Jay White vs Marty Scurll
They exchange wrist locks, rolls and flips to start the match before Jay backs Marty into the corner for a clean break. They exchange headlocks and head scissors before Marty goes for an early Chicken Wing, but Jay counters it easily. Jay puts Marty in a submission after mocking him and doing his bird pose before they exchange a series of two counts off of sunset flips and roll ups. Marty pokes Jay in the eye, but he just tosses Marty out of the ring, then goes for a tope to the outside, but Marty moves and gets him caught in the apron before stomping on his hand and playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.
Marty is in control as we come back from commercial, getting a quick two count once they're back in the ring before the two exchange chops. Jay comes back with a series of forearms and drops Marty with a back elbow before hitting a running European uppercut in the corner and a series of suplexes. Jay hits a flat liner for a near fall before Marty counters a suplex into a brainbuster, then puts Jay in a very unique stretching submission before going for the Cross Face Chicken Wing. Jay fights Marty off before Marty tosses Jay his umbrella and Jay tosses it to the referee who goes to toss it outside and Marty low blows Jay before winning with a small package for the pin and the win.
Winner:Marty Scurll via pinfall
Four Corner Survival Match
Martinez and Briscoe lock up to start the match for a clean break before Mark hits Martinez with a series of strikes that only infuriates him, Mark getting turned inside out with a lariat for his troubles. Shane gets in and squares off with Martinez before Chuckie hits a missile dropkick that sends both of them out of the ring as we go to commercial.
Chuckie is in the ring with Mark as we come back from commercial, doing several flips and arm drags before they square off. Chuckie goes for a tope to the outside onto Martinez, but is caught in midair and dropped onto the apron while Shane takes out Mark in the ring. Martinez takes out Shane and Mark before Chuckie hits an overhead belly to belly suplex with Mark onto Martinez. Shane and Martinez take turns splashing guys in the corner before clearing the ring and dropping each other with a clothesline as we go to commercial.
Martinez drops Shane as we come back from commercial, then Mark hits a fisherman's buster for a near fall. Chuckie hits Sole Food and a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall of his own before Shane gets a near fall as well. Shane and Martinez exchange strikes before Mark somehow hits a uranage that sends Shane out of the ring. Mark hits a DVD to Chuckie and stands on top of Martinez after he's been laid out across the top rope before finishing up with the Froggy Bow for the pin and the win.
Winner: Mark Briscoe pins Chuckie T to gain a shot at Kenny King's ROH Television Title next week.