WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 4/24/20 Lacey Evans vs Sasha Banks

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight's edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!

- We open the show with a video package for Triple H before we open the show in the arena with a run down of the matches tonight including the Women's Tag Team Championship match later tonight before we go to the ring for New Day who celebrate their winning the Smackdown Tag Team titles for an 8th time last week. Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado of Lucha House Party come out and congratulate TND before they're interrupted by the former champions The Miz and John Morrison who walk right past them and get into the ring with E and Kofi. LHC get into the ring and all three teams exchange words before they're then interrupted by The Forgotten Sons and all four teams soon brawl in the ring before TFS clear the ring and make an emphatic statement by taking out the champs. We then get a graphic for the MitB qualifier between Drew Gulak and Baron Corbin up next as we go to commercial.

NXT North American Title Match Between Tony D'Angelo And Oba Femi At NXT Halloween Havoc To Be Decided By Pinfall

- We come back to the Highlight of the Night recapping Baron Corbin attacking Elias last week as Corbin makes his way out to the ring.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier Match

Baron Corbin vs Drew Gulak

Corbin immediately tosses Drew over the top rope when they lock up before Drew gets back into the ring and they lock up again before Drew takes Corbin down and controls him on the mat momentarily before he muscles his way to his feet. They start striking Corbin stops Drew from taking him down and Drew dropkicks his knee before sending him out of the ring, Drew hitting a baseball slide into a dropkick that sends Corbin over the announce table as we go to commercial.

Corbin is in control as we come back from commercial before Drew rolls him up for two before Corbin hits a slide slam for two and stomps him down in the corner before Drew comes back with forearms and right hands. Drew hits a shotgun dropkick before countering a choke slam and hitting a sunset flip before hitting a running cross body for two, Corbin rolling out of the ring to catch his breath before he anticipates Drew sliding out of the ring again. Drew hits a dragon screw that sends Corbin into the steps before he rolls him back into the ring and hits a missile dropkick before Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro attack Daniel in the crowd. Drew focuses on Shinsuke and gets sent into the post by Corbin before Corbin hits The End of Days once he tosses him back into the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Baron Corbin defeats Drew Gulak via pinfall to gain entry to the Money in the Bank ladder match.

- After the match Cesaro and Shinsuke hold Drew up before Corbin hits him with his scepter before we get a graphic fo the rest of tonight's show before we get a graphic of the current 24/7 champion Rob Gronkowski returning to the NFL to rejoin Tom Brady on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. We then get a graphic for part three of the series of Jeff Hardy which is up next as we go to commercial.

Sheamus vs Local Talent

Dan goes right after Sheamus, but he's quickly man handled and forced into the corner where Sheamus beats on him and beats him down with clubbing blows when he goes for a takedown before Sheamus hits him with more clubbing blows and kicks him away before hitting the Brogue Kick for the pin and the win in a very short match.

Winner: Sheamus defeats a local performer via pinfall.

- After the match we go to part three of the Jeff Hardy documentary as we go to commercial.

The Miz & John Morrison vs Lucha House Party

Miz drives Lince into the corner before Lince kicks him in the legs and chops Miz before he goes for a springboard and Miz boots him in midair before dropping Lince with a chop and hitting a monkey flip into a slingshot elbow drop by John for two. Lince hits an arm drag before LHP double up on John and John sends Metalik out of the ring before dropping Lince with a sliding knee before tagging Miz in who stomps on Lince and mocks him before dragging him to the corner. Miz hits a snap mare into a PK before John hits another sliding knee into a standing shooting star press for two before choking Lince in the ropes before Lince comes back with The Golden Rewind and tags in Metalik as Miz gets the tag on the opposite side. Metalik does several flips before hitting a bulldog and Miz gets his boots up when Metalik goes for a moonsault before Metalik counters The Skull Crushing Finale into a sunset flip for the pin and the win out of nowhere.

Winner: Lucha House Party defeat The Miz and John Morrison via pinfall.

- After the match we get a graphic for the Women's Money in the Bank qualifier between Lacey Evans and Sasha Banks up next as we go to commercial.

Women's Money in the Bank Qualifier Match

Lacey Evans vs Sasha Banks w/Bayley

Bayley tries to distract Lacey as soon as the match starts before they end up at ringside and Lacey sends Sasha into the post before Lacey grabs Bayley and Sasha sends her into the post before rolling her back into the ring for two. Sasha hits an arm breaker before twisting her arm in the corner and Lacey kicks her away before she clotheslines and boots her before hitting a PK and Sasha sends her into the post before kicking her injured arm. Lacey comes back and sends Sasha face first into the post repeatedly before Sasha powerbombs her off of the top for two before locking in a cross face, Lacey countering into a back slide before dropping Sasha with a stiff forearm for a near fall that Bayley breaks up. Lacey then knocks Sasha out with The Woman's Right for the pin and the win after Bayley accidentally distracts the referee when Sasha rolls Lacey up and costs her the win.

Winner: Lacey Evans defeats Sasha Banks via pinfall.

- After the match Tamina attacks Bayley and lays her out on the stage as Sasha looks on in rage for her costing her the match before we get a graphic for the women's tag title match and the history of the relationship between Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt up next as we go to commercial.

- We come back to a video package recapping the several years long relationship between Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman ahead of Braun's title defense against Bray at Money in the Bank next month.

Women's Tag Team Championship Match

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross (c) vs Dana Brooke & Carmella

Nikki and Dana start the match off with Dana dropping Nikki as soon as the match starts and she rolls out of the ring before Carmella hits a dive that takes out Alexa and Dana hits a flying cross body off camera off of the top of the barricade as we go to commercial.

We come back to Carmella dropping Alexa repeatedly before sending her into the corner and hitting a bronco buster in the corner before Alexa drops her with a stiff forearm and hits a snap mare. Carmella meets Alexa up top and hits a frankensteiner after Nikki gets the blind tag before Nikki gets a near fall off of a crucifix. Carmella then goes to superkick Nikki before Alexa and Nikki hit a flap jack into a DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross retain their Women's Tag Team titles by defeating Carmella and Dana Brooke via pinfall.

- After the match we get a video package teasing 25 Years of Triple H up next as we go to commercial.

- We come back to the announcement of three more Money in the Bank qualifiers next week before we go to the ring as Triple H comes out to the ring to celebrate 25 years in the WWE.before he's joined by Shawn Michaels. Shawn talks about Triple H's career and their friendship before we get an extended video package of their time together in D Generation X. They talk some more before Stephanie video calls Triple H on the phone and complains about Shawn before she mocks him before Ric Flair calls and congratulates Triple H as we go to commercial.

- We come back to the chairman Mr.McMahon coming out onto the stage to seemingly congratulate him before he starts roasting Triple H before telling him to wrap it up and all of the lights go out and crickets chip as we go off the air.

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