WWE Raw 6/8/20 Results: Charlotte Flair/Asuka Pull Double Duty, The Peep Show & The VIP Lounge

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Hiroshi Tanahashi Says He Will Transition Into Full-Time Office Role With NJPW After His Retirement Match

- Asuka makes her way to the ring for a match with Charlotte Flair, but Sasha Banks and Bayley interrupt by making their way to the ring. Bayley says everybody should be thanking them for bringing their star quality to Raw, Bayley and Banks talk about winning the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Asuka interrupts and says that the Raw ring is her ring and she wants to fight, Flair interrupts and makes her way to the ring. Flair mocks the women’s tag team champions, Flair says her upcoming match with Asuka is what everybody wants to see. The IIconics interrupt and make their way to the ring, Billie Kaye says the match everybody wants to see is the women’s tag team title match at WWE Backlash ‘20. Asuka gets mad again and she starts yelling at everybody, Flair calls Bayley and Banks garbage before a brawl breaks out between everybody in the ring. Flair and Asuka clear the ring as we go to a commercial break.

The Boss N’ Hug Connection (Bayley & Sasha Banks) Charlotte Flair & Asuka vs. The IIconics (Billie Kaye & Peyton Royce)

The match begins with Banks dropping Royce with a hair pull after a roll up attempt, Banks and Royce exchange multiple roll ups before both miss drop kick attempts. Banks attacks Asuka and Flair before dropping Royce, Bayley tags in and she nails Royce with a knee drop for a near fall. Royce fights back and she tags Kay into the match before double teaming Bayley, Kaye then hits Bayley with a suplex for a near fall. Bayley fights back and Kaye drops her with a hair pull, Flair tags in and she corners Bayley before landing shoulder thrusts. Flair then attacks Bayley with some chops, Flair misses a charge into the corner and Bayley nails her with strikes. Banks tags in and she kicks away at a cornered Flair before tagging Bayley back in, Bayley works over Flair before tagging Banks back in. Flair fights back and she tags Asuka into the match, Asuka attacks both Bayley and Banks. The IIconics interfere and Asuka quickly drops both of them as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Kaye nailing Asuka with sole food for a near fall.

Royce tags in and she nails an elevated Asuka with a knee strike for a near fall, Banks interferes and Royce hits her with a Widow’s Peak. Bayley interferes and Kaye drops her with a boot to the face, Flair tags in and she attacks The IIconics. Asuka tags in and she attacks Kaye with a series of kicks, Flair tags back in while arguing with Asuka. Flair then attacks Kay with some chops, Kaye fights back and Flair nails her with a boot to the face. Flair goes to the top rope and Asuka tags herself in, Asuka gets Kay in the Asuka Lock and Kaye taps out.

Winners: Charlotte Flair & Asuka

After the match, Charlotte Flair attacks Asuka before posing with the Raw Women’s Championship.

- Highlights are shown from Seth Rollins’ retirement ceremony for Rey Mysterio on last week’s Raw, followed by clips from Mysterio’s interview from last week and Rollins vs. Aleister Black highlights.

- Rey Mysterio is shown getting ready for his upcoming interview.

- Seth Rollins makes his way to the announce table before making Byron Saxton leave.

- Rey Mysterio appears via satellite, Mysterio says he visited with his doctor this morning and his eye is healing. Mysterio says he doesn’t know when he’ll be medically cleared to compete, Mysterio threatens to hit Seth Rollins with a 619 when he returns. Mysterio promises to get revenge on Rollins for what he did to him, Rollins says Mysterio is lying about the sacrifice he made a few weeks ago on Raw. Rollins says he is giving Mysterio one more chance to walk away a legend, Rollins invites Mysterio and his son to Raw next week. Mysterio says he will be cleared soon and the whole world will know about it, Aleister Black attacks Rollins from out of nowhere as we go to a commercial break.

Aleister Black & Humberto Carrillo vs. Austin Theory & Murphy

The match begins with Carrillo rolling up Theory for a near fall, Carrillo then hits Theory with a springboard cross body block and a springboard arm drag. Theory fights back and he nails Carrillo with a rolling drop kick, Theory then cracks Carrillo with a few strikes. Murphy and Black are tagged in by their respective partners, Black nails Murphy with multiple strikes before eating a knee strike. Black recovers and he nails Murphy with a head kick followed by a middle rope moonsault, Black sets up for Black Mass and Theory distracts him before eating a head kick. Carrillo then hits Theory with a suicide dive, Murphy goes to the top rope and Black meest him up there to land a knee strike for a three count.

Winners: Aleister Black & Humberto Carrillo

After the match, Seth Rollins comes to the ring wearing Rey Mysterio’s mask, Austin Theory and Murphy attack Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo. Theory eventually hits Carrillo with the ATL, Black then gets triple teamed and that beating ends after Rollins hits Black with The Stomp.

- Charly Caruso interviews Randy Orton, who talks about Edge appearing on The Peep Show before hinting that he could also be a guest on the show tonight.

- Christian makes his way to the ring as we go to a commercial break.

- The Peep Show is up next and tonight’s guest is Edge, Christian talks about how excited he was to see Edge return after nine years away from wrestling. Christian believes that Edge is now running on fumes, Christian says he doesn’t think that Edge can pull the greatest match ever off during his prime and he may not be able to handle the pressure. Edge talks about all the pressure he is under to compete in the greatest wrestling match ever, Edge says he isn’t the same Edge he was when teaming with Christian. Christian says all Edge has been making is excuses, Christian wonders if Edge returned to just do his greatest hits. Christian talks about how Edge’s mom believed in him throughout his career, Christian says everybody believes in Edge before talking about what Edge did at ‘Mania 36. Christian says everybody believes that Edge can have the greatest wrestling match ever, Randy Orton interrupts and appears on the big screen. Orton mocks Edge for saying that he’ll try at WWE Backlash ‘20, Orton promises to take everything away from Edge before sending him back home. Orton says Edge’s redemption will end on Sunday Night, Edge says it isn’t over before leaving the ring.

- Highlights are shown of Drew McIntyre vs. MVP from last week's Raw, followed by the post-match attack from Bobby Lashley.

- Charly Caruso interviews MVP, who says people will have to tune into the VIP Lounge tonight to see how damaging Bobby Lashley’s full nelson is. R-Truth appears and he wants MVP to not tell anyone that he is in the building, Lashley arrives and he gets R-Truth in the full nelson.

- Highlights are shown of the rivalry between The Street Profits and The Viking Raiders.

- Highlights are shown of a decathlon between The Viking Raiders and The Street Profits, which ends in a 5-5 tie.

- WWE United States Champion Apollo Crews makes his way to the ring, Crews says he is excited to defend the title at WWE Backlash ‘20.

- Kevin Owens attacks Andrade and Angel Garza as they were making their entrances for the upcoming match.

WWE United States Title #1 Contenders Match
Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Angela Garza w/Zelina Vega vs. Kevin Owens

The match begins with Garza and Andrade attacking Owens, Owens tries fighting back and he gets mauled with a plethora of strikes. Garza and Andrade focus their attack on the legs of Owens, Andrade and Garza argue with each other before Owens attacks them both. Owens catches Andrade in a roll up and Garza breaks it up, Garza and Andrade return to double teaming a downed Owens. Owens fights back against Garza and Andrade before getting overwhelmed, Garza nails a downed Owens with a basement drop kick to the back of the head. Owens battles back against Garza and Andrade attacks him, Andrade attacks the injured leg of Owens afterwards. Andrade pulls back on Owens’ arms while Garza forces him to do a split, Garza and Andrade continue putting different submission holds on Owens. Owens fights back and he eats a double suplex from the opposition, Andrade and Garza start arguing as they go for pin attempts. Andrade brawls with Garza and their battle spills to the arena floor, Vega tries interrupting and they shove her to the ground as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Owens going to the top rope and Garza kicking him in the face, Garza goes to the top rope and he looks for a superplex. Owens knocks Garza off the ropes and he lands a swanton bomb afterwards for a near fall, Andrade jumps on the back of Owens and Owens falls backwards onto Garza. Owens then attacks Andrade and Garza with cannonball events, Andrade fights back to attack everybody with knee strikes. Everybody exchanges super kicks before going down, Owens then hits Andrade with a frog splash for a near fall. Andrade recovers and he nails Owens with an elbow strike for a near fall, Garza returns and he nails Owens with a missile drop kick. Garza and Andrade have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Garza and Andrade eventually fall out of the ring. Owens returns and he lands a suicide dive onto both opponents, Owens gets Garza back in the ring and Garza blocks a stunner attempt before drop kicking Owens’ injured knee.

Garza gets Owens in a knee lock and Owens gets to the ropes, Garza goes for the Wing Clipper and Owens counters to land a stunner. Andrade attacks Owens before getting a three count on Garza.

Winner: Andrade w/Zelina Vega

- Sarah Schreiber interviews Charlotte Flair, who says there’s a difference between being a Flair and everybody else. Flair says she accomplished her goal of elevating the NXT Women’s Champion, Asuka appears and she dances in front of Flair. Flair questions how serious Asuka is and Asuka slaps her in the face.

- Andrade and Angel Garza are arguing backstage when Zelina Vega arrives, Vega sends them both away.

- Kurt Angle appears to talk about Edge vs. Randy Orton at WWE Backlash ‘20, Angle predicts that Edge will win the match.

- The Viking Raiders are backstage when they are approached by Drew McIntyre, McIntyre says they'll have a get together after the show tonight after he beats up MVP and Bobby Lashley. McIntyre tells The Viking Raiders to check out tonight’s edition on the VIP Lounge.

- The VIP Lounge is next and MVP’s guest is Bobby Lashley, but Drew McIntyre comes out before Lashley. McIntyre talks about still being the WWE Champion, McIntyre says that Lashley and Lana were having a disagreement backstage and he decided to come out instead. McIntyre talks about Lashley’s attack on him from last week’s Raw, McIntyre accuses MVP of hiding behind Lashley. MVP says Lashley will reach his potential and win the WWE Title at WWE Backlash, McIntyre threatens to attack MVP and Lashley gets in the ring. McIntyre attacks MVP before The Viking Raiders and The Street Profits come to the ring.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Bobby Lashley & MVP

The match begins with MVP immediately tagging Lashley into the match, Lashley immediately attacks Ivar with some strikes. Ivar fights back and Lashley nails him with a flat liner for a near fall, MVP tags in and he nails a cornered Ivar with some strikes. Lashley tags back in and he nails a cornered Ivar with more strikes, Ivar fights back and he tags Erik into the match. Erik and Ivar double team Lashley, MVP tags in and Erik drops him before landing some strikes. Erik corners MVP before landing multiple shoulder thrusts, Ivar tags in and he also lands shoulder thrusts on MVP. Ivar holds MVP down while wrenching away on his arm, Erik tags in and he slams Ivar onto a downed MVP. Lashley tags in and he quickly nails Erik with a spine buster for a near fall, Lashley keeps Erik down while holding him in a chin lock. MVP tags in and he attacks Erik with some knee strikes, MVP drops Erik before landing a series of kicks for a near fall. MVP keeps Erik down while applying a modified chin lock, Lashley tags in and he attacks Erik with more strikes. MVP tags back in and he works with Lashley to hit Erik with a double suplex for a near fall, Lashley tags back in and he nails Erik with more strikes.

Erik fights back as Ivar and MVP are tagged into the match, Ivar quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Lashley tags in and Ivar knocks him out of the ring, Lashley recovers and he drags Ivar out of the ring before sending him into the announce table. Lashley and MVP confront The Street Profits, Ivar takes a bunch of people out with a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Erik working over the arm of Lashley, Ivar tags in and Lashley nails him with a clothesline. MVP tags in and he double teams Ivar with Lashley, MVP keeps Ivar down while holding him in a chin lock. Lashley tags in and he attacks a trapped Ivar with some strikes, Lashley keeps Ivar down while applying a chin lock. Lashley drops Ivar a short time later for another near fall, MVP tags back in and he attacks Ivar with strikes to the back. Ivar recovers and he tags Erik into the match, Erik quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Ivar tags in and he corners MVP before tagging Erik in, Erik and Ivar double team MVP for a near fall on a pin attempt.

Lashley interferes and Ivar sends him out of the ring, Ivar leaves the ring and Lashley levels him with a spear. Lashley makes a blind tag and he gets Erik in the full nelson to force a tap out.

Winners: Bobby Lashley & MVP

After the match, Bobby Lashley and MVP attack Ivar until Drew McIntyre nails Lashley with a Claymore Kick.

- Sasha Banks & Bayley come to ringside before the next match begins.

Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair

The match begins with Flair nailing a distracted Asuka with a boot to the face, Asuka fights back and she attacks Flair with multiple kicks. Flair backs Asuka into the corner before landing some shoulder thrusts, Asuka misses a drop kick and Flair misses a knee strike attempt. Flair gets Asuka to a knee before landing a running boot to the face, Flair drags Asuka out of the ring before tossing her over the announce table as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Flair throwing Asuka into the ringside edge, Asuka fights back and she nails Flair with a head kick. They battle back into the ring and Asuka gets Flair into the octopus stretch, Flair gets free and she nails Asuka with a drop kick for a near fall. Flair then sends Asuka face first into the mat before stomping away on her, Flair holds Asuka down while pulling back on her arms. Flair knocks Asuka out of the ring while landing multiple knee strikes, Asuka avoids a baseball slide drop kick from Flair before nailing her with a dragon screw leg whip. Flair falls out of the ring and Asuka nails her with a hip attack, Flair recovers and she sends Asuka into the barricade.

Flair gets Asuka back into the ring and she applies a chin lock to her, Asuka gets free and she rolls up Flair for a near fall. Flair recovers and she nails Asuka with a clothesline for a near fall, Flair grabs Asuka and she sends her out of the ring. Flair follows up on that by nailing Asuka with a baseball slide drop kick, Asuka and Flair get into a striking exchange on the arena floor. Asuka gets Flair back in the ring before going to the top rope, Flair recovers and she kicks Asuka in the head to knock her to the arena floor. The IIconics come out to attack Sasha Banks and Bayley as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Flair attacking Asuka with chops. Asuka fights back and she nails Flair with a hip attack for a near fall, Asuka then nails a kneeling Flair with some kicks before getting rolled up for a near fall. Asuka catches Flair in an arm bar and Flair escapes to land a bunch of strikes, Asuka fights back and Flair nails her with a back suplex for a near fall. Flair traps Asuka in the ropes while pulling back on her head, Flair drops Asuka before applying a chin lock.

Asuka gets free and Flair nails her with a knee strike for a near fall, Flair follows Asuka around while attacking her with more strikes. Asuka fights back and Flair drops her with a forearm strike, Asuka recovers and nails Flair with a missile drop kick. Asuka follows up by hitting Flair with a release German suplex and hip attack, Asuka traps Flair by the ropes while landing kicks and a hip attack to knock her to the arena floor. Asuka leaves the ring and Flair sends her into the edge of the ring, Asuka recovers and she nails Flair with a sliding head kick. Asuka gets Flair to the ring apron before Flair kicks her in the face, Flair knocks Asuka to the arena floor and she hits her with a moonsault from the barricade afterwards. Flair gets Asuka back into the ring before dragging her to the corner, Flair smashes the leg of Asuka into the ring post. Asuka fights back and she sends Flair into the ring post, Flair gets back in the ring and she kicks Asuka in the face for a near fall. Flair goes for the Figure Eight and Asuka defends against it before landing a code breaker for a near fall, Asuka looks for the Asuka Lock and Flair counters with a roll up for a near fall.

Asuka then gets Flair in the grounded octopus and Flair gets free, Flair then hits Asuka with a spear for a near fall. Asuka fights back and a striking exchange breaks out with Flair, Asuka looks for the Asuka Lock and Flair defends. Asuka then nails Flair with a head kick, Nia Jax comes to the ring and Asuka knocks her to the arena floor. Flair nails Asuka with a boot to the face for a three count.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

After the match, Nia Jax attacks Asuka again.

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