IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV Results 8/24 Gauntlet for the Gold & More!

This is the live coverage for IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV! Tonight we have an action packed show as in our main event we have a Gauntlet for the Gold match to determine who will become the GFW World Champion! Be sure to come back here at 8 PM to see who will walk away with the gold!

-We open the show with a video package for Destination X.

The Bloodline Earn Shot At WWE Tag Team Titles By Winning Gauntlet Match On 7/26 WWE SmackDown

OVE vs Enhancement Talent

OVE hit a double tope to the outside to start the match before hitting a double spinebuster and a series of kicks. OVE tag in and out before hitting a variation of Meeting in the Middle for the pin and the win.

Winner:OVE via pinfall

-Taryn Terrell comes out and talks before Gail Kim comes out, Taryn quickly getting out of the ring as soon as she does as we go to a video package for GFW on tour. Next we have mini-interviews with everyone in the gauntlet later tonight before Lashley argues with Jim Cornette in his office. We then have a taped segment with Grado and Laurel before we see Grado talking to Joseph Park as we go to commercial.

-Grado comes out to the ring and gives his final farewell before being deported, then Laurel comes out and asks him to marry her. 

Gauntlet for the Gold Match

Eli Drake and Eddie Edwards start the match off before Mario Bakara comes out as Eddie is trying to eliminate Eli. Eli beats on Mario before Eddie drops Eli with an enzuigiri before Kingston comes out and tries to eliminate Eddie. Braxton Sutter comes out as number five, hitting a neckbreaker to Mario and Kingston. Mario hits Eli with a release German suplex before Richard Justice comes out to the ring and spends his entire time in the match warming up before EC3 eliminates him as we go to commercial.

Kongo Kong comes out as we come back from commercial, Kong immediately eliminating Mario and Kingston before Suicide comes out and takes out everyone in the ring. Mahabali Shera comes out next before Kong accidentally eliminates himself. Chris Adonis comes out next and eliminates Shera as soon as he gets in the ring. Phantasma then comes out as we go to commercial.

Johnny Mundo,  now Johnny Impact comes out and eliminates Suicide before Garza comes out and immediately eliminates Braxton. Fallah Bahh comes out and drops everyone before Johnny drops him with an enzuigiri, everyone working together to try and eliminate Bahh. Bahh stays in before KM comes out, Taiji Ishimori coming out next as Johnny tries to eliminate EC3. Lashley comes out and immediately eliminates KM, Bahh and Taiji within a matter of seconds. Moose comes out at nineteen and eliminates Garza as we go to commercial.

Low-Ki comes out as we come back from commercial, Low-Ki taking out both EC3 and Phantasma with a double shotgun dropkick before hitting a double foot stomp to Johnny. EC3 eliminates Phantasma before Moose and Eddie eliminate EC3. Lashley then eliminates Low-Ki as we go to commercial.

Lashley and Moose exchange strikes before Lashley spears him, Moose then eliminates Lashley before Eddie eliminates Moose. Eddie and Johnny brawl before Eli eliminates Johnny and Eddie to win the match and the gold.

Winner: Eli Drake

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