WWE 205 Live Results 5/16 TJ Perkins VS Austin Aries, Drew Gulak VS Mustafa Ali & More!

This is the Fightful.com live cover for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight two of the top Cruiserweights square off as in our main event Austin Aries takes on TJ Perkins and weeks after Drew Gulak interfering and distracting him, Mustafa Ali looks to finally get his hands on him and stop the no fly zone! Be sure to come back here at 10PM EST for these two great matches and more right after WWE Smackdown! Live!

Noam Dar vs Gran Metalik

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They lock up for a clean break, then start exchanging wrist locks before Dar puts Gran in a head lock that he is quick to get out of. Alicia distracts Gran, then Dar attacks him before Metalik hits an old school into an arm drag that sends Noam out of the ring. Metalik hits an Asai moonsault from the apron, then they get back in the ring and Dar tries to keep the high flyer grounded until Metalik comes back with a high angle springboard back elbow and a bull dog for a near fall. Metalik hits a diving elbow off of the top rope for a near fall, then Metalik rolls him up for another fear fall after hitting him with a series of forearms. Dar then knocks him off of the ropes when he walks them before hitting a shining wizard for the pin and the win.

Noam Dar via pinfall

-Drew Gulak comes out and kills Ali before his match with Nese, beating on him and throwing him into the ring post as we go to commercial.

Austin Aries vs TJ Perkins

They start off aggressive to start the match, then TJ sends AA out of the ring before beating on him at ringside and backing him into the barricade and the apron repeatedly. They get back in the ring and TJ starts focusing on the leg of Aries before sending him out of the ring, then TJ puts him back in the ring and beats on him. TJ puts Aries in a toe hold, but Aries manages to get out by clapping the ears of TJ once he's to his feet on one leg. Aries drops TJ repeatedly with clotheslines, then hits a gutbuster into an STO and a pendulum elbow, finishing with a kitchen sink and a dropkick to the back of the head of TJ for a near fall. Aries gets a near fall of his own when he rolls TJ up, then TJ sends him off of the apron and to the floor before TJ hits a wrecking ball dropkick before rolling Aries back in the ring for a near fall.

TJ hits Aries with a series of kicks, then rolls Aries up, holding the tights, but Aries kicks out hard for the two count. Aries sends TJ out of the ring before he dives out of the ring and into TJ, holding onto his knee at ringside immediately after, then they get back in the ring and Aries gets caught on the top rope. Aries claps his ears, then misses a missile dropkick before locking in the knee bar , TJ holding onto the ropes himself until the referee breaks it off. Aries gets free, then locks in the Last Chancery for the tap and the win out of no where.

Winner: Austin Aries via submission

-After the match Neville attacks and decimates Aries with a heel hook until Jack comes out and stops him. Jack beats Neville with his umbrella, then sends Neville out of the ring with a headbutt as we go off of the air.

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