IMPACT Wrestling Results for 5/13/21 Six Man Tag Team Main Event

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

Knockouts Championship Number One Contender Match
Rosemary (w/ Decay (Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus) vs Havok

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The two shake hands before the match before Rosemary lays into Havok with strikes before Havok runs her over and misses a leg drop before Rosemary misses a splash. Havok misses a splash of her own before they scream at each other and run into each other before Havok hits a backbreaker into a flat liner into the corner. Havok hits a running boot in the corner before locking in a camel clutch and hits Rosemary with clubbing blows before trapping her arms and beating on her in back mount. Rosemary comes back with the Upside-down before hitting a missile dropkick into a running splash in the corner before Havok counters a t-bone suplex before Rosemary hits a fall away slam for two. Rosemary then spears Havok for two before Havok counters a reverse DDT into a tombstone for the pin and the win.

Winner: Havok defeats Rosemary via pinfall to earn a shot at the Knockouts title held by Deonna Purrazzo.

- Deonna comes out after the match and attacks Havok before she escapes briefly and Rosemary sends her back inside before Havok hits her with a tombstone.

- We get a backstage interview with The Good Brothers alongside IMPACT and AEW World champion Kenny Omega as we go to commercial.

X-Division Championship Number One Contender Scramble Match
Petey Williams vs Ace Austin (w/ Madman Fulton) vs El Phantasmo vs Rohit Raju (w/ Shera) vs Acey Romero (w/ Larry D) vs TJP

Everyone immediately take out Acey before TJP and El run the ropes and El hits a DVD off of the top onto everyone besides TJP at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Rohit in control of three men in the ring before he's ran over by Acey who splash him for two before Petey hits El with a Destroyer for a near fall that TJP breaks up. Ace then takes out Acey with a Fosbury flop before Fulton and Larry brawl at ringside and El gets a near fall off of a high angle splash before hitting a butterfly Styles Clash for the pin and the win.

Winner: El Phantasmo defeats Acey Romero, TJP, Petey Williams, Ace Austin, and Rohit Raju via pinfall to become the new number one contender for Josh Alexander's X-Division title.

Willie Mack vs Sam Beale

Willie is in control the entire time before he pins Sam with a pop up uppercut and a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Willie Mack defeats Sam Beale via pinfall.

- W.Morrisey immediately attacks Willie after the match and lays him out with a lariat.

Karl Anderson (w/ Doc Gallows & Kenny Omega) vs David Finlay (w/ Juice Robinson & Eddie Edwards)

Karl backs Dave to the ropes before rocking him with a jab and Dave comes back with a right hand and stomps in the corner before rocking Karl with a forearm. Doc distracts David before Karl sends him out of the ring and Kenny and Doc beat on David at ringside before locking in a rear chin lock. David gets to his feet and comes back with ax handles and gets distracted by Kenny before taking him and Doc out with a suicide dive and hitting Karl with a backbreaker for two. David then locks in a variation of an Indian Death Lock before Kenny comes in and attacks David for the disqualification.

Winner: David Finlay defeats Karl Anderson via disqualification when Kenny Omega interferes.

- After the match Eddie runs off ksrl, Doc, and Kenny with a kendo stick as he and FinJuice hold the ring as we go to commercial.

- Backstage Jordynne Grace talks to her teammate and fellow tag champion Rachel Ellering about her doubt after losing to Tasha Steelz at BTI.

Brian Myers vs Crazzy Steve (w/ Decay (Rosemary & Black Taurus)

Steve uses his speed to be one step ahead of Brian before Brian rolls out of the ring and acts like Taurus pushed him before the referee ejects him and Steve and Brian exchange at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Brian in control of Steve back in the ring before hitting a float over suplex before Brian pins Steve with a leverage pin for the win.

Winner: Brian Myers defeats Crazzy Steve via pinfall.

- After the match Black spears Brian before Rosemary lies a tarot card across the chest of Brian.

Moose, Sami Callihan & Chris Bey vs Chris Sabin, Trey Miguel & Matt Cardona

Sami and Chris start things off before the baby faces triple team Sami before Sami drags him to the corner and tags in Bey as Don Callis, and the Good Brothers look on from the locker room. Matt and Trey then double team Bey before Bey comes back with a clothesline off of the distraction by Moose as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Moose in control of Trey until he gets the hot tag to Matt who clears the other apron and hits a missile dropkick into a running clothesline in the corner into a running boot before Chris gets the tag and hits a missile dropkick. Moose breaks up the pin before he's sent out of the ring with a double superkick before Trey sends him into the post and Chris counters a package piledriver into a dragon screw. Everyone then hits a move until Sami hits the package piledriver to Sabin for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan, Chris Bey, and Moose defeat Chris Sabin, Trey Miguel, and Matt Cardona via pinfall.

- After the match we see Sami celebrating before we cut to Don backstage where he's visibly upset as we go off the air.

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