WWE NXT Results For 8/10/21 Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly Face to Face, NXT Breakout Tournament

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- The show begins with a preview of tonight's episode of NXT.

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- We are welcome to NXT by head commentator Vic Joseph. NXT is coming to us live from the CWC in Orlando, Florida. Joseph introduces Wade Barrett and says that Beth Phoenix is not there tonight and is on a much-needed vacation.

Dakota Kai vs. Sarray

Dakota Kai cuts a short promo insulting Raquel Gonzalez and says that she will beat Sarray. The bell rings, and it begins with a tie-up. It takes a little bit, but Sarray is the first one to get control of the match. Sarray hits Dakota with a springboard arm-drag takedown. Sarray now ties up Dakota's leg and has a submission lock. Dakota gets out of it by pulling Sarray's hair. Dakota is up and stomps on the back of Sarray.

Dakota Kai is in complete control and knees Sarray and kicks the middle of Sarray's back. Sarray counters Kai's hold and ties up the leg of Kai. Kai is now in danger of submitting if she does not reach the ropes. However, she does, and the ref breaks up the hold.

Sarray hits Dakota with a nice suplex. Then, we head out to our first picture-in-picture commercial break with Kai in control.

We are back from the break, and Dakota Kai is working the back of Sarray; Dakota takes Sarray down and goes for the pin; however, Sarray kicks out. Sarray is back up and getting a flurry of strikes in on Dakota. Sarray goes for a pin attempt on Dakota Kai, and Kai kicks out at two.

Sarray lands on Dakota Kai with a double stomp, both competitors are back up, and Sarray hits Dakota Kai with a German suplex and pin combination. Dakota Kai kicks out at two, and both competitors are both on their feet.

Sarray goes for the Sunray Dropkick and hits it; she goes for another one; however, Kai avoids it and drops Sarray with a big dropkick of her own. We see Raquel Gonzalez arriving at the CWC. They return to the action in the ring. Dakota Kai hits the big boot on Sarray in the corner, and Sarray is out of it. Dakota goes for the pin and gets the victory.

After the match, Kai is going to go for another big boot on Sarray. However, Raquel Gonzalez cuts Kai off, and Kai retreats. Raquel cuts a promo saying that she will take care of Dakota Kai at NXT Takeover.

Winner: Dakota Kai

- They show footage of last week's Love Her or Lose Her Match. They then show footage of Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis on their first date. Johnny Gargano tells Lumis to have Hartwell at home by 10 pm.

- We are back from a commercial break. Hit Row is cutting a promo on Legado Del Fantasma, and they say Legado Del Phantasma disrespected that Hit Row. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott then holds up a Lucha Mask, throws it into a fire, and conveys "respect."

- Ilja Dragunov is in the ring to cut a promo about his upcoming match against WALTER at NXT Takeover 36. Ilja says he's is not a man of many words and uses his energy for fighting. Dragunov says that he will end WALTER's reign at Takeover.

- Pete Dunne interrupts Dragunov and tells Dragunov that none of this happens if he did not leave NXT UK. Dragunov says he will do the impossible and challenges Dunne to a match. Dunne says, "after tonight, you will not make it to Takeover.

- LA Knight, in a short backstage interview, says that Cameron Grimes failed him last week in their tag-team match. He says that he is "the only one there that is a million-dollar talent."

Andre Chase vs. LA Knight

The bell rings, and Andre Chase takes LA Knight down with a quick takedown; Knight is up quick and ends it with a stunner and pins Chase to get the win. Then, Knight gets Cameron Grimes in the ring, and it appears that Knight wants him to shine his boots. But, the Million Dollar Man's Ted DiBiase music goes off and comes out and says that this is enough and he deserves more. Knight says that Grimes "was born to be a Butler."

DiBiase says that LA Knight should fight Grimes for the third time. Knight initially says "no" but then says that he is 2-0 against Grimes, and he says that he will do it one more time at NXT Takeover 36, but if Grimes loses, DiBiase will become his Butler. DiBiase says he is a gambling man, and he accepts.

Winner: LA Knight

Gigi Dolin (w/ Jacy Jayne) vs. Amari Miller

This match begins with Gigi Dolin getting the upper hand with a series of strikes. Dolin is showboating a little bit; Miller, however, brings some shots in Dolin and only takes control for a short time. Dolin is hitting Miller with some stiff forearms. Dolin finishes the match out of nowhere by drilling Miller with the Abdominal Stretch Bomb.

Winner: Gigi Dolin (w/ Jacy Jayne)

- They go to footage from Indi and Dexter's date at a restaurant. Indi catches Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano spying on her. She tells them both to leave and let her get back to the date.

- William Regal is in the ring for the Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly face-to-face meeting and asks both competitors to come to the ring. Regal tells each competitor to pick their match stipulations for their two out of three falls match. O'Reilly says that his choice is to have a standard pin or submission. Cole says he has been doing this for thirteen years, and he is flat-out better than O'Reilly.

Cole says the second match will be a Street Fight. O'Reilly says he is a "dangerous man because he no longer cares ." Cole tells O'Reilly "that he has been riding his coattails for thirteen years." O'Reilly dares Cole to hit him, and he does, so security has to break the two up. Regal says, "We knew this would happen," and says that if the match needs a third match, then it will be settled in a steel cage match.

- Tomasso Ciampa cuts a promo on Ridge Holland, and Timothy Thatcher stops Ciampa and says to Ciampa he will challenge Holland. Instead, Thatcher says, "Class is in session," and smiles as they head out for another commercial break.

NXT Breakout Tournament
Trey Baxter vs. Odyssey Jones

The match begins with Trey Baxter going right after Odyssey Jones; Jones barely moves after Baxter's strikes. Then, Baxter hits Jones with another series of strikes; Jones grabs hold of Baxter and throws him in the air eight to ten feet.

Baxter recovers, and he is attacking Jones with another flurry of strikes, Baxter goes to the corner, and Jones squashes Baxter. Jones then hits Baxter with a Blue Thunder/Rock Bottom combination move and then pins Baxter to get the win to move on to the NXT Breakout Tournament Finals.

Winner: Odyssey Jones

Boa (w/ Tian Sha) vs. Drake Maverick)

Boa goes right in at Drake Maverick and takes him down in the corner. Boa gets back up, sends Drake down with a hard right hand to the throat, punishes Maverick. Boa is hitting Maverick with multiple slams and stretches him out. Maverick tries to strike a hurricanrana but does not catch all of it. Boa rolls out of the ring, Drake Maverick goes to the top turnbuckle and takes out Boa.

The ref starts the count as Boa enters the ring, the ref is distracted, and Tian Sha spits mist into the eyes of Maverick. Maverick enters the ring, and Boa immediately hits Drake Maverick with a roundhouse kick. Boa gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Boa (w/ Tian Sha)

- They come back from commercial break and go to Dexter Lumis and Indi Hartwell's date again. They ordered dessert, and Johnny Gargano is the waiter wearing a wig and a fake mustache. Indi tells him to leave and says he is taking the cake with him. Johnny and Indi start fighting over the cake, and the cake goes into Lumis's face. Gargano runs off, and Indi goes in for a kiss and blocks the camera.

- They show a review of the short history of Samoa Joe and Karrion Kross of the upcoming NXT Takeover 36 Main Event. Wade Barrett announces that Karrion Kross and Samoa Joe will have a face-off next week on NXT.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Pete Dunne

The match begins with a tie-up, and it is very technically sound. Ilja Dragunov and Pete Dunne are exchanging and countering holds. Although, for the most part, the match stays on the ground, Dunne starts throwing some fists at Dragunov. Finally, Dragunov has Dunne in a headlock; Dunne throws Dragunov into the ropes and nails Dragunov with a knee to the middle of his back. Next, Dunne hits the German suplex; however, Dragunov lands on his feet.

Dunne and Dragunov go to the corner for a high-risk attack; however, Dunne expected it and walloped him in the midsection. Dragunov rolls out of the ring, and Dunne chases him. We go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break of the night. Dunne is controlling the action; he does his specialty and attacks the fingers of Dragunov by stretching them and cracking them. Dunne kicks Dragunov multiple times, and Dragunov is getting energized. Now, both men are exchanging heavy and stiff strikes. Dragunov hits the Tiger Feint Lariat.

Dragunov hits Dunne with a suplex. Dunne and Dragunov are exchanging holds again, Dunne starts delivering knee strikes to the face of Dragunov. Dragunov lifts Dunne for a quick powerbombb. Dragunov goes for the pin; however, Dunne kicks out. Dragunov lifts Dunne, Dunne counters out the suplex. Dragunov and Dunne's exchange strikes again; out of nowhere, Dragunov suplex and has Dunne in a bridge. Dunne kicks out of the pin, Dragunov goes to the top and goes lands on top of Dunne's feet first.

WALTER's music goes off, and he comes out by the ring, and he distracts Dragunov. The distraction allows Dunne to hit the Bitter End and get the win. After the match, Dunne leaves the ring when WALTER enters. WALTER lifts Dragunov, and Dragunov is ready for him and hits WALTER with the Torpedo Moscow, and the show goes off the air.

Winner: Pete Dunne

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