IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV Results 1/11 EC3 Holds an Open Challenge, Laurel Van Ness vs KC Spinelli, Eli Drake addresses the state of IMPACT & More!

This is the live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV. Tonight the IMPACT Global champion Eli Drake addresses the state of IMPACT, EC3 holds an open challenge for his IMPACT Grand Championship as well as a six-man X-Division tag match and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

-We open the show with Dan Lambert and Lashley in the ring, Dan gloating about defeating and subsequently retiring James Storm last week before having KM come out to the ring and make him a member of American Top Team. Moose comes out to the ring and tackles KM before Lashley beats him down, then Eddie Edwards comes out and they send them to the back as we go to commercial.

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-We come back from commercial to EC3 in the ring, talking about Matt Sydal before Petey Williams comes out and answers the call.

EC3 vs Petey Williams

They counter each other before Petey hits a huricanrrana into a drop tope hold into the ropes and a dropkick to the back, then puts EC3 in the tree of woe before EC3 attacks him from behind when he plays to the crowd. EC3 chokes Petey in the ropes before whipping him across the ring and into the turnbuckle sternum first, then locks in a side headlock that he fights out of only to be turned inside out with a kitchen sink for a quick two count. EC3 puts a modified bear hug on Petey that he fights out of before rolling EC3 up for a quick two count, then the two exchange right hands until Petey hits a side Russian leg sweep for a series of quick two counts. Petey goes for the Canadian Destroyer, but EC3 counters into a TK3 for a near fall before Matt Sydal comes out of nowhere and attacks EC3 from behind as the referee is forced to call for the bell.

Winner: EC3 via disqualification

-We get an old match you can watch on the Global Wrestling Network between IMPACT alum Kurt Angle and the newly retired James Storm.

Laurel Van Ness vs KC Spinelli

KC attacks Laurel when she's playing to the crowd before Laurel comes back and drops KC. KC comes back with a uranage before slapping Laurel and dropping her with a clothesline, then they counter each other until Laurel hits a flipping bulldog and a regular one for a near fall. KC then hits a bridging suplex for a near fall before Laurel rolls her up when she's arguing with the referee for a near fall. They drop each other with a boot before KC misses a splash in the corner and Laurel drops her repeatedly with clotheslines and a dropkick. Laurel then hits a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall before curb stomping KC and finishing with an Unprettier for the pin and the win.

Winner: Laurel Van Ness via pinfall

-After the match Allie comes out and attacks Laurel before she escapes as we go to commercial.

-Eli Drake and Chris Adonis come out to the ring where Eli talks about winning the belt and how he's kept it and defended it before Alberto El Patron comes out to the ring and accosts Eli at which point Johnny Impact comes out and all four men brawl. Johnny gets in the ring and hits a corkscrew moonsault to the outside that takes everyone out before holding up the title as we go to commercial.

-oVe vandalize LAX's clubhouse and steal their money before LAX set up a barbed wire match. We then get a quick recap of how Taiji Ishimori became the X-Division champion last week to set up our next match.

Cult of Lee w/Hakim Zane vs Sonjay Dutt, Garza Jr. & Dezmond Xavier

Garza and Hakim start the match off, Garza countering everything before dropping Hakim with a series of headbutts. Dezmond tags in and does several flips before dropkicking Hakim, then everyone gets in the ring and squares off as we go to commercial when Sonjay tags in.

We come back from commercial to Hakim in control of Sonjay before Sonjay hits a huricanrrana, then Hakim drops Sonjay with a running knee for a quick two count before tagging Caleb in. Caleb keeps the high flyer Sonjay grounded, tagging in and out with Trevor who plays to the crowd before tagging Hakim back in. Sonjay then finally tags Garza in and he takes out both Trevor and Caleb before Hakim accidentally hits a double dropkick to the both of them. Dezmond tags himself in and hits a corkscrew senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dezmond Xavier, Sonjay Dutt & Garza Jr.via pinfall

-After the match Taiji comes down to the ring and squares off with Dezmond before we're told that the match will happen next week. The two then shake hands before Taiji leaves as we go to commercial.

Eddie Edwards & Moose vs Lashley & KM

They brawl to start the match before Eddie and Moose double team KM, then Lashley comes in and attacks Eddie from behind before getting back out of the ring. KM hits an elbow drop for a quick two count before dragging Eddie over to his corner and tagging Lashley in as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to Lashley in control of Eddie, hitting a delayed suplex for a quick two count before tagging KM back in. Eddie sends Lashley out of the ring before he tags Moose in and he and Moose double team KM, dropping him with a double back elbow before Moose hits a senton, then Eddie gets on his back and they hit one together for a quick two count. Moose stumbles KM with a European uppercut before tagging Eddie back in and Eddie immediately gets dropped by KM before he sends him out onto the apron and Lashley sweeps his legs out from under him, sending him down onto the apron and onto the floor. Lashley tosses Eddie back into the ring and KM gets a near fall before tagging Lashley back in, Lashley hitting a splash in the corner that sends Eddie out of the ring and to the floor. KM beats on Eddie at ringside while Moose accidentally distracts the referee when he complains about what they're doing before Lashley plays to the crowd and hits a neckbreaker for a quick two count that Moose breaks up.

Lashley tags KM back in and he hits a slingshot leg drop for a near fall before following up with an attempted suplex that Eddie counters repeatedly before hitting one of his own. KM immediately tags Lashley back in and Lashley beats on Eddie before Eddie gets his knees up in the corner, then hits a missile dropkick. Eddie finally tags Moose in, Moose headbutting KM and hitting a series of running moves in the corner, including a back elbow and a hesitation dropkick before finishing with Go to Hell for a very close near fall that Lashley breaks up. Moose sidesteps a spear by Lashley before Eddie sends KM out of the ring and hits a tope to the outside, then rolls him back into the ring and goes for the Boston Knee Party, but Dan distracts him and KM hits a variation of a Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: KM & Lashley via pinfall

-We go off the air with a vignette for Barbed Wire Massacre 3 next week.


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