New Japan On AXS TV 3/17 Two Back To Back Episodes Tetsuya Naito VS Yuji Nagata, Kazuchika Okada VS Tomohiro Ishii & More!

Episode 1 G1 Climax Part 3

Tetsuya Naito vs Yuji Nagata Block B Match

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They exchange wrist lock take overs, then Nagata plays to the crowd before they lock up for a surprisingly clean break. Yuji hits Naito with a series of kicks, then dropkicks the knee of Naito before Naito does it back to him. Naito smashes Yuji's leg into the apron before tying his leg around the railing and dropkicking it. They jump ahead in the match with Nagata hitting Naito with a series of forearms, but Naito drops him onto his bad leg. Nagata catches Naito running at him and hits a release overhead belly to belly suplex, then Nagata kicks Naito several times in the sternum.

Nagata drops Naito with forearms into the corner, then whips him across the ring before hitting a running boot to the face and an exploder suplex for a quick two count. Naito slaps Yuji on top of the head, then they exchange forearms before Naito kicks the knee of Yuji, following up with a spinning neckbreaker. Naito gets on the top rope and hits a missile dropkick for a quick two count as we go to commercial.

Naito hits his signature leg trip dropkick in the corner, then hits Gloria for a near fall. Nagata locks in a Fujiwara armbar, rolling his eyes into the back of his head, transitioning into an armbar, but Naito quickly gets to the ropes for the break. Nagata kicks the arm of Naito repeatedly, then Naito spits in his face before Yuji drops Naito with a forearm then a series of knee strikes in the corner. Nagata kicks the face of Naito repeatedly until Red Shoes pulls him off. Naito puts Nagata in a knee scissor as Josh calls it, also calling it a Sambo leg lock, but Nagata just barely gets to the ropes before tapping out. Naito goes for Destino, but Yuji counters with a brainbuster for a near fall, then they exchange forearms once they're back on their feet. Nagata hits a backdrop suplex for a near fall, then Nagata hits a heel kick into a bridging Saito suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Yuji Nagata via pinfall

Katsuyori Shibata vs Tomoaki Honma Block B Match

They start the match by exchanging forearms, then shoulder blocks before Honma drops Shibata. Honma misses a headbutt, then Naito misses a PK before they face off as the crowd cheers. Shibata puts Honma in a reverse chin lock into a head scissor, but Honma gets to the ropes for the break. Shibata scrapes his boot across the head up Honma, then Honma hits him with a series of forearms and stomps in the corner. Honma sends Shibata to the outside, then whips him into the railing repeatedly before dumping him into the crowd. Honma gets back in the ring and plays to the crowd before going back out and bring him back into the ring. Shibata sits with his legs crossed, then on his knees as Honma chops him across the chest and throat, Shibata telling him to kick it up as he gets to his feet. Shibata comes back and drops Honma with a series of forearms in the corner, then hits a running big boot before Honma comes back and drops him with a lariat, then hits the kokeshi as we go to commercial.

They exchange forearms on their knees as we come back and more once they're on their feet, then Shibata hits Honma with a series of strikes before locking in a standing guillotine. Honma falls to the mat, Shibata having a body scissor and the choke locked in, but Honma shows off his strength and stands up, reversing into a reverse piledriver. Shibata hits a kitchen sink, then a high knee into a belly to back release suplex before Honma hits him with a lariat for just a one count. Honma hits a flying kokeshi for a quick two count, then hits a jumping reverse piledriver, Shibata getting right to his feet after. Honma hits him with a third one, then hits the diving kokeshi for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tomoaki Honma via pinfall

YOSHI-HASHI vs Kenny Omega Block B Match

They start off even with the momentum going back and forth until YOSHI hits a huricanrrana that sends Kenny out of the ring, then dropkicking him once he's back on the apron, sending him into the railing. YOSHI comes out and whips Kenny into the railing repeatedly, then Kenny backs YOSHI into the apron and the railing repeatedly before suplexing him onto the railing. Kenny then pulls up the padding on the floor and puts it over top of YOSHI before hitting a springboard double foot stomp, then gets back into the ring, content with a count out victory. YOSHI gets back in at the count of eighteen, Kenny covering him as soon as he does for a quick two count, then immediately following up with a Green Bay plunge into a moonsault for another quick two count. YOSHI comes back when he catches Kenny running in, then counters a powerbomb into a blockbuster as we go to commercial.

YOSHI is in control as we come back, hitting a neckbreaker for a quick two count, then Kenny hits a superkick into a snap dragon suplex into a snap dragon suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Kenny hits a doctor bomb as Josh calls it for a near fall, then runs at YOSHI before YOSHI hits him with a lariat that turns him inside out, then a powerbomb into a bridging pin for a near fall of his own. YOSHI drops Kenny on the mat, then misses a swanton bomb, getting only Kenny's knees. Kenny hits YOSHI with a V-Shot, then YOSHI rolls him up when he counters the One Winged Angel. Kenny hits another V-Shot, then goes for the One Winged Angel, but YOSHI counters it into a DDT, then hits a swanton bomb for a near fall.YOSHI puts Kenny into a form of a neck lock, but Kenny gets to the ropes. YOSHI turns Kenny inside out with a lariat, then a sleeper hold into a backstabber and a dropkick to the back of Kenny's neck for another near fall. YOSHI then hits Kenny with Karma for the pin and the win.

Winner: YOSHI-HASHI via pinfall

Episode 2 G1 Climax Part 4

Naomichi Marufuji vs Hiroshi Tanahashi Block A Match

They lock up for a clean break, then Maru teases a Ko-oh, but Tana ducks, then they exchange standing switches before Maru takes Tana down with a single leg into a toe hold, but Tana counters into a half nelson into a back mount. Tana goes for an armbar, but Maru counters, Tana countering into a triangle, but Maru backs out of it, the two facing off as the crowd cheers. Maru gets out of a side headlock, but Tana drops him with a shoulder block, then Tana wraps Maru's knee around the ring post. Tana kicks the knee of Maru and elbow drops it before putting Maru in a shin lock, then slams his knee into the mat as we go to commercial.

Tana is in control as we come back, smashing Maru's knee into his knee and the mat repeatedly, then locking in a reverse Indian death lock, Maru hitting him with a series of chops across the chest. Tana hits Maru with a forearm once he does, then Maru gets to the ropes. Tana goes for a dragon screw leg whip in the ropes, but Maru hits him with a high knee, then Tana comes back and tries again, but Maru hits a piledriver onto the apron. They jump ahead in the match with Maru chopping Tana repeatedly, then Tana drops him with a running shoulder tackle, Tana dropping Maru and hitting a senton from the second rope for a quick two count. Maru dropkicks Tana out to the apron, then Maru hits Tana with a springboard dropkick when Tana is standing on the apron. Maru dives over the top rope and onto Tana before hitting him with a chop, then Tana tries to whip him into the railing, but he catches himself, then hits a springboard coast to coast once Tana is back in the ring for a near fall. They exchange chops across the chest, then they mix it up with a series of slaps and kicks before Tana hits a dragon screw leg whip as we go to commercial.

Maru hits a bicycle knee, then superkicks Tana for a near fall, following up with an enzuigiri. Tana counters the Shiranui with a variation of a sling blade, then hits a straight jacket German suplex with a bridge for a near fall of his own. Tana hits a sling blade, then goes for a High Fly Flow, but Maru counters with a jumping knee in mid-air. Maru hits a back roundhouse kick into a bicycle knee for a near fall, then Tana counters an Emerald Flowsion with a spinning neckbreaker. Maru hits a superkick, but Tana hits a sling blade, then hits two High Fly Flow's for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi via pinfall

Kazuchika Okada vs Tomohiro Ishii Block A Match

They lock up for a clean break, then Ishii gets out of a side headlock, dropping Okada with a lariat for a quick two count, immediately following up with his signature sliding lariat for another near fall. Okada counters a brainbuster, going for RAINMAKER, but Ishii counters that and Okada hits his reverse neckbreaker, Okada rolling to the outside afterwards to recover. Ishii rolls Okada back into the ring, Ishii hits Okada with a series of chops, then Okada comes back with forearms and a snapmare, going for a dropkick, but Ishii hits him with a powerslam as we go to commercial.

Ishii steps on the face of Okada, then kicks the side of his head and the back of it before chopping him across the chest and the throat until he drops him. Okada hits Ishii with a series of forearms, then Ishii headbutts him before hitting him with more chops. Ishii headbutts him again, then kicks him in the side of the head before they exchange forearms, then Okada hits a big boot and a flapjack. Okada drops Ishii with a reverse elbow when he whips him into the ropes, then Okada hits his signature snapmare into a dropkick to the side of the head for a quick two count. Okada whips Ishii into the corner, then hits a jumping back elbow into a DDT, then a diving European uppercut for another quick two count.

Okada slams Ishii to the mat and goes for an elbow drop, but Ishii catches him, then hits a backdrop suplex, following up with more chops that backs Okada into the corner. Ishii hits Okada with a series of chops and forearms in the corner, then whips him into the other corner, but misses a clothesline before Okada sets him on the top rope and dropkicks him to the floor. Ishii holds onto his ankle, then Okada whips him into the railing before booting him over the railing and to the floor. Okada uses the railing to hit a draping DDT onto the floor, then Okada rolls Ishii back into the ring at the count of sixteen. Okada comes back in and hits a scoop slam into an elbow drop, then plays to the crowd with the RAINMAKER pose, but Ishii hops up and drops him with a chop across the throat. Ishii hits him with another chop to the throat, then a release German suplex that sends Okada across the ring, then Ishii hits a running clothesline in the corner and a powerbomb for a near fall. Okada counters a lariat with a death valley driver as we go to commercial.

They exchange strikes, then Ishii counters a tombstone, then counters a dropkick before Okada hits him with a series of European uppercuts. Ishii dropkicks Okada, then sets him on the top rope and hitting a superplex for a near fall as JR yells out in protest, saying "how in the hell did that happen?". Ishii hits a sliding lariat for another near fall, then Okada counters a brainbuster with a dropkick to the back of the head of Ishii, then Okada hits a shotgun dropkick that turns Ishii inside out. Okada hits a series of basement dropkicks for a near fall, then Okada goes for a tombstone, but Ishii counters and stomps on the foot of Okada before hitting him with a series of forearms. Okada dropkicks Ishii, then goes for the RAINMAKER, but Ishii hits an enzuigiri, Okada countering a lariat with German suplex. Okada goes for RAINMAKER, but Ishii counters it with an attempt of his own, then Ishii drops him with a series of headbutts. Okada goes for a tombstone, but Ishii counters with one of his own, then Ishii drops him with a lariat for a near fall at the very last second. Ishii hits the vertical drop brainbuster for the pin and the win afterwards.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii via pinfall

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