WWE Raw Results For 2/19: 7 Man Gauntlet Match, Women's Tag Team Action & Titus Worldwide Pulls A Huge Upset

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Mark Briscoe On The Future Of ROH: Kyle Fletcher Is 100% A Five-Star Prospect, Keep An Eye On Him

Here is the Fightful post-show podcast: 

- The show starts with a moment of silence for the victims of the Parkland, Florida school shootings.

- Charly Caruso interviews Roman Reigns before the Gauntlet Match, Reigns says he isn’t concerned about tonight and is concerned about the Elimination Chamber match since its the first time he has competed in one.

Gauntlet Match (Participants Are Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, The Miz, Braun Strowman, Elias, Finn Balor & John Cena)

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

The match begins with Reigns backing Rollins into the corner before backing away, Reigns starts wrenching away on the arm of Rollins. Rollins would eventually do the same to him, Reigns gets Rollins in a headlock before dragging him to the mat. Rollins gets free and Reigns drags him back down with another headlock, Reigns then drops Rollins with a shoulder tackle. Rollins gets Reigns down before getting a few roll ups for a few near falls as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Reigns holding Rollins in a chin lock. Rollins gets free by nailing Reigns with a jaw breaker, Reigns recovers to drop Rollins with a back elbow strike.

Reigns traps Rollins in the corner while landing a few strikes, Rollins tries fighting back and Reigns drops him with a tilt-a-whirl slam for a near fall. Rollins fights back again and he eventually nails Reigns with a blockbuster followed by a sling blade, Rollins then hits Reigns with a springboard clothesline. Rollins then clotheslines Reigns out of the ring, Rollins goes for a suicide dive and Reigns prevents it with a punch to the face. Reigns then catches Rollins with a Drive By that knocks him to the arena floor, Reigns gets Rollins in the ring to nail him with clothesline strikes in the corner. Reigns then drops Rollins with a boot to the face, Reigns goes for a superman punch and winds up landing a headbutt instead.

Rollins counters a second superman punch attempt from Reigns by hitting him with a buckle bomb, Reigns connects with a third superman punch attempt as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rollins missing a frog splash against Reigns, Reigns and Rollins get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Rollins then sends a charging Reigns out of the ring before landing a series of suicide dives, Rollins gets Reigns in the ring and Reigns nails him with a superman punch during a springboard knee strike attempt for a near fall. Reigns goes for a spear and Rollins kicks him in the face, Rollins misses a Fade To Black and he still manages to roll up Reigns for the three count.

Eliminated: Roman Reigns

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

The match begins with Rollins attacking Cena as he got into a ring for a near fall and we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Cena applying the headlock to Rollins. Rollins tries getting up and Cena drags him back to the ground, Rollins gets free and Cena drops him with a clothesline for a near fall. Cena waits for Rollins to get up before nailing him with an Irish whip into the corner, Cena applies the chin lock to Rollins. Cena releases the hold to attack Rollins with some more strikes, Cena then throws Rollins out of the ring. Rollins gets back in the ring and Cena stomps away on him, Cena then hits Rollins with a series of belly to belly suplexes for another near fall as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Cena attempting an Attitude Adjustment and Rollins counters with a DDT, Rollins gets into a striking exchange with Cena. Cena then hits Rollins with a modified TKO for a near fall, Cena waits for Rollins to get up and then he assaults Rollins with more strikes for another near fall. Rollins and Cena have another striking exchange until Rollins goes down again, Rollins goes to the ring apron and Cena knocks him to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Cena standing over a downed Rollins, Cena then attacks Rollins with a few shoulder tackles. Rollins recovers and he goes for a springboard knee strike, Cena counters by catching Rollins in the STF and Rollins eventually escapes.

Rollins then hits Cena with a sling blade for a near fall, Rollins then hits Cena with a suplex and then Cena counter a second with a small package for a near fall. Cena slams Rollins to the ground and Rollins kicks him in the head, Rollins drops Cena before landing a super kick for a near fall. Cena rolls to the ring apron and he gets Rollins to the ring apron as well, Cena then sends a charging Rollins into the ring post. Rollins recovers to send a charging Cena into the ring steps, both get back into the ring and they get into another striking exchange. Cena slams Rollins to the mat before landing a Five Knuckle Shuffle, Rollins counters an Attitude Adjustment before locking Cena in the cross face.

Cena powers himself to his feet and he goes for the Attitude Adjustment, Rollins counters with an enzaguri followed by a frog splash for a near fall. Cena recovers to hit Rollins with an Attitude Adjustment for a near fall, Cena goes to the top rope and Rollins catches him with a superplex into a falcon arrow for a near fall. Rollins goes for the curb stomp and Cena counters with the STF until Rollins gets to the ropes, Cena reapplies the STF and Rollins gets to the ropes again. Rollins rolls to the arena floor and then he gets to the ring apron, Cena gets Rollins to the top rope and he goes for a super Attitude Adjustment. Rollins gets free and he rolls through a Cena leap, Rollins hits Cena with an Attitude Adjustment for the near fall.

Rollins goes for the phoenix splash and Cena counters by landing an Attitude Adjustment, Rollins recovers to land a knee strike followed by the curb stomp for a three count.

Eliminated: John Cena

Seth Rollins vs. Elias

The match starts with Elias stomping away on Rollins before getting a few near falls as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Elias holding Rollins in a single leg crab until Rollins gets to the ropes. Elias then attacks the leg of Rollins with a few stomps, Rollins tries getting to his feet and he injures his knee. Elias corners Rollins before attacking him with a plethora of strikes, Elias also wrenches away on the injured knee of Rollins. Rollins fights back with a plethora of strikes, Rollins then nails a charging Elias with a super kick for a near fall. Elias rolls out of the ring and Rollins nails him with a dive, Rollins gets Elias in the ring and he nails him with a side kick.

Elias recovers and he nails Rollins with a knee strike followed by Drift Away for the three count.

Eliminated: Seth Rollins

Elias vs. Finn Balor

The match begins with Balor nailing Elias with a plethora of strikes, Elias recovers and he catches Balor with strikes of his own. Balor nails Elias with a drop kick after rolling through a sunset flip, Balor traps Elias in the corner while landing chops. Balor then hits Elias with a rope assisted enzaguri, Balor sets up for the Cupe De Grace and Elias rolls out of the ring as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Elias wrenching away on the arm of Balor, Elias then drops Balor before landing a knee drop. Elias follows that up by ramming the shoulder of Balor into the turnbuckle, Elias goes back to wrenching away of the arm of Balor.

Balor tries fighting back and Elias attacks his injured shoulder, Elias catches Balor with a shoulder breaker for a near fall. Elias then catches Balor with an middle rope axe handle drop to the injured shoulder, Elias goes back to wrenching away on the arm of Balor. Elias smashes the arm of Balor on the ringside edge, Elias also tears away at the face on a downed Balor. Elias again throws Balor shoulder first into the turnbuckle for a near fall, Elias also goes back to wrenching away in the injured arm of Balor. Balor gets free and he catches Elias with an overhead kick to the face, Balor then hits Elias with a pair of boots to the face followed by forearm strikes.

Balor corners Elias before nailing him with a running chop, Elias goes to the top rope and Balor knocks him to the arena floor with an enzaguri. Balor uses a shotgun drop kick to knock Elias into the barricade, Balor gets Elias in the ring before landing the sling blade. Elias recovers and he catches a charging Balor with a clothesline for a near fall, Elias gets Balor on his shoulders before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Balor knocking Elias to the arena floor, Balor stands on the ring apron before nailing Elias with a penalty kick. Elias then knocks Balor into the ring post before throwing him back into the ring, Elias applesthe Fujiwara arm bar to Balor.

Balor gets free and he eventually catches Elias with a double stomp, Balor then hits Elias with a sling blade followed by a shotgun drop kick. Balor nails Elias with the Cupe De Grace for the three count.

Eliminated: Elias

Finn Balor vs. The Miz w/The Miztourage

The match begins with Miz attacking Balor from behind after a distraction from The Miztourage, Miz then hits Balor with a DDT for a near fall. Miz then hits a sitting Balor with a few running boots to the face for another near fall, Miz nails a charging Balor with a knee lift before throwing him to the arena floor. Miz then throws Balor into the barricade before getting him back into the ring, Miz then drapes the arm of Balor across the bottom rope as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Miz wrenching away on the arm of Balor, Balor fights back and Miz drops him with a back elbow strike.

Miz would then attack Balor with the It Kicks, Balor avoids the final It Kick to nail Miz with a series of strikes. Balor then hits Miz with a falling elbow drop for a near fall, Balor corners Miz before nailing him with a series of chops. Miz fights back and Balor catches him with a roll up for a near fall, Miz goes back to work on the injured arm of Balor. Balor catches Miz with a roll up after avoiding the penalty kick, Bo Dallas attacks Balor while the ref was distracted and Miz rolls him up for a near fall. Balor then takes out The Miztourage with a suicide dive, Balor then hits Miz with a rope assisted enzaguri followed by a shotgun drop kick.

Balor goes to the top rope and The Miztourage distracts him so Miz can knock him off the ropes, Miz hits Balor with the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

Eliminated: Finn Balor

The Miz w/The Miztourage vs. Braun Strowman

The match begins with Strowman following a running Miz into the crowd, Strowman catches up to Miz and he attacks him in the crowd. Strowman then tosses Miz over the barricade and into the ringside area as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Strowman destroying Miz with strikes in the ring. Strowman then tosses Miz clear across the ring, Strowman follows that up by kicking away at a downed Miz. Strowman gets Miz up before tossing him across the ring once again, Strowman misses an avalanche in the corner and Miz attacks him with It Kicks. Miz then drops Strowman neck first on the top rope, Miz also attacks Strowman with a few drop kicks.

Strowman recovers and he nails a charging Miz with a drop kick, Strowman continues attacking Miz with a variety of strikes. Strowman picks up Miz and he attacks him with a headbutt, Miz recovers to send a charging Strowman out of the ring. Miz then hits Strowman with some baseball slide drop kicks, Miz goes out of the ring and Strowman quickly drops him. Strowman gets Miz back in the ring and The Miztourage distract him, Miz hits Strowman with the Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall. Strowman propels Miz out of the ring and onto The Miztourage, Miz returns to the ring and Strowman nails him with a clothesline. Strowman hits Miz with a running power slam for the three count.

Eliminated: The Miz

Winner: Braun Strowman

- Charly Caruso interviews Braun Strowman after the match, Strowman says he doesn’t fear the unknown and he’ll win the Elimination Chamber before facing Brock Lesnar. Strowman gets back in the ring before attacking The Miz and The Miztourage. Strowman gets Miz on the entrance ramp and he throws him back into the ring, Strowman then hits Miz with a running power slam.

- Asuka is shown walking backstage.

- The Jeff Jarrett WWE Hall Of Fame video airs.

- Rene Young interviews Asuka in the ring, Asuka says her destiny is to win the WWE Raw Women’s Title at WWE Wrestlemania 34. Asuka says Nia Jax has said some strong words about her, but she didn’t look so strong the last time they competed. Asuka says Jax likes to talk a lot, Asuka says Jax won’t be talking and will be tapping out on Sunday Night. Jax attacks Asuka from behind and Asuka fights back, Jax drops Asuka with a Samoan drop before landing multiple leg drops.

- A Ronda Rousey video package airs.

Non-Title Match: The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) (WWE Raw Tag Team Champions) vs. Titus Worldwide (Titus O’Neil & Apollo) w/Dana Brooke

The match begins with Cesaro backing O’Neil into the corner before taunting him, O’Neil then attacks Cesaro with chops before tagging Apollo in. Apollo and O’Neil nail Cesaro with a double shoulder tackle for a near fall, O’Neil tags in and they double team Cesaro again. Apollo tags in again and he nails Cesaro with a clothesline, Sheamus distracts Apollo and Cesaro knocks him out of the ring. Sheamus tags in and he throws Apollo into the barricade, Sheamus would then nail Apollo with more strikes before getting him back in the ring. Cesaro tags in and he double teams Apollo alongside Sheamus, Cesaro applies the chin lock to an injured Apollo.

Sheamus tags in and he work with Cesaro to hit Apollo with a double clothesline, Sheamus nails Crews with a knee drop for a near fall. Sheamus then wrenches away on the arm of Apollo, Cesaro tags in and he drops Apollo for a near fall. Sheamus tags back in and he stomps away on a downed Apollo, Cesaro tags in and Apollo sends him crashing into the ring post. Apollo sends an interfering Sheamus out of the ring before rolling up Cesaro for a three count.

Winners: Titus Worldwide (Titus O’Neil & Apollo) w/Dana Brooke

- Bray Wyatt appears and he hopes that the end of the world is near, Matt Hardy interrupts and he talks about the battle with Wyatt. Wyatt and Hardy go back and forth while exchanging barbs, they both promise to eliminate the other at WWE Elimination Chamber.

Sasha Banks, Bayley & Mickie James vs. Alexa Bliss & Absolution (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville) w/Paige

The match begins with Bliss tagging Deville into the match instead of fighting James, James wrenching away on the arm of Deville. James and Deville both score some takedowns on each other, Banks tags in and she works over the arm of Deville. Deville gets free and traps Banks in the corner before tagging Rose in, Banks regains control and she corners Rose before tagging Bayley in. Bayley goes for a head scissors and Rose uses a cartwheel to get free, Bayley gets angry and she mauls Rose with strikes in the corner. Bayley then hits Rose with an overhead slam as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Rose holding Bayley in a chin lock.

Bayley fights back and she drops Rose face first on the top turnbuckle, Bayley goes for a head scissors takedown and Rose drops her face first on the canvas for a near fall. Rose mounts Bayley and assaults her with strikes for a near fall, Bliss tags in and she attacks Bayley with strikes. Bliss corners Bayley before assaulting her with more strikes, Bliss then drops Bayley with a slap to the face before tagging Deville in. Deville quickly drops Bayley before getting a near fall on her, Deville applies the body scissors to Bayley. Bayley gets free and she drops Deville with a jaw breaker, Banks tags in and the referee doesn’t allow it due to a ref distraction.

Bayley then knocks Rose into Banks as she was arguing with the referee, James tags in and she cleans house on the opposing team. James catches Rose with a top rope Thesz Press before hitting Deville with a neck breaker, James then hits Deville with a rope assisted drop kick. Rose then nails a distracted James with a knee strike for a near fall, Rose then applies the abdominal stretch to James. James gets free and Rose nails her with an inverted gut wrench suplex, Deville tags in and she attacks James with strikes.

James fights back and she drops Deville with a hurricarana, James goes for a tag and Deville slams her to prevent it. Rose tags in and James takes out Absolution with a double neck breaker, Bliss and Banks get tagged in by their respective partners. Banks nails Bliss with a knee strike, Banks then attacks Deville with a double knee strike on the arena floor. Banks catches Bliss with a rope assisted double knee strike before landing another double knee strike for a near fall, Bayley hits the ring to take out a distracted Rose. Bliss then sends Banks into the ring post, Banks catches Bliss in the Bank Statement to force a tap out.

Winners: Sasha Banks, Bayley & Mickie James

After the match, Absolution attacks Sasha Banks and Bayley, Absolution goes to attack Alexa Bliss and Mickie James helps her out. Bliss and James nail Deville with a double DDT, Bliss and James exit the ring together.

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