WWE Mixed Match Challenge & 205 Live Results 2/27 Asuka & The Miz vs Sasha Banks & Finn Balor, Roderick Strong vs Kalisto

Mixed Match Challenge

Asuka & The Miz vs Sasha Banks & Finn Balor

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Miz and Finn start the match off before Miz gets on the mic and cuts a promo mid match before Finn rolls Miz up repeatedly for a series of quick two counts. Asuka begs Miz to tag her in, but Miz says he's got this and drops Finn with a series of right hands. Miz plays to the crowd and drops Finn with a right hand before Finn rolls through for a quick two count. Asuka demands that Miz tag her in, but he is still reluctant to do so, Miz mocking Sasha before Finn counters a kick into a roll up for yet another quick two count. Asuka tags herself in and she puts Sasha in a side headlock before dropping her with a shoulder block and mocking Sasha only for Sasha to come back and mock Asuka.

Asuka slaps Sasha before dropping her with a hip attack, then Asuka does Miz's kicks before Asuka hits a missile dropkick and goes for the Asuka Lock, but Sasha counters and hits a jumping meteora for a near fall. Sasha gets a quick two count before putting Asuka in a straight jacket hold that she fights out of before Sasha hits a running meteora for another near fall. Sasha mocks Miz before Asuka drops Sasha with a knee and tags Miz in, Finn dropping Miz repeatedly before Finn hits a reverse DDT for a near fall that Asuka breaks up. Sasha hits a meteora off of the apron before Finn and Miz get back in the ring and Miz gets a near fall off of the Skull Crushing Finale that Sasha breaks up. Finn hits a slingblade into a shotgun dropkick, then hits a Coup de Grace that Asuka breaks up.

Finn and Sasha then put Miz and Asuka in dual submissions before Finn gets distracted by Sasha tapping when Asuka counters into the Asuka Lock and forces Sasha to tap, allowing Miz to roll him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Asuka & The Miz defeat Finn Balor & Sasha Banks via pinfall when Miz rolls up Finn.

WWE 205 Live

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Second Round Match

Cedric Alexander vs TJP

They exchange standing switches and flips to start the match until Cedric hits a powerbomb for a quick two count. TJP fights out of a side headlock before taking Cedric down with a head scissors, the two doing a series of chain wrestling until Cedric starts focusing on the arm of TJP. TJP comes back with a flurry of offense before Cedric sends him out of the ring with a dropkick and TJP hits a flying armbar out of nowhere, Cedric managing to get to the ropes for the break almost immediately. They counter each other until TJP hits a neckbreaker and puts Cedric in a variation of the camel clutch. TJP puts Cedric in a unique pinning predicament for a near fall before hitting a slingshot senton for a quick two count.

Cedric fights his way out of a headlock before TJP drops him with a jumping back elbow for a quick two count. Cedric fights out of an attempted octopus stretch before Cedric comes back with a series of clotheslines and a hand spring roundhouse kick for a near fall. Cedric hits an enzuigiri into a spinning flat liner for a near fall before TJP counters the Lumbar Check into a gutbuster. They counter each other until Cedric sends TJP out of the ring and hits a flipping senton over the top rope and onto the floor. They get back in the ring and counter each other more until TJP counters the hand spring roundhouse kick into a knee bar. TJP gets a near fall off of a roll up before they exchange strikes until TJP locks in a double knee bar, but Cedric manages to roll to the ropes for the break at the last second.

They then exchange strikes until Cedric counters the Detonation Kick into the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander defeats TJP via pinfall with the Lumbar Check to advance to the next round of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Second Round Match

Roderick Strong vs Kalisto

Strong immediately tries to take and keep the high flying Kalisto down to the mat before Kalisto comes back with a series of dropkicks and goes for a sunset flip over the top only to be caught with a backbreaker for a quick two count. Kalisto hits a huricanrrana that sends Strong out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside and a huricanrrana into the barricade. Strong sends Kalisto into the apron before hitting a release suplex onto the announce table and rolling him back into the ring. Strong hits a gutbuster for a quick two count before dropkicking Kalisto when he tries to come back for another quick two count. Kalisto comes back with a spiking huricanrrana for a near fall before Strong counters the Solida del Sol into an Olympic slam for a very close near fall.

They counter each other until Kalisto dumps Strong off of the top and onto his head for a very close near fall. They then exchange strikes until Strong hits a backbreaker into The End of Heartache for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong defeats Kalisto via pinfall with The End of Heartache to advance to the next round of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.

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