WWE RAW Results for 11/1/21 Becky Lynch vs Bianca Belair

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of WWE RAW!

- We open tonight's show with a video package for the RAW Women's Championship match in our opening match before we go backstage to an interview with Bianca, and Becky respectively ahead of the aforementioned match up next.

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WWE RAW Women's Championship Match
Becky Lynch (c) vs Bianca Belair

Becky and Bianca lock up before Becky backs Bianca into the corner before they shove each other and Bianca takes Becky down before Bianca hits a hand spring moonsault for two before Becky rolls out of the ring. Becky then grabs Bianca's ponytail before Bianca pulls Becky into the post and suplexes her onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Becky making her comeback as she hits a reverse DDT for two before locking in a double arm bar and turning it into a sunset flip for two before countering a suplex into a small package for two. Becky dropkicks Bianca and misses a running dropkick before Bianca dropkicks her repeatedly and hits a series of suplexes for two before Bianca hits a tilt-a-whirl gut-buster for two. Becky then counters a glam slam into a sunset flip before Bianca powers out of an armbar and the two spill out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Becky locking in an armbar before Bianca powerbombs her for two before catching her up top and hitting a military press before she goes for a hand spring moonsault and Becky gets her knees up before hitting the Man Handle Slam for a near fall when Bianca gets her foot on the bottom rope. Bianca drops Becky face first across the announce table before rolling her back inside for two before hitting a glam slam for two before going up top and landing on her feet before Becky fights off a KOD and rips off the top turnbuckle pad before sending Bianca into it. Becky then rolls Bianca up with the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch retains her RAW Women's title by defeating Bianca Belair via pinfall.

- Backstage Rey Mysterio is interviewed ahead of his match against Austin Theory before he's interrupted by Austin and Austin faces off with Dominik as we go to commercial.

Rey Mysterio (w/ Dominik Mysterio) vs Austin Theory

Austin knocks Rey across the ring before Rey hits a head scissors and mounted punches in the corner before hitting another head scissors and Austin whips him into the corner before hitting a splash in the corner and slingshot stop. Austin hits a suplex for two before rocking Rey with a forearm and locks in a torture rack before turning it into a backbreaker all the while looking at Dominik at ringside before inviting him into the ring. Austin then hits a rolling front dropkick for two before Rey sends him out of the ring and Dominik slings his father which allows him to DDT Austin onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Rey posting Austin before hitting a diving seated senton into a springboard crossbody for two before they dropkick each other and Austin slams Rey before dropkicking Dom at ringside. Rey then counters a powerbomb into a frankensteiner before sending Austin into the ropes and Dominik slaps Austin for the disqualification.

Winner: Austin Theory defeats Rey Mysterio via disqualification.

- Seth Rollins comes out to the ring to address the WWE Universe and winning a shot at Big E and his WWE Title before he's interrupted by the champion and the two have words before they're interrupted by Kevin Owens and Seth leaves before Kevin and E face off.

- Earlier today Carmella congratulated Zelina on becoming queen before they had a confrontation with the WWE Women's Tag Team champions Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H.

- Big E versus Kevin Owens in a non-title match is announced for later tonight.

Nikki A.S.H. & Rhea Ripley vs Queen Zelina & Carmella

Rhea and Zelina start the match off before Carmella has her mask put on and enters the match before slapping Rhea and Rhea headbutts her before rocking her with strikes and hitting a snap mare into a low dropkick before Nikki comes in and clear the ring. Nikki then hits a diving cross body off of the apron that takes out both Zelina and Carmella at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Carmella in control of Rhea before she gets the hot tag to Nikki who clotheslines Zelina and knocks Carmella off of the apron before hitting a dropkick in the corner and mounted punches before hitting a twisting neckbreaker for a near fall that Carmella breaks up. Carmella posts Rhea and sends her into the barricade before Nikki goes to hit Carmella from the apron and Zelina pins her with a code red for the win.

Winner: Queen Zelina and Carmella defeat Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley via pinfall.

- Backstage E has a run in with Alpha Academy before Alpha Academy leave as we go to commercial.

Finn Bálor vs Chad Gable (w/ Otis)

Finn and Chad exchange wrist locks and hammer locks before the two grapple on the mat until Chad chops Finn in the throat and takes him down with a waist lock before they run the ropes and Finn hits a front dropkick and several arm drags. Chad takes Finn down and focuses on his leg before Finn comes back with a jumping stomp and a sling blade before Chad dodges a shotgun dropkick and turns it into a pin for two before locking in an ankle lock. Finn and Chad reverse each other's submissions until Finn rolls through and hits a jumping stomp and chops in the corner before Chad hits several suplexes for two before going up top and Finn gets his knees up when he goes for a moonsault. Finn then hits a shotgun dropkick before Chad hits a superplex and Finn hooks his legs for the pin and the win.

Winner: Finn Balor defeats Chad Gable via pinfall.

Street Profits vs Dirty Dawgs

Robert and Montez kick things off for their respective teams before SP double up on Robert for two and Robert knees Angelo in the midsection before Angelo backs to the corner and DD double up on him for two. Dolph dropkicks Angelo before Robert comes back in and Angelo drops him before Robert kicks Angelo in the ropes and Angelo send Robert over the top rope and down onto the floor. SP then take out both Robert and Dolph at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to DD in control of Angelo before he gets the hot tag to Montez who hits a high angle diving cross body and knocks Dolph off of the apron before rocking Robert with kicks and knees. Montez hits a blockbuster for a near fall that Dolph breaks up before Montez sends him out of the ring and exchanges pins with Robert for two before DD hit a slingshot DDT for a near fall that Angelo breaks up before SP clear the ring and Robert pulls Angelo out of the ring and into the post. Montez takes out DD with a flip over the post before Omos comes out and Dolph capitalizes on the distraction with a Zig-Zag for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dirty Dawgs defeat Street Profits via pinfall.

- After the match Angelo attacks Omos before Omos takes out both Angelo and Montez before taking out Riddle when he attacks him and he and Randy yell at each other from across the ring.

No Disqualification Match
Damian Priest vs T-Bar

Damian and T-Bar exchange strikes before Damian clotheslines the two of them over the top rope and down onto the floor before they brawl at ringside and Damian whips T-Bar into the barricade before getting a table out from underneath the ring. Damian slides the table into the ring before T-Bar drops him from behind and tosses him into the barricade before pulling the table out of the ring and setting it up at ringside before Damian hits a cannonball off of the steps. T-Bar then fights off a chokeslam before Damian fights off a powerbomb and T-Bar sends him into the post before Damian dodges a kick and T-Bar catches him up top before hitting an avalanche air raid crash as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to T-Bar in control before Damian comes back with strikes and a wheel kick into a bell clap and a Broken Arrow for a deep two count before T-Bar hits an avalanche chokebreaker for two before trapping Damian in the ropes. Damian gets free and hits T-bar with a chair he brought into the ring before chokeslamming him off of the apron and through the table at ringside before rolling him back inside and hitting The Reckoning for the pin and the win.

Winner: Damian Priest defeats T-Bar via pinfall.

- After the match Damian's celebration is interrupted by Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez.

- Backstage Reggie talks with John Morrison before escaping with his 24/7 title as we go to commercial.

- Backstage Becky is interviewed about her successful title defense before she says that Bianca needs to go to the back of the line and says that she needs to face new challengers before Liv Morgan shows up and the two lock eyes before Becky leaves.

- Seth tries to get Kevin Owens to work with him to dethrone Big E before Kevin tells him he can handle his own business and does not want to see him interfere in his match.

Big E vs Kevin Owens

E shoves Kevin away when they lock up before Kevin rolls E up for two before Kevin grounds E with a side headlock before E gets to his feet and E locks in one of his own before they run the ropes until Kevin runs E over. They run the ropes again and E drops Kevin before Kevin counters a Big Ending into a reverse DDT for two before hitting a leg drop for one before hitting E with chops and forearms. Kevin dropkicks E out of the ring before he runs the ropes and E gets back in and hits several suplex before Kevin headbutts E and sends him out of the ring. E then a splash onto the apron before Kevin hits a cannonball off of the apron and Seth comes out to the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Kevin hitting a superplex before they exchange strikes until E drops Kevin and hits a belly to belly before missing a jumping splash and Kevin superkicks him. Kevin hits a cannonball in the corner before hitting a swanton bomb for two before countering a spear and E hits a uranage for two before getting his knees up when Kevin goes for another swanton bomb. E spears Kevin through the ropes and down onto the floor before tossing him back inside and Kevin counters the Big Ending before Seth cheap shots E when the referee is checking on Kevin before leaving. Kevin then rushes over and covers E before E turns it into a back slide for the pin and the win.

Winner: Big E defeats Kevin Owens via pinfall.

- After the match Kevin defends himself and says that it's Seth's fault before challenging Seth to a match next week as we go off the air with E laying Kevin out with the Big Ending.

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