WWE 205 Live Results 4/17 Drake Maverick Addresses Buddy Murphy's Attack on Cedric Alexander, Tornado Tag Team Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live. Tonight 205 Live general manager Drake Maverick will address Buddy Murphy's attack on Cruiserweight champion Cedric Alexander last week, Lucha House Party take on Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa in a tornado tag match and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST after Smackdown! Live for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight brand!

Mustafa Ali vs Ariya Daivari

Mark Briscoe On The Future Of ROH: Kyle Fletcher Is 100% A Five-Star Prospect, Keep An Eye On Him

Ariya attacks Ali before the bell rings, then Ali hits a huricanrrana for a quick two count. Ariya catches Ali up top and pulls him off of the top and to the mat before starting to focus on his back. Ali comes back with a series of clotheslines, chops and elbows before going for his signature rolling neckbreaker, but Ariya counters it into a superkick. Ali dropkicks Ariya out of the ring before Ariya hits a spinebuster onto the floor when Ali goes out after him and rushes him. They get back in the ring and Ariya gets a quick two count before Ali rolls him up for a near fall. Ariya turns Ali inside out with a lariat for a near fall before Ali counters an avalanche back suplex into the 054 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall with the 054.

-We get a video package for the attack on Cedric Alexander last week by Buddy Murphy before we find out from Drake Maverick that Buddy Murphy couldn't make the 205lb limit before announcing a number one contender gauntlet match for next week ahead of the Greatest Royal Rumble as we go to commercial.

-Jack Gallagher & The Brian Kendrick have a squash match against local talent.

Tornado Tag Team Match

Lucha House Party vs Hideo Itami & Akira Tozawa

They brawl on the ramp before the match even starts, then Lucha hit double topes to the outside before they get in the ring and double team Hideo after sending Akira back out of the ring for a quick two count that Akira breaks up. Lucha double team Akira for a quick two count, Lucha keeping Hideo out of the ring, kicking him from the apron whenever he tries to get back in. Akira sends both members of Lucha out of the ring before he and Hideo double team Lince in the corner and Hideo hits a neckbreaker for a quick two count. The Japanese superstars double team Lince  for a near fall before Hideo locks in the rings of Saturn and Akira locks in an octopus stretch that they both voluntarily break themselves. Akira and Hideo send Metalik out of the ring as Hideo tries de-mask, then Lince rolls Akira up for a quick two count that Hideo breaks up.

Akira hits a suplex into a senton for a quick two count before he and Hideo beat Lince down with chops and kicks. Metalik finally gets in the ring and he and Lince clear it before hitting stereo moonsaults to the outside and tossing Akira back into the ring. Hideo whips Lince over the steps before Akira hits a tope through the ropes and sends Metalik into the announce table before he teases a high angle senton off of the top and through the announce table, but Lince stops him. They hit a tower of doom before Lince and Akira counter each other until Akira drops Lince and hits a high angle senton off of the top for a near fall that Metalik breaks up. Lince comes back with a double stunner for a near fall before Hideo drops him with a series of strikes and hits a hesitation dropkick in the corner.

Akira then accidentally boots Hideo before Metalik and Lince hit a double move off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lucha House Party defeats Akira Tozawa & Hideo Itami via pinfall

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