IMPACT Wrestling Results for 7/8/21 Omega/Callihan Contract Signing

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

Brian Myers (w/ Sam Beale) vs Jake Something

Shazza McKenzie Coming To Japan For The First Time, To Challenge Yuki Arai For TJPW International Princess Title

Jake goes right after Brian and lays into him with strikes before Brian gets out of the ring and Jake rocks him with forearms against the railing before sending him face first into the steps and tosses him back inside before clotheslining him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Brian rips Jake down off of the apron and onto the floor before suplexing him onto the ramp and stomping him once he's back inside before choking him in the ropes and Jake comes back with ax handles and forearms before hitting a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Brian then hits a DDT for a near fall before hitting a diving elbow drop for two before Jake counters the Roster Cut and hits a black hole slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jake Something defeats Brian Myers via pinfall.

- After the match Sam and Brian attack Jake before Jake is saved by Matt Cardona.

- We get a backstage interview with Knockouts champion Deonna Purrazzo as we go to commercial.

- Backstage Sami Callihan is forcibly removed from the arena.

Deonna Purrazzo vs Lady Frost

Lady hits several arm drags before missing a moonsault and Deonna hits a jumping knee before hitting a twisting suplex and submits Lady with a Fujiwara armbar.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo defeats Lady Frost via submission.

- After the match Deonna gets on the mic before she's interrupted by Gail Kim before Gail informs Deonna that she will defend her title against a mystery opponent at Slammiversary and that she should prepare for the fight of her life.

- Moose attacks Chris Sabin and Hernandez at Swinger's Place as we go to commercial.

- We get a backstage interview with Chris Bey where he talks about where his alliances lie.

W.Morrissey vs Enhancement Team

W takes out all three of his opponents before choking two of them and hitting all three with running splashes in three separate corners before hitting one with a chokeslam and another with a powerbomb before pinning the third with an F5 before stacking them on top of each other for the pin and the win.

Winner: W.Morrissey defeats a local team via pinfall.

- Backstage Don and Scott discuss how Sami has been taken to jail and how there won't be a contract signing later tonight before Scott tells Don to humor him and bring Kenny and himself to the ring for the contract signing without Sami.

Susan & Kimber Lee vs Rosemary & Havok

Rosemary and Susan start the match off before Havok and Kimber come in and Havok takes out Susan before Havok woman handles Kimber down onto the mat and tosses her across the ring before hitting a running clothesline in the corner and tagging Rosemary back before Kimber counters the Red Wedding. Kimber then drops Rosemary with kicks for two before Susan comes in and drops Rosemary before Havok gets the hot tag and runs over both Susan and Kimber before hitting running boots in opposite corners and sending Susan into Kimber before Rosemary spears Susan for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rosemary and Havok defeat Susan and Kimber Lee via pinfall.

- During the breka we see that Jazz was attacked by an unknown assailant before she's helped up by Jordynne Grace and Rachel Ellering and the two cut a promo to the screen and to Tenille and Kaleb who they believe are responsible.

- Rich Swann and Willie Mack come out to the ring and address the attack by Violent By Design last week before they're interrupted by TJP and Fallah Bahh and Violent By Design before the eight men face off only to be interrupted by the Good Brothers before Tommy Dreamer comes out and makes a four way match as we go to commercial.

TJP (w/ Fallah Bahh) vs Deaner (w/ Violent By Design (Rhino, Eric Young & Joe Doering) vs Rich Swann (w/ Willie Mack) vs Karl Anderson (w/ Doc Gallows)

Karl and Rich start the match off in the ring as Deaner and TJP go at it at ringside before Rich comes back with a dropkick and sends Karl out of the ring before he and TJP exchange flips and TJP dropkicks Rich before scraping his boot across his face in the corner and Rich hit a rolling clothesline. Rich then sends TJP out of the ring with a head scissors before Deaner attacks him from behind and stomps him in the corner before Rich clears the ring and hits a tope that takes out everyone at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Rich in control of Deaner back in the ring before Deaner comes back with a kitchen sink and he and Karl form a momentary alliance before Deaner attacks Karl from behind and rips at his face before they exchange strikes until it's just TJP and Karl and Karl suplexes TJP. TJP then hits a running boot in the corner before Karl counters the Detonation Kick and TJP counters a Gun Stun before TJP hits the Detonation Kick and misses the Mamba Splash before Karl hits Deaner with the Gun Stun for the pin and the win.

Winner: Karl Anderson defeats Deaner, Rich Swann, and TJP via pinfall.

- Backstage Kimber and Susan run into Father James Mitchell and he tells her to trust him, that he'll return Susan to Su Yung.

- We go to the ring for our main event contract signing for the IMPACT World title match betweten the champion Kenny Omega and the challenger Sami Callihan before Kenny signs the contract and we see that Don staged the attack and hired someone to attack him and record it. Sami appears in the ring and lays out Kenny with a bat before Kenny attacks him from behind when he's focused on Don before Kenny hits him with the belt and Sami low blows Kenny before Sami hits a package piledriver and signs the contract. Sami then powerbombs Kenny through the table and stands tall over him with the title as we go off the air.

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