WWE 205 Live Results 7/4 The Last Stop Before Great Balls of Fire!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of 205 Live! We are just five days away from WWE Great Balls of Fire this Sunday where Neville will defend his WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Akira Tozawa. Will Neville have one last statement for Tozawa or will Akira look to teach the King of the Cruiserweights a lesson? Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST after Smackdown! Live for an hour showcasing the Cruiserweight Division!

-Titus O'Neill is backstage to start the show talking to Akira Tozawa on the phone before he's interrupted by Ariya Daivari, then Mustafa Ali.

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-Titus O'Neil comes out to the ring and talks about Akira Tozawa and Neville's match this Sunday at Great Balls of Fire before Neville comes out and talks about how he'll retain the belt before Titus joins on commentary.

Neville vs Lince Dorado

Neville takes Lince down before dropping him with a shoulder block for a quick two count, then Lince hits a sunset flip for a quick two count of his own. Lince gets another quick two count before hitting a monkey flip and a huricanrrana that sends Neville to the floor. Lince then hits a move from the apron before sending Neville end over end into the announce table. Neville comes back and whips Lince into the ring steps before smashing his face into the announce table as Titus yells at him. Neville rolls Lince back into the ring and hits a powerbomb before locking in the Rings of Saturn for the tap and the win.

Winner: Neville via submission

Tony Nese vs Jack Gallagher

Nese shoves Jack away and mocks him while posing before he pins the shoulders of Jack down for a quick two count, then Jack flips a lot before Jack rolls him around and gets a series of two counts. Jack puts Tony in a headlock that he gets out of and hangs Jack in the ropes before hitting him in the back for a quick two count. Tony hangs Jack in the tree of woe before kicking him in the face repeatedly, then gets a quick two count before putting Jack in a stretch submission. Jack fights out of it and hits a series of knees and a dropkick for a quick two count of his own. Jack puts Tony in an armbar, but he counters and powerbombs him before Jack nearly knocks him out with a headbutt.

Jack then hits a delayed dropkick in the corner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher via pinfall

-After the match The Brian Kendrick pops up on the screen and talks about the various loses of the English in the Revolutionary War before saying that Jack will lose and surrender to him.

TJP vs Rich Swann

They exchange wrist locks and flips to start the match, then Swann sends TJP out of the ring before mocking him. TJP gets back in the ring before TJP sends him over the top rope and to the floor before rolling him back into the ring for a quick two count. TJP whips him into the corner sternum first before hitting a kitchen sink and a twisting senton for a near fall. TJP then locks in the Muta lock, but Swann somehow gets to the ropes for the break before tapping. Swann comes back with a frankensteiner in the corner and a rolling thunder for a near fall.

Swann hits a Michinoku driver for another near fall, then TJP hits a forearm from the top rope before Swann hits a back roundhouse kick that drops TJP. TJP goes for a Detonation Kick, but Swann counters, then TJP puts him in a kneebar before he rolls to the ropes for the break. They then hit each other with a kick before exchanging strikes and pin attempts for a series of two counts before Swann gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall

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