WWE 205 Live Results for 1/24/20 Lio Rush vs Tony Nese, Lorcan vs Kendrick

Hey Fight Fans, it's time for 205 Live featuring three matches headlined by Lio Rush and Tony Nese!

Ariya Daivari vs Tyler Breeze

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Tyler rocks Ariya with strikes before dropkicking him and hitting mounted punches in the corner. Ariya comes back and stomps Tyler before rocking him with a right hand and Tyler rocks him with an enzuigiri before Ariya dropkicks him off of the apron and onto the floor. Ariya goes out after Tyler and tosses him back into the ring before hitting a neckbreaker in the ropes for two before dropping him with a chop. Ariya drops Tyler with a back elbow for two and follows up with a headlock before Tyler comes back with jawbreaker before sending him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Ariya hits a neckbreaker and rains down punches to Tyler before applying a standing Muta lock before Tyler turns it into a back slide for two.

They run into each other with a running cross body before Tyler hits a slingshot and drops Ariya out of the air with a superkick for a near fall. Tyler hits an Unprettier for a near fall, Ariya getting his foot on the bottom rope right before the count of three. They then dodge each other before Tyler counters the hammer lock lariat and pins Ariya for the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

-The Brian Kendrick then talks to Ariya backstage as he goes out to the ring for his match against Danny Burch.

The Brian Kendrick vs Danny Burch

Danny runs Brian over and rocks him with an uppercut before stomping him in the corner and hits a scoop slam. Danny hits Brian with more uppercuts before hitting a Thesz press and punching Brian in mount before dropping him with a shoulder block. Brian rolls out of the ring and Brian hits Danny with a side Russian leg sweep into the steps before he gets back in at nine. Brian immediately locks in the Captain's Hook before Danny gets to his feet and Brian drops him before quickly reapplying it. Danny gets back to his feet and rocks Brian with right hands and an uppercut before dropping him with back elbows.

Danny hits a running clothesline in the corner into an enzuigiri before hitting a missile dropkick for two. Danny hits a German suplex for a near fall, Brian grabbing the ropes at the last second before Danny clotheslines him when he goes for Sliced Bread #2. Ariya then shows up and helps Brian to pin Danny without the referee seeing it for the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick defeats Danny Burch via pinfall.

Lio Rush vs Tony Nese

They run the ropes before Tony drops Lio with a back elbow and Lio drops Tony with an enzuigiri before punching and kicking him in the corner. Tony yanks Lio off of the top turnbuckle and hits him with left hands before dropping him with a running cross body for two. Lio sends Tony out of the ring and hits a suicide dive that sends him into the announce table before Tony whips Lio into the steps and he flips over them. Back in the ring Tony drops Lio with a spinning back kick for two before whipping Lio into the corner and flexing for the crowd. Tony mocks Lio and dropkicks him for two before locking in a body scissors, Lio countering Tony before getting a two count off of a sunset flip.

Lio hits the Come Up for a near fall before Tony rolls away when he climbs to the top for The Final Hour. Tony snaps the neck of Lio in the ropes and misses a triangle moonsault before Tony hits a gut wrench falcon arrow for two. Lio drops Tony with a roundhouse kick before Tony sends him off of the top turnbuckle and down onto the apron with a jumping uppercut. Lio meets Tony on the top turnbuckle and they exchange until they both fall off of the top turnbuckle and down onto the floor. Tony then sends Lio over the announce table before running back into the ring for the count out victory.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Lio Rush via count out.

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