NJPW Road To Destruction Day 3 Results: Suzuki-Gun vs. Tanahashi/Taguchi Headlines, Plus The Young Lions League Continues

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW Road To Destruction Day 3. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.) def. Hiroshi Tanahasi & Ryusuke Taguchi

Mark Briscoe On The Future Of ROH: Kyle Fletcher Is 100% A Five-Star Prospect, Keep An Eye On Him

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Evil) def. Bullet Club (Jay White & Chase Owens)

Los Ingobernables (Shingo Takagi, Sanada & Bushi) def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto & Rocky Romero)

Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori, El Phantasmo & Bad Luck Fale) def. Toa Henare & Chaos (Will Ospreay & Robbie Eagles)

Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) def. Tomoaki Homna & Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi)

Satoshi Kojima, Ren Narita & Yota Tsuji def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Shota Umino & Yuya Uemura

12th Young Lions Cup League Match
Karl Fredericks def. Clark Connors

12th Young Lions Cup League Match
Alex Coughlin def. Michael Richards

12th Young Lions Cup League Match
Alex Coughlin vs. Michael Richards

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Coughlin and Richards, Coughlin backs Richards into the corner before a striking exchange breaks out. Coughlin ends the exchange by dropping Richards with a shoulder tackle, Coughlin corners Richards before stomping away on him. Coughlin goes back to attacking Richards with chops before applying a headlock, Richards gets free and he gets Coughlin in a head scissors. Coughlin gets free and he pulls back on the legs of Richards until he gets to the ropes, Coughlin traps Richards in the ropes while landing more strikes. Richards recovers and he nails a charging Coughlin with a clothesline, Coughlin gets up and he nails Richards with a drop kick. Coughlin gets Richards in a Boston crab and Richards gets to the ropes, Coughlin nails Richards with a side Russian leg sweep before applying a modified Indian death lock. Coughlin bridges while in the death lock and Richards taps out.

Winner: Alex Coughlin

12th Young Lions Cup League Match
Clark Connors vs. Karl Fredericks

The match begins with Fredericks tripping up Connors multiple times and Connors keeps getting back up, Connors and Fredericks take turns working over each others arm. Connors trips up Fredericks and gets him in a headlock, Fredericks gets free and he exchanges shoulder tackles with Connors until Fredericks fails at a drop kick attempt. Connors keeps Fredericks down while stomping away on him, Connors gets Fredericks in the corner while landing more strikes. Connors also attacks a cornered Fredericks with shoulder thrusts, Fredericks fights back and Connors attacks his injured shoulder. Fredericks shocks Connors with a roll up before eating a slam, Connors continues attacking the injured shoulder of Fredericks. Fredericks fights back and he drills Connors with a drop kick, Fredericks corners Connors while stomping away on him. Connor catches Fredericks in a roll up for a near fall, Fredericks recovers to hit Connors with a slam and stomp for a near fall. Fredericks then nails Connors with a shotgun drop kick followed by an avalanche, Connors comes back and he nails a charging Fredericks with a spear. Fredericks and Connors have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Fredericks then hits Connors with a spine buster before applying a single leg crab to force a tap out.

Winner: Karl Fredericks

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Shota Umino & Yuya Uemura vs. Satoshi Kojima, Ren Narita & Yota Tsuji

The match begins with Tenzan backing Kojima into the ropes before landing a chop, Tenzan then gets Uemura in a headlock. Kojima gets free and Tenzan drops him with a shoulder tackle, Tenzan also attacks Uemura with Mongolian chops. Kojima recovers and he drops Tenzan with a shoulder tackle, Umino and Narita tag into the match. Umino gets Narita in a headlock and Narita gets free before scoring a takedown on Umino, Narita then gets Umino in a headlock of his own. Umino and Narita have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Narita then drops Umino with a shoulder tackle. Umino recovers to drop Narita and land a basement drop kick, Uemura and Tsuji get tagged in. Uemura and Tsuji have a chain wrestling session until Tsuji backs Uemura into the ropes to land a chop, Uemura scores a takedown on Tsuji and Tsuji quickly gets him in a head scissors. Tsuji gets free and he gets Uemura in a headlock, Uemura gets free and he drops Tsuji with a shoulder tackle. Tenzan tags in and he attacks Tsuji with some strikes, Umino tags in and he works with Tenzan to hit Tsuji with a double shoulder tackle.

Umino then attacks Tsuji with elbow strikes to the back of the head, Tsuji tries fighting back and Umino drops him. Tsuji recovers and he nails a charging Umino with a slam, Kojima tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Kojima then drops a charging Umino with a DDT, Kojima also traps Umino in the corner while landing Machinegun Chops. Kojima goes to the top rope and he lands the elbow drop on Umino for a near fall, Umino fights back and he nails Kojima with a missile drop kick. Tenzan tags in and he nails Kojima with a shoulder tackle, Tenzan follows that up by nailing Kojima with Mongolian chops. Tenzan then hits Kojima with a suplex for a near fall, Tenzan and Kojima get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Uemura and Narita get tagged in by their respective partners, Uemura and Narita also exchange a few slams followed by pin attempts. Narita then hits a charging Uemura with a back body drop, Tsuji hits the ring and he is quickly taken out by Umino. Narita then eliminates Umino with an overhead belly to belly suplex, Uemura drops Narita afterwards for a near fall. Narita catches a charging Uemura with a northern lights suplex for a three count.

Winners: Satoshi Kojima, Ren Narita & Yota Tsuji

Tomoaki Homna & Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)

The match begins with Bullet Club jumping Yoshi-Hashi from behind and that instigates a brawl between both teams, Loa and Tonga double team Yoshi-Hashi and Ishii on the inside of the ring. Ishii and Yoshi-Hashi fight back to briefly double team Tonga, Yoshi-Hashi attacks Tonga with some strikes before Takahashi interferes. Homna hits the ring to attack Takahashi and Tonga, Homna hits Takahashi with a Kokeshi before missing one of Tonga. Jado interferes and he trips up Yoshi-Hashi so Tonga can regain control, Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he nails Jado with a baseball slide drop kick. Takahashi drags Yoshi-Hashi to the arena floor and a second brawl breaks out between both teams, Tonga throws Ishii into a table that was near the crowd. Takahashi tags in and he drops Yoshi-Hashi before landing a leg drop for a near fall, Takahashi kneels over Yoshi-Hashi while landing some strikes. Yoshi-Hashi fights back and Takahashi kicks him right in the face, Loa tags in and he hits Yoshi-Hashi with a power slam for a near fall. Loa corners Yoshi-Hashi before stomping away on him, Tonga tags in and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a slingshot swanton bomb.

Tonga looks for a brain buster and Yoshi-Hashi escapes to land a mule kick, Ishii tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Ishii traps Tonga in the corner while landing a bunch of strikes, Loa interferes and that allows Tonga to hit Ishii with an avalanche. Tonga then hits Ishii with a neck breaker for a near fall, Tonga then nails Ishii with a Tongan Twist before tagging Loa in. Loa and Ishii exchange suplex attempts until Ishii lands one, Homna tags in and he nails Loa with a few strikes. Homna also nails Loa with a bulldog before landing a Kokeshi, Loa gets up ad Homna attacks him with clotheslines. Jado hits Homna with a kendo stick and that allows Loa to land a clothesline, Loa then hits Homna with Ape Shit for a three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)

Toa Henare & Chaos (Will Ospreay & Robbie Eagles) vs. Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori, El Phantasmo & Bad Luck Fale)

The match begins with Ishimori backing Eagles into the ropes before letting him go free, Eagles eventually does the same to Ishimori. Eagles trips up Ishimori and Ishimori gets to the ropes before any damage is done, Ishimori then attacks Eagles with a few strikes. Eagles recovers to land an arm drag followed by a rana and leg lariat, Ospreay tags in and he exchanges more tags with Eagles to wrench away on the arm of Ishimori. Eagles then nails the arm of Ishimori with a top rope double stomp, Henare tags in and he attacks the arm of Ishimori. Henare traps Ishimori in the corner while landing strikes, Henare then drops Ishimori with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Ishimori recovers and he rakes the eyes of Henare, Phantasmo tags in and he chokes Henare on the middle rope. Phantasmo then hits Henare with a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall, Phantasmo attacks Henare with more strikes and a tittie twister. Phantasmo hangs Henare upside down in the corner before double teaming him with Ishimori, Phantasmo and Ishimori take turns ranking the back of Henare. Fale climbs to the top rope during this and Henare knocks him to the arena floor, Henare then hits Phantasmo and Ishimori with a double suplex.

Ospreay tags in and he starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ospreay eventually drops Phantasmo to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Ospreay and Eagles double team Phantasmo in the ring, Phantasmo fights back and Ospreay nails him with an enzaguri. Phantasmo recovers and he nails Ospreay with a spinning neck breaker, Fale and Henare get tagged in by their respective partners. Fale misses a charge in the corner and Henare nails him with a clothesline followed by strikes, Ishimori interferes and he attacks Henare. Fale crushes Henare with an avalanche followed by a splash for a near fall, Ospreay and Eagles battle Phantasmo and Ishimori on the arena floor. Henare levels Fale with a lariat for a near fall, Phantasmo interferes so Fale can hit Henare with a clothesline. Fale then hits Henare with the Grenade for a three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori, El Phantasmo & Bad Luck Fale)

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto & Rocky Romero) vs. Los Ingobernables (Shingo Takagi, Sanada & Bushi)

The match begins with Goto getting Takagi in a headlock, Takagi gets free and Goto drops him with a shoulder tackle. Takagi recovers and drops Goto with a shoulder tackle of his own, Takagi and Goto exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Bushi tags in and he attacks Goto with a few strikes before choking him with his shirt, Goto quickly escapes to hit Bushi with a belly to back suplex and that instigates a brawl between both teams. Goto gets Bushi in the ring and he nails him with a suplex for a near fall, Romero tags in and he attacks Bushi with more strikes. Bushi fights back and Romero quickly drops him with a right, Okada tags in and he corners Bushi before landing a slam. Okada then nails Bushi with a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall, Romero tags back in and he attacks Bushi with a knee drop. Goto tags in and he attacks Bushi with more strikes before double teaming him with Romero, Okada tags back in and he works over Bushi some more. Bushi fights back and he drops Okada with a middle rope rana, Sanada tags in and he immediately goes after Okada. Sanada then drops a charging Okada with a drop kick, Okada rolls out of the ring and Sanada takes him out with a dive.

Sanada gets Okada back in the ring and they go through a plethora of reversals until Okada lands a flapjack, Goto tags in and he attacks Sanada with some strikes. Sanada recovers and he drops Goto with a missile drop kick, Takagi tags in and he nails a cornered Goto with a clothesline. Takagi and Goto have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Goto ends the exchange by nailing Takagi with a Ushigoroshi. Romero tags in and he attacks Takagi with Forever Clotheslines, Romero then hits Takagi with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Romero goes for sliced bread and Takagi avoids it, LIJ hit the ring and they triple team Romero until Okada breaks it up. Takagi looks for Made In Japan until Goto hits the ring to nail him with a lariat. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Romero hits Takagi with a running sliced bread for a near fall. Romero looks for another sliced bread and Takagi avoids it, Takagi then hits Romero with a pop up death valley driver and a Pumping Bomber.Takagi then hits Romero with the Last Dragon for a three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Shingo Takagi, Sanada & Bushi)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Evil) vs. Bullet Club (Jay White & Chase Owens)

The match begins with Owens attacking Evil and they battle to the arena floor, Naito and White exchange strikes in the ring. Naito knocks White out of the ring before faking a suicide dive, White gets back in the ring and he tags Owens in. Evil tags in as well and Owens attacks him with elbow strikes, Evil recovers and drops a charging Owens with a shoulder block. Evil gets Owens into the corner before landing some chops, Evil drops Owens and he stomps away on him. Gedo interferes and that allows Owens to knock Evil out of the ring, a brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place. Owens grabs a spiked object from the announce table and he attacks Evil with it, Owens gets Evil in the ring before nailing him with a back elbow strike. White tags in and he quickly drops Evil as well, White the applies the single leg crab to Evil before tagging Owens in. Owens quickly attacks Evil with strikes while also raking his eyes, Evil fights back and Owens nails him with a combination. Evil recovers and he nails Owens with a fisherman buster suplex, White tags in and Evil drops him before tagging Naito in.

Naito quickly drops White with an arm drag before landing a drop kick, Naito drops White a second time before landing a basement drop kick to the back of the head. Naito keeps White trapped in the corner while attacking him with strikes, White ends Naito’s momentum by nailing him with a DDT. Owens tags in and he misses a knee strike on Naito, Naito makes Owens pay by landing a neck breaker. Evil tags in and he double teams Owens alongside Naito, White hits the ring and he knocks Naito out of it before double teaming Evil with Owens. White hits Evil with a Blade Buster before Owens lands a knee strike for a near fall, Naito returns and he knocks White out of the ring. Evil avoids a knee strike from Owens to land a lariat for a near fall, Evil gets Owens in a sharp shooter and Owens taps out.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Evil)

- Before the main event begins, Minoru Suzuki goes to the announce table and he attacks Jushin “Thunder” Liger, ending the attack by nailing Liger with a pile driver on a steel chair.

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.)

The match begins with Tanahashi and Taguchi attacking Suzuki-Gun to end the attack on Liger, Suzuki is knocked out of the ring and Taguchi takes him out with a dive. A brawl breaks out between both teams that briefly spills to the arena floor, Tanahashi attacks Sabre Jr with strikes as they get into the ring. Tanahashi then nails Sabre Jr with a drop kick and chop block to the knee, Taguchi tags in and he works with Tanahashi to double team Sabre Jr. Taguchi continues going after Sabre Jr with hip attacks while also working over his hurt knee, Suzuki interferes and he gets Taguchi in a rope assisted arm bar. A second brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place, Suzuki drags Taguchi into the crowd while attacking him with chair shots. Taguchi gets back in the ring before getting double teamed by Suzuki and Sabre Jr, Suzuki tags in and he attacks Suzuki with more strikes. Sabre Jr tags back in and he attacks the behind of Taguchi with a few strikes, Suzuki tags back in and he double teams Taguchi with Sabre Jr. Tanahashi interferes and Suzuki quickly takes him out, Sabre Jr tags back in and he again attacks the behind of Taguchi. 

Taguchi recovers and he drops a charging Sabre Jr with a hip attack, Suzuki tags in and he eats a hip attack as well. Tanahashi tags in and he starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Tanahashi nails Suzuki with a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall. Suzuki recovers and he gets Tanahashi in a sleeper hold before tagging Sabre Jr in, Sabre Jr nails Tanahashi with an overhead kick to the arm. Tanahashi recovers to hit Sabre Jr with a dragon screw leg whip and a sling blade, Tanahashi goes for the High Fly Flow and Sabre Jr gets his knees up. Sabre Jr then gets Tanahashi in a triangle choke and he transitions to an arm bar, Suzuki comes in and he gets Tanahashi in an arm bar as well until Taguchi breaks it up. Sabre Jr goes for a penalty kick and Tanahashi blocks it before landing a dragon screw leg whip, Taguchi tags in and he nails Sabre Jr with more hip attacks. Taguchi gets Sabre Jr in an ankle lock and Sabre Jr gets Taguchi in one a short time later, Taguchi gets free and he reapplies the ankle lock on Sabre Jr until he gets to the ropes. Taguchi goes for a running hip attack and Sabre Jr locks him in a submission until Tanahashi breaks it up, Suzuki hits the ring and he gets Taguchi in a sleeper hold.

Sabre Jr also nails Tanahashi with a Zack Driver, Sabre Jr then nails Taguchi with a Zack Driver for a three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.)

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