SCWPro Hawkamania XXXVIII: Prelude Results (4/13)

SCWPro held its SCWPro Hawkamania XXXVIII: Prelude event on April 13 from Wildwood Smokehouse & Saloon in Iowa City, Iowa, USA.

Full results are below.

Joe Hendry To Appear At HOG Wrestling On September 29

SCWPro Hawkamania XXXVIII: Prelude Results (4/13)

- Corn Boi def. Lonzo Romero, Tigre Amore

- Jared Thumb def. Cash Kennedy

- Niko Kline def. Trip Jordy

- 'The Shug' Shane Hollister def. The Chosen (Augustus Draven and Malik Champion) by DQ when Eric Eznite interfered

- Eric Eznite then cut a promo explaining how if he beat Shug at Epic, Shug would be forced to join The Chosen. Eric said this meant Shug would be fully under his control. He then stated that if Shug disobeyed him as a member of The Chosen, he would be erased from SCWPro history including all footage of The Shug on Patreon/YouTube deleted, championship reigns stricken from the record book, and removed from the SCWPro Hall of Fame.

- Carlos Oliva def. Eric Eznite

- During the match, Eznite delcared Carlos was a sinner like Shug, and he was about to hit Oliva with Shug's finisher, the Buzzsaw Kick, but Shug came out and distracted Eric allowing Carlos to get an O'Connor roll for the victory.

- 'Primetime' James Thomas came out and announced he was going to file a restraining order against Ript Studwell banning him from being within 100 feet of Thomas since Studwell wasn't honoring his ban from SCWPro in Thomas opinion. He then invited Studwell out to watch him sign it. Ript said Thomas didn't really want to sign it, but what he really wanted was to fight him again. Studwell said Thomas knew that he couldn't beat him straight up and needed emotional manipulation to win their Loser Leaves SCWPro Match at the 20th Anniversary. Thomas agreed to fight Studwell at Epic, but he promised to sign the restraining order when he won. Studwell agreed, but wanted his spot on the SCWPro roster back if he won.

- Non-Title Match: SCWPro Champion 'The Devil Dog' Dustan Moseley d. Calvin Kelly

- After the match, Dustan said that Mason Beck was front and center on the poster, but he wasn't in the building. He said that Beck liked the jump people from behind and that was the only way he could get the upper hand. Dustan vowed to do things the right way and retain the SCWPro Championship at Epic. He then instucted the crowd to watch the video from the contract signing on 3/16 where Marek Brave announced himself as the Special Guest Referee. After the clip, some strange things happened, and it cut to some weird footage of Beck and Brave hugging and declaring their plan worked. When Dustan asked Brave what it all meant, Brave did not have an answer and simply left.

- Elimination Table Match: Krotch and Shain Boucher d. John Bonhart (w/Mark Storm) and Dante Leon
Elimination order: Krotch, Bonhart, Leon

Upcoming Events

SCWPro Epic
Saturday April 27
Blue Grass Community Center
Blue Grass, Iowa

Already Announced

SCWPro Championship Match
Special Guest Referee: Marek Brave
'Mean' Mason Beck vs 'The Devil Dog' Dustan Moseley (c)

SCWPro Iowa Championship Match
Corn Boi vs 1 Called Manders (c)

Krotch vs John Bonhart (c) w/Mark Storm

If Shug loses, he must join The Chosen
'The Shug' Shane Hollister vs Eric Eznite

Unsanctioned Match
*If Studwell wins, he's back on the roster*
'Primetime' James Thomas (w/Brandon Becker) vs Ript Studwell

SCWPro Fight for Austin
A Fundraiser for Austin Acree
Saturday May 18
Blue Grass Community Center
Blue Grass, Iowa

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