WWE Smackdown! Live Coverage 1/17 Becky Lynch VS Alexa Bliss In A Steel Cage & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE Smackdown! Live!  Tonight history will be made as in our main event Alexa Bliss will defend her Smackdown Women's Championship in a steel cage against Becky Lynch! Jerry "The King" Lawler returns to Smackdown! Live for a session of The King's Court with special guest The Miz! Be sure to be here at 8 PM EST for all of tonight's action!

-Shane McMahon comes out to start the show then AJ Styles comes out as Shane announces that AJ's title will be defended in the Elimination Chamber at the Elimination Chamber event. AJ protests, but Shane won't listen to him. John Cena comes out next then The Miz comes out and puts his hat in the ring, no pun intended to be in the title match. Shane announces AJ Styles versus The Miz immediately when they almost come to blows.

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-Shane meets with Dean backstage and says he wants Randy Orton and he gets his wish granted.

The Miz vs AJ Styles

They exchange wrist locks early then Miz goes outside to regroup, the two opting for a test of strength once he's back into the ring. AJ backs Miz into a corner, but he gets out of it and puts a headlock on AJ that he instantly gets out of, AJ dropkicking Miz before looking at John Cena on commentary. AJ hits a running backbreaker for a quick 2 count then eyes Maryse at ringside before Miz turns him inside out with a kitchen sink. AJ goes for the Calf Killer, but Miz immediately gets to the ropes then AJ hits him with a forearm for a quick 2 count. AJ is then distracted by Maryse before Miz sends him out of th ring as we go to commercial.

AJ is in control as we come back until Miz hits him with a series of dropkick in the corner. AJ catches Miz coming off the top rope and goes for The Styles Clash twice before Miz hits a DDT for a close 2 count after poking AJ in the eye AJ hits a Pele kick that sends Miz to the outside then AJ hits him with a running knee from the apron before tossing Miz into Cena. Cena is ready for him and catches him, but chases AJ.

Winner: No contest

-After the match Miz tries to capitalize, but Cena AA's both AJ and Miz then holds the belt up before leaving. 

-Nikki comes out then Natalya says she wants to show her something and she leaves before she goes around the arena, Nikki coming out after her. Natalya is upset she doesn't have any merchandise then Nikki attacks her from behind after she gathers up a bunch of shirts and throws them away. Security break them up then we get a plug for Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton as we go to commercial. 

-Alexa Bliss is interviewed about her title match then we get a video package for the returning Kurt Angle who will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2017.

Dean Ambrose vs Randy Orton

Dean is all over Randy immediately, dropping him and hitting him with a series of right hands before Randy rolls out of the ring to regroup with Bray and Luke. Randy tries to keep Dean grounded with a series of headlocks then drops him repeatedly before hanging Dean on the top rope. Dean starts fighting back and builds up momentum, going for Dirty Deeds, but Randy ducks out of the ring. Dean drops Randy with a clothesline on the outside then Randy sends him face first into the ring post then the announce table off the distraction of Bray and Luke before Randy backdrops Randy on the table as we go to commercial.

Randy hits a powerslam as we come back for a close 2 count then they tease their finishers before Dean drops Randy with a lariat for a close 2 count of his own. Dean takes out Luke at ringside then Randy hits the draping DDT. Luke distracts Randy and allows Dean to roll him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dean Ambrose via pinfall

-After the match Randy and Luke brawl until Bray breaks them up. Luke goes to defy him and Bray hits him with a right hand. Luke says Randy will turn on Bray, but Randy does not as the crowd chants RKO. 

-Next we get an interview segment with Becky Lynch for her title match tonight then we get a plug for King's Court as we go to commercial.

-Jerry talks about being in his home town and brings out Dolph to try and find out what has gotten into him. Dolph doesn't say a word. Jerry says he's going down the wrong path as he shows a video package of Dolph losing to Kalisto and how he attacked him and Apollo Crews. Dolph then shows video of him dropping elbows to Jerry right before he had a heart attack. Dolph says Jerry blamed him for his heart attack and he should have. Jerry then asks Dolph how it feels to be a loser before Dolph superkicks him. JBL comes over and helps Jerry up then Jerry yells for Dolph to get back in the ring as we go to commercial.

Alexa Bliss vs Becky Lynch Smackdown Women's Championship Steel Cage Match

Alexa is quick to try and get through the door, but Becky stops her then Alexa pulls Becky off the top turnbuckle when she tries to get out of the cage. Becky rolls Alexa up for a quick 2 count then goes for a powerbomb, but Alexa grabs the cage. They fight on the ropes while holding onto the cage then both get dropped face first into the ropes and fall to the mat as we go to commercial.

Alexa is in control as we come back, stomping her into the cage for a quick 2 count. Becky dropkicks Alexa for a quick 2 count after she tries to get out of the cage through the door. Becky then climbs the cage, but Alexa pulls her back in by the hair. Becky then hits a exploder suplex off the top rope for a close 2 count. Becky almost gets through the door, but Alexa drags her back. The masked wrestler distracts Becky then Alexa goes for a DDT, but Becky goes for the Disarmer. The masked luchadora interferes and allows Alexa to hit the DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss via pinfall

-After the match it's revealed that Mickie James is the masked wrestler.

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