NJPW Kizuna Road 2018 Day 3 Results: The IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title Is Defended, Plus Chaos Competes In Tag Team Matches

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW Kizuna Road 2018 Day 3. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Hiromu Takahashi def. El Desparado to retain the title

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Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin, Jeff Cobb, Juice Robinson & Kushida def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto, Jay White, Tomohiro Ishii & Gedo)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi, Sanada & Evil) def. Suzuki-Gun (Takashi Iizuka, Taka Michinoku, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi)

Chaos (Toru Yano, Yoshi-Hashi, Sho & Yoh) def. Togi Makabe, David Finlay, Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi

Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tomoyuki Oka

Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori) def. Ren Narita & Shota Umino

Yota Tsuji fought Yuya Uemura to a time limit draw

Yota Tsuji vs. Yuya Uemura

The match begins with Tsuji backing Uemura into the ropes before landing a chop, Uemura would eventually do the same to Tsuji. Uemura and Tsuji would have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Uemura corners Tsuji before landing a flying back elbow strike. Tsuji recovers and drops Uemura with a shoulder tackle, Uemura and Tsuji have another striking exchange until Uemura goes down. Tsuji starts attacking the knee of a downed Uemura, Tsuji also starts wrenching away on the injured knee of Uemura. Uemura eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission from Tsuji, Tsuji smashes the injured knee of Uemura into the ring mat below. Tsuji would then apply the single leg crab to a downed Uemura, Uemura gets free and he attacks Tsuji with chops. Tsuji recovers and stomps away on a downed Uemura, Uemura gets back up and he nails Tsuji with a drop kick.

Uemura mounts a downed Tsuji to assault him with a plethora of strikes, Uemura misses a leaping back elbow strike in the corner and Tsuji makes him pay with a drop kick. Tsuji would then hit Uemura with a hip toss for a near fall, Tsuji follows that up by landing a back body drop for a near fall. Tsuji looks for the Boston crab and opts to just stomp away on a downed Uemura, Uemura surprises Tsuji with a few roll ups for a few near falls. Tsuji recovers and drops a charging Uemura with a slap, Tsuji catches Uemura in the Boston crab and Uemura eventually makes it to the ropes as the bell sounds to signify a draw.

Match Result: Time Limit Draw

Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori) vs. Ren Narita & Shota Umino

The match begins with Narita attacking Ishimori before getting jumped by Takahashi, Ishimori drags Narita out of the ring and Narita throws him into the barricade. Umino and Narita would then double team Takahashi in the ring, Narita stays in the ring and stomps away on a downed Takahashi. Takahashi recovers to kick Narita in the face before Ishimori catches him with a springboard butt drop, Bullet Club would then proceed to double team Narita. Takahashi stands Narita up while attacking him with some chops, Takahashi catches Narita with a back suplex for a near fall. Ishimori tags in and he twists away at the head of Narita, Narita fights back and Ishimori drops him before twisting away at his head again. Ishimori traps Narita in the ropes before landing an enzaguri followed by a sliding German suplex for a near fall, Narita recovers and catches a charging Ishimori with a drop kick.

Umino and Takahashi get tagged in by their respective partners before having a striking exchange, Umino hits Takahashi with a running back elbow strike followed by a missile drop kick for a near fall. Umino quickly applies the Boston crab to a downed Takahashi and Ishimori breaks it up, Umino misses a charge in the corner and Takahashi kicks him in the face a few times. Umino surprises Takahashi with a small package for a near fall, Takahashi recovers to hit Umino with a clothesline and fisherman buster suplex for a near fall. Takahashi would then hit Umino with Pimp Juice for the three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori)

Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tomoyuki Oka vs. Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi

The match begins with Nagata and Tenzan doing some chain wrestling, Tenzan and Nagata would then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Nagata would eventually drop Tenzan with a drop kick to the knee, Tenzan recovers and attacks Nagata with Mongolian chops. Oka and Nakanishi would get tagged in by their respective partners, Oka would attack Nakanishi with shoulder tackles until Nakanishi goes down. Nakanishi recovers and drops Oka with a series of strikes, Nagata tags in and he works with Nakanishi to hit Oka with a double shoulder tackle. Nagata keeps Oka down while applying a single leg crab, Nakanishi tags back in and he gets Oka up in the Argentine Back Breaker until Tenzan interferes to break it up. Oka would recover to hit Nakanishi with a European uppercut and a slam, Tenzan tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team.

Tenzan traps Nakanishi in the corner while landing a multitude of strikes, Tenzan would then catch Nakanishi with a clothesline followed by a suplex for a near fall. Tenzan would pick Nakanishi up before attacking him with Mongolian chops, Nakanishi would regain control and nail Tenzan with a spear. Nagata tags in and he nails Tenzan with a few kicks, Tenzan would recover and nails a charging Nagata with a Samoan drop. Oka tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Oka would corner Nagata before landing an avalanche followed by a suplex for a near fall. Oka would then hit Nagata with a belly to belly suplex before applying the Boston crab, Nakanishi would hit the ring to break the submission up. Nagata would then nail Oka with a spinning heel kick followed by a running knee strike, Nagata would then catch Oka with a back drop driver for the three count.

Winners: Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi

Togi Makabe, David Finlay, Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Chaos (Toru Yano, Yoshi-Hashi, Sho & Yoh)

The match begins with Makabe dropping Yano with a shoulder block, Yano instantly starts playing his tricks against Makabe. Makabe overcomes them and he drops Yano with a shoulder tackle, Finlay and Sho get tagged into the match. Sho catches Finlay in a headlock until Finlay gets free to land a drop kick, Finlay and teammates all get in the ring to quadruple team Sho. Sho fights back by throwing Finlay into the behind of Taguchi, Chaos would hit the ring and a brawl would spill all over the place between both teams. Sho and Yoh would double team Finlay for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he works over Finlay for a short time. Yano tags in and he throws Finlay into the exposed corner, Yoh tags in and Finlay catches him with a few strikes. Finlay would eventually drop Yoh with a middle rope European uppercut, Taguchi tags into the match and he cleans house against the opposing team.

Taguchi would then crush Yoh with a series of running hip attacks, Taguchi follows that up by catching Yoh with a series of suplexes. Yoh would fight back and nail Taguchi with an atomic drop, Yoshi-Hashi and Henare would get tagged in by their respective partners. Yoshi-Hashi and Henare would immediately get into a striking exchange until Yoshi-Hashi goes down, Henare would then hit Yoshi-Hashi with a falling chop. Henare’s teammates would hit the ring and triple team Yoshi-Hashi, Henare then hits Yoshi-Hashi with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Henare misses a charge in the corner before Yoshi-Hashi lands a super kick followed by a neck breaker, a brawl breaks out between both teams that spills all over the place. Henare would catch Yoshi-Hashi with a top rope shoulder tackle for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi fights back and drops Henare with a Western Lariat. Yoshi-Hashi catches Henare in the butterfly lock and Henare taps out.

Winners: Chaos (Toru Yano, Yoshi-Hashi, Sho & Yoh)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi, Sanada & Evil) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Takashi Iizuka, Taka Michinoku, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi)

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun jumping their opponents before the bell sounds and the majority of the brawl spills to the arena floor, Taichi and Naito keep their brawl in the ring. Kanemaru tries helping Taichi with Naito and Naito knocks him to the arena floor, Naito then drops Taichi before landing a basement drop kick. Sanada tags in and he drops Taichi before landing a standing moonsault, Taichi would then distract the referee before Iizuka nails Sanada with a chair shot. A second brawl breaks out and it again spills all over the arena, Iizuka and Naito take their fight into the crowd. Taichi grabs the bell hammer and he attacks Sanada with it, Taichi gets Sanada back in the ring before tagging Kanemaru in. Kanemaru works with Michinoku in an attempt to crush the face of Sanada, Iizuka tags into the match and he repeatedly bites the head of Sanada.

Bushi tries helping Sanada out and Iizuka bites him in the head as well, Sanada eventually ends the biting attacks by dropping Iizuka. Evil and Taichi get tagged into the match by their respective partners, Evil immediately cleans house against the opposing team. Taichi gains the upper hand against Evil by leveling him with a lariat, Evil recovers to drop Taichi with a clothesline of his own. Evil follows that up by nailing a charging Taichi with a side slam, Bushi tags in and he nails Taichi with a missile drop kick. Taichi fights back and he tags Michinoku into the match, Suzuki-Gun hit the ring and they quadruple team Bushi. Michinoku eventually drops Bushi and he applies the cross face to him, Kanemaru hits the ring and he gets taken out by Sanada. LIJ all hit the ring to quadruple team Michinoku, Bushi nails Michinoku with MX for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi, Sanada & Evil)

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin, Jeff Cobb, Juice Robinson & Kushida vs. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto, Jay White, Tomohiro Ishii & Gedo)

The match begins with White attacking Robinson and a huge brawl breaks out between both teams that spills all over the place, Okada finds Tanahashi and he throws him into the barricade. White gets Robinson in the ring and he attacks his injured hand, Tanahashi is thrown in the ring and White works him over before tagging Gedo into the match. Gedo drags Tanahashi to the ground while ripping away at his face, Okada tags in and he throws Tanahashi into the various corners a few times. Okada would then slam Tanahashi before landing a slingshot swanton bomb, Goto tags in and he applies the chin lock to Tanahashi. White tags back in and he nails a cornered Tanahashi with a few strikes, White would then catch Tanahashi with a pump handle back breaker for a near fall. Tanahashi fights back and White tags Ishii into the match, Ishii immediately attacks Tanahashi with a series of strikes.

Tanahashi would eventually drop Ishii before tagging Elgin into the match, Elgin would immediately clean house against the opposing team. Elgin would pick White up and throw him onto a dazed Okada, Elgin then hits Ishii with a German suplex for a near fall. Elgin and Ishii would eventually get in a striking exchange until Elgin gets dropped, Goto tags in and he nails Elgin with a running spin kick in the corner. Elgin recovers and nails a charging Goto with a drop kick, Cobb tags in and he nails Goto with a fall away slam followed by a standing moonsault. Cobb grabs Okada and he nails him with a Tour Of The Islands, Goto returns and Cobb catches him with a back suplex. Goto recovers and he drops Cobb with an inverted neck breaker, Kushida and Gedo get tagged in by their respective partners. Kushida quickly catches Gedo with a hip toss followed by a drop kick, Gedo recovers and nails Kushida with a flat liner.

Kushida starts going for the Hoverboard Lock and Okada hits the ring to break it up, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Kushida would catch Gedo with a handspring elbow strike followed by a DDT, Kushida would then apply the Hoverboard Lock to Gedo and Gedo taps out.

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin, Jeff Cobb, Juice Robinson & Kushida

After the match, Jay White goes crazy and attacks everybody in sight before further injuring the broken hand of Juice Robinson.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Hiromu Takahashi (c) vs. El Desparado

The match begins with Takahashi jokingly offering Desparado flowers and Desparado hits him with them, Desparado tries attacking Takahashi with a guitar case and Takahashi avoids it before drop kicking him out of the ring. Takahashi would also go out of the ring to the Desparado into the barricade multiple times, Takahashi drags Desparado into the crowd and up the bleachers. Takahashi grabs the guitar case and he attacks Desparado with it, Desparado recovers and nails a charging Takahashi with the guitar case. Desparado would then grab a water bottle from a fan and hit Takahashi with it, Desparado drags Takahashi into a different part of the crowd before throwing him into a bunch of chairs. Takahashi tries fighting back as Desparado attacks him with chair shots, Desparado gets Takahashi in the ring before immediately throwing him back out.

Desparado finds another chair and he attacks Takahashi with it, Desparado gets Takahashi back in the crowd while landing more chair shots. Desparado waits for Takahashi to get back in the ring before slamming him, Desparado knocks Takahashi back out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade. Desparado gets Takahashi back in the ring before stomping away on him, Desparado would then apply the Boston crab to a downed Takahashi. Takahashi gets to the ropes and he eventually drops Desparado with a hurricarana, Takahashi traps Desparado into the ropes before kicking the middle rope into his neck. Takahashi knocks Desparado out of the ring before drop kicking him into the barricade, Takahashi gets Desparado back in the ring before landing a top rope senton for a near fall.

Desparado recovers and he drops a charging Takahashi with a spine buster, Desparado goes for the title belt and the referee refuses to let him use it. Desparado would then remove the turnbuckle pad before throwing Takahashi into the exposed corner a few times, Desparado follows up by catching Takahashi with a suplex. Takahashi recovers and throws Desparado into the ring post, Desparado goes to the ring apron and Takahashi nails him with a sunset flip bomb to the arena floor. Takahashi then hits Desparado with another senton bomb that sends them both crashing to the arena floor, the two battle back into the ring and Desparado catches Takahashi with a back suplex. Takahashi and Desparado have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Desparado gains control and he misses a l;ow blow attempt during a referee distraction.

Takahashi and Desparado would then exchange some clotheslines that drop them both, Yoshinobu Kanemaru comes out to distract the referee while Desparado attacks Takahashi with multiple chair shots. Takahashi recovers and he drops Desparado on the steel chair, Bushi comes out and he spray mist into the eyes of Kanemaru. Takahashi then hits Desparado with a death valley driver into the corner, Desparado causes the referee to go down before kicking Takahashi in the balls. Desparado grabs the title belt and he hits Takahashi after getting his mask removed, Desparado puts the mask back on as the referee recovers. Desparado cracks Takahashi with the Angel’s Wings for a near fall, Takahashi surprises Desparado by catching him in the triangle choke and Desparado eventually gets free. Desparado catches Takahashi in a roll up for a near fall, Takahashi reapplies the triangle choke to Desparado and Desparado gets free by power bombing Takahashi into the exposed corner.

Desparado charges at Takahashi and he gets propelled into the exposed corner, Takahashi catches Desparado with Time Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, still the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion

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