MLW Fusion Episode 103 Results Low-Ki vs King Mo, Hammerstone vs T-Hawk

- We open the show with a video recapping the last several weeks between Killer Kross, The Von Erichs and Davey Boy Smith and Team Filthy with the new addition of King Mo. We then go to an interview with Dan Lambert who says that he's got Mo's suspension overturned and he will in fact face Low-Ki later tonight.

Dominic Garrini w/Rip Von Erich vs Dr.Dax

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They lock up before Dax traps Dominic in the corner for a clean break before Dom tries to take Dax down, but he’s just too strong and hits Dom across the back with a clubbing blow. Dominic then sweeps Dax and immediately applies a variation of a dragon sleeper for the tap and the win in under a minute.

Dominic Garrini defeats Dr.Dax via submission.

- After the match we go backstage to The Dynasty where MJF who has finally returned calls out Mance Warner.

MLW World Openweight Championship Match

Alexander Hammerstone (c) vs T-Hawk

They lock up several times before Alex backs T into the corner for a clean break before they lock up again and Alex locks in a standing side headlock before dropping T with a shoulder block once he gets free. Alex drives his shoulder into T in the corner before T catches him with a boot and chops Alex before Alex counters a suplex attempt, but T hits it on the second attempt. T chops Alex again and hits a spinebuster for two before Alex rocks T with a stiff forearm and stomps him on the mat before T sends Alex out of the ring and Alex grabs him when he goes for a baseball slide. Alex whips T into the railing before sending him back into the ring for two and locks in a neck crank before T gets to his feet and chops Alex only to be dropped with a back elbow. Alex tells T to chop him and he obliges before hitting a dropkick to his knee and knocks Alex off of the top turnbuckle when he tries to climb it.

They counter each other before exchanging strikes until Alex hits a bicycle kick into a powerbomb before locking in a Boston crab, but T gets to the ropes for the break. Alex reapplies it before T kicks him away and they suplex each other before T goes up top and Alex catches him with a dropkick. Alex then hits a super plex into the Nightmare Pendulum for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexander Hammerstone retains his MLW National Openweight Championship by defeating T-Hawk via pinfall.

- After the match we get a video package for Low-Ki before we go to an interview with Konnan before we go to a promo by Mance Warner about The Dynasty, MJF specifically she ahead of their Loser Leaves Town match. We then go to Injustice backstage where they reveal that they've attacked Brian Pillman Jr again as we go to commercial.

King Mo w/Dan Lambert vs Low-Ki w/Ross Von Erich

They try to take each other down before Mo backs Low-Ki into the ropes for a clean break. Mo picks Low-Ki up and dumps him over the top rope and down onto the floor before Mo sends him right back out once he gets back in. Mo plays to the crowd before driving Low-Ki into the corner and hitting him with knees. Mo hits Low-Ki with Muay Thai knees before locking in a submission before Mo counters a double wrist lock. Mo takes out the knee of Low-Ki who rolls out of the ring before he gets back into the ring right before being counted out.

Mo punches and kicks Low-Ki before Low-Ki comes back with a rolling kick and locks in a choke. Ross gets distracted by Dominic Garrini and Erick Stevens before Marshall comes out and helps him run them off. Tom Lawlor then comes in when the referee is distracted and hits Low-Ki with an umbrella before the referee sees the black towel and thinks that Low-Ki's side threw in the towel and the referee is forced to call for the bell.

Winner: King Mo defeats Low-Ki via knockout due to referee stoppage.

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