazarian

Frankie Kazarian and Brandon Cutler start things off; Kazarian gets a few strikes on Cutler, and Cutler almost immediately tags in Kenny Omega. Michael Nakazawa, on the outside, grabs the leg of Kazarian, which allows Omega to get the upper hand on Kazarian.

Omega takes control of the match for a few moments after getting multiple strikes in on Kazarian. Kazarian gets away from Omega after hitting him with a few strikes; the action goes to the outside. Omega hits Kazarian with a big clothesline. Brandon Cutler is tagged in, and he gets a few shots in on Kazarian. Kazarian gets away from Cutler and tags Cage. Cage goes right for Cutler; Cutler tags Omega, but Omega gets off the apron and walks away. Cage tries to end it with The Killswitch; however, Omega is back in the ring and hits Cage from behind. Cage grabs Omega and Cutler, pushes them into the corner, hits 10 double punches, and then hits an inverted DDT.

Omega grabs Cage by the leg and drags him straight into the ring post. Cage is back up was going to go for the Killswitch on Omega, but Omega retreats to the ramp. Cage hits a spear, and it by hitting the Killswitch on Brandon Cutler. Cage then pins Cutler to get the victory.

Winners: Christian Cage and Frankie Kazarian

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