WWE NXT Results for 8/3/21 Love Her Or Lose Her Match Johnny Gargano vs. Dexter Lumis, Gacy vs. Baxter

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- The show begins with a recap from last week's NXT and a preview for tonight's episode of NXT.

Shazza McKenzie Coming To Japan For The First Time, To Challenge Yuki Arai For TJPW International Princess Title

- We are welcome to Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida, by NXT commentator Vic Joseph.

Hit Row (Top Dolla and Ashante Thee Adonis) (w/ Isaiah "Swerve' Scott and B-Fab) vs. Legado Del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza) (w/ Santos Escobar)

The opponents start fighting before the match begins, and the match cannot begin until things calm down. Ashante Thee Adonis and Raul Mendoza start things off. Mendoza takes control of the match when he gets a series of strikes. Mendoza tags in Joaquin Wilde and immediately does an Irish whip to Adonis. Adonis recovers and soon tags in Top Dolla; Top Dolla takes out Wilde with ease.

Adonis tags out, and Mendoza also does, leaving the legal competitors to be Wilde and Adonis. Santos Escobar distracts the referee, which allows Wilde to attack Adonis. We head to the first commercial break of the evening.

We are back from the commercial break with Legado Del Fantasma in complete control; Wilde and Mendoza hit a double suplex. Adonis avoids a flying knee; and tags in Top Dolla for the hot tag. However, Top Dolla is about to end the match, and Santos Escobar hits Top Dolla with a chair. The referee calls for the bell, and Hit Row wins by disqualification. After the match, Legado Del Fantasma attacks all Adonis, Dolla, and Isaiah "Swerve" Scott. Escobar is going to the top rope, but Top Dolla pulls Scott out of the ring before he can do anything.

B-Fab gets in the ring with a chair, and she hits Raul Mendoza, Wilde and Escobar turn their focus to her, but Top Dolla and Adonis make the save. Hit Row clears the ring after hitting their finishers, with Escobar walking away angry.

Winner: Hit Row (Top Dolla and Ashante Thee Adonis) (w/ Isaiah "Swerve' Scott and B-Fab)

- We get a backstage segment with William Regal telling Samoa Joe that Security will surround him until NXT Takeover.

- There is a recap from last week's episode featuring the returning Ridge Holland.

Ridge Holland (w/ Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan) vs.Ikemen Jiro

The match begins, and Ridge Holland takes control right away; he gets in some stiff shots on Ikemen Jiro. Jiro gets a few strikes in; however, it does not last long as Holland sends Jiro outside of the ring. Holland then uses his body, and Jiro goes flying into the glass in front of the ringside area.

Holland has Jiro back in the ring and hits multiple suplex's. Holland then hits a belly-to-belly suplex and pins Jiro to get the victory. After the match, Holland sends Jiro outside the ring. Dunne cuts a promo and says they are not going to stop.

Winner: Ridge Holland (w/ Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan)

- We get a backstage segment from Franky Monet, Jessi Kamea, and Robert Stone. Monet says that things will need to change, and Robert Stone agrees, and he is with her.

Bobby Fish vs. Roderick Strong (w/ Diamond Mine's Tyler Rust, Hideki Suzuki, and Malcolm Bivens)

The match begins with a tie-up; Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong counter each other, and neither can control the match. First, Bobby Fish hits Strong with a shoulder tackle; however, Strong is up and right away knees Fish in the midsection. Next, Bobby Fish hits Roderick Strong with a snap suplex; Strong gets up quickly, attempting to put Fish in a submission hold.

Fish gets out of it and starts hitting Strong with a series of strikes. We go to the first picture-in-picture commercial break with Bobby in complete control. Roderick Strong gets out in front and hits Bobby Fish with a big backbreaker. Now, Strong and Fish are exchanging some stiff strikes. They go from corner to corner, and the match goes back and forth. Roderick Strong would act as if he got injured; the referee made Bobby Fish back away. However, Strong was fine, and he goes right at Bobby Fish again. Roderick Strong hits Fish with multiple backbreakers.

Strong has Fish in a submission hold; however, Bobby Fish gets out of it and hits Strong with multiple kicks. Next, Roderick Strong hits Bobby Fish with a belly-to-back suplex. Roderick Strong then hits Bobby Fish with numerous chops. Bobby Fish hits Strong with a huge roundhouse kick. Bobby Fish is going to the top rope; Strong pushes Fish off the top rope. Roderick Strong gets Bobby Fish back into the ring and hits Fish with a big knee. Strong then ends it with another big suplex for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong (w/ Diamond Mine's Tyler Rust, Hideki Suzuki, and Malcolm Bivens)

- There is a backstage segment of LA Knight and Cameron Grimes. First, Knight asks Grimes if he will have his back; Knight then tells Grimes to shine his boots.

LA Knight and Cameron Grimes vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Before the match begins, James Drake and Zack Gibson cut a promo, making fun of Cameron Grimes. The match starts with Cameron Grimes and Zack Gibson. Grimes gets the upper hand, and LA Knight tags himself in right away. James Drake tags in, and he gets some shots in on LA Knight; Knight gets away from Drake and tags in Cameron Grimes. Grimes clears the ring; Grimes hits Zack Gibson with a big back body drop. Grimes goes to tag LA Knight, but Knight moves out of the way and tells Grimes that he is on his own.

Grimes is mad, so he does his best on his own and almost gets the victory until he is distracted by Gibson. Grizzled Young Veterans end it with the Ticket to Mayhem and get the win. The Grizzled Young Veterans are celebrating their big win, and the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase comes out to help a struggling Cameron Grimes. DiBiase tells Grimes "that he has to get out of this situation."

Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans

- We get a video montage of Samoa Joe's history in NXT.

- They go back and show Dakota Kai turning her back on Raquel Gonzalez. We get a short video of the history between Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez.

- Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano cut a promo and talk about the upcoming match between Gargano and Dexter Lumis. Gargano says, "tonight I end InDex."

- They show a clip from last week's episode of Adam Cole getting attacked by Kyle O'Reilly. NXT commentator Vic Joseph says that Adam Cole "is not medically cleared to compete." Joseph then mentions that next week, Cole and O'Reilly will have a face-to-face meeting.

NXT Breakout Tournament Match
Joe Gacy vs. Trey Baxter

Joe Gacy gets in the ring and goes after Trey Baxter right away and tosses Baxter around easily. He is tossing him around like a ragdoll. Baxter gets a few shots in on Gacy; he sends Gacy to the outside of the ring. Baxter goes for a suicide dive; however, Gacy catches him and begins beating and battering Baxter.

Gacy is mad and lays in some stiff shot; Baxter recovers and knocks Gacy out of the ring. Baxter then hits Gacy with a suicide dive, and he followed it up with two more dives. Gacy hits a cannonball; however, Baxter recovers quickly and slows down Gacy. Baxter hits Gacy with a 450 Stomp and then goes for the pin and gets the win.

Winner: Trey Baxter

- We get a vignette of Zoey Stark and Io Shirai hanging out together and trying to build a potential friendship.

- Karrion Kross comes out and stands on the commentator's table, calling out Samoa Joe. Joe comes out, and Karrion Kross leaves ringside. Security is trying to stop Joe from getting to Kross; Joe then beats down the security guards and tells Kross that he is coming for him.

- We get a promo for the upcoming NXT Takeover match between WALTER and Dragunov II. The promo features Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Riddle, William Regal, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, and Fit Finlay.

Love Her or Lose Her Match
Johnny Gargano vs. Dexter Lumis

Before the match, Johnny Gargano shows Dexter Lumis a t-shirt of The Way and tells Lumis that this is his family. The match begins with Gargano and Lumis exchanging holds and strikes. Gargano and Lumis both hit a hip toss and a big dropkick. Gargano and Lumis are on the outside, and Gargano hits Lumis with a suplex on the outside. Indi Hartwell comes out and Gargano cuts her off and tells her "I am doing this for you".

Gargano gets back into the ring, and he sends Lumis out of the ring again. Lumis goes underneath the ring, and Indi goes after him; Johnny sees Candice LeRae come out, and they pull Indi out underneath the ring, and Indi has Dexter with her. Johnny takes control of the match as we go to the picture-in-picture commercial break. They come back, and Lumis hits Gargano with a huge spinebuster and follows that up with a bulldog and a suplex. Lumis goes for the pin; however, Gargano kicks out. Gargano sends out Lumis to the outside of the ring; Johnny Gargano gets out of the ring and gets in front of NXT commentator Beth Phoenix and tells her that this is her fault "just follow your heart". Gargano gets back in the ring, Gargano and Lumis exchange superkicks.

Lumis goes to do a springboard elbow drop, and Gargano stops Lumis with a dropkick. Gargano goes to end it by putting Lumis on a submission hold. Indi Hartwell gets close to the action and touches Lumis and Lumis gets to the ropes. Gargano says to Hartwell, "what are you doing?". Lumis then goes for the rollup pin; however, Gargano kicks out. Lumis gets close to Hartwell, and Gargano pushes Lumis into Hartwell, and she falls off the ring apron. Gargano then ends it with the slingshot DDT; Gargano pins Lumis for the win.

After the match, Hartwell is walking up the ramp with Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano, and she looks back and sees Dexter looking at her. She runs to Dexter and jumps into his arms, and the two begin kissing. Gargano and LeRae are somewhat dumbfounded by what just happened, and the show goes off the air with Hartwell and Lumis kissing. The show goes off the air.

Winner: Johnny Gargano

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