WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 8/13/19 Roman Reigns vs Buddy Murphy

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-Kevin Owens comes out to start the show to celebrate his victory over Shane McMahon this past Sunday night at Summerslam and that he is going to enter the King of the Ring tournament. Shane comes out onto the stage and shows footage of Kevin low blowing him in their match as the WWE Universe says that he deserves it, Shane criticizing him before Kevin says that he did what he needed to and stood up for what he believed in. Shane shows what Kevin did to Elias, attacking him with a chair before saying that Kevin attacked Elias when he was wearing a referee jersey and was therefore an official before fining him one hundred thousand dollars. Kevin says that he should reconsider it before Shane leaves as we go to commercial.

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-We come back to Kevin going backstage after Shane before he goes to hit him and Shane says that he's not a competitor and that he'll sue him if he hits him before Kevin throws a stool at a television.

Charlotte vs Ember Moon

Charlotte takes control early dropping Ember and locking in a cravat before knocking her back with a shoulder block and dropping Ember with a back elbow when Ember applies a waist lock. Ember hits a huricanrrana into a dropkick and goes for an Irish whip, but Charlotte breaks the hold and rolls out of the ring before playing to the crowd and baiting Ember for several minutes. Charlotte catches Ember when she goes for a suicide dive before Ember dropkicks her off of the apron and hits a flying cross body before rolling Charlotte back into the ring. Ember gets a one count before Charlotte rolls back out of the ring and Charlotte sends her into the LED board and the barricade as we go to commercial.

Charlotte is in control as we return from commercial, locking in a Boston crab before she starts focusing on the knee of Ember. Ember comes back with kicks and knees and a discus forearm for a two count. Ember then hits an MX for a near fall before Charlotte yanks her from the top turnbuckle by her hair and drops Ember with a boot before locking in the Figure Eight for the tap and the win.

Winner: Charlotte defeats Ember Moon via submission with the Figure Eight.

-We get a an extended video package recapping the attacks on Roman Reigns by a mysterious assailant and what has gone on between Buddy Murphy and Rowan. Daniel Bryan and Rowan come out onto the stage and says that he and Rowan had nothing to do with the attack on Roman and that Buddy is a liar before saying that he doesn't blame Buddy because he had to give a name. Daniel says Buddy gave the wrong name, the WWE Universe accusing the two of them before Daniel goes on a rant about fake news on social media and that they had nothing to do with it and that they're going to prove it before leaving.

-Shane is interviewed backstage before he announces that Kevin will face Samoa Joe when he walks into his office as Roman makes his way to the ring for his match against Buddy Murphy as we go to commercial.

-We return to a promo by Aleister Black before we cut to Buddy Murphy already in the ring before Roman comes out for their match.

Roman Reigns vs Buddy Murphy

Roman backs Buddy into the corner and rocks him with a right hand before Buddy hits a bicycle knee for a quick two count and stomps Roman in the corner. Roman rolls out of the ring to regroup, Buddy going out after him and sending him into the barricade and face first into the announce table. Roman comes back with a right hand and throws Buddy over the announce table before rolling him back into the ring, Buddy rolling right back out of the opposite side. Buddy dodges and drive by dropkick and sends Roman into the steps before hitting a meteora off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We return to Buddy having Roman in a rear chin lock before Roman hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall, the two exchanging forearms until Roman hits several clotheslines. Roman drops Buddy with a boot and Buddy counters a superman punch before sending Roman out of the ring and hitting a flipping senton over the top rope. Buddy hits a meteora when they're back in the ring for a near fall and Roman hits a superman punch for a near fall of his own before Buddy hits a brainbuster for another near fall. Roman then sends Buddy off of the top turnbuckle and down against the barricade before Roman hits a superman punch off of the steps and a spear once he tosses Buddy back into the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns defeats Buddy Murphy via pinfall with a spear.

-After the match we go backstage to The Revival being interviewed ahead of their match against the New Day tonight.

Kevin Owens vs Samoa Joe

Kevin is in control until the special guest enforcer Elias distracts him and Joe capitalizes, yanking Kevin down and onto the apron as we go to commercial.

Joe beats on Kevin before hitting a uranage for a two count before Kevin comes back with a swanton and counters the Coquina Clutch into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall that Elias breaks up. Joe then rolls Kevin up when he's distracted by Elias and Elias fast counts for Joe for the pin and the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe defeats Kevin Owens via pinfall with a fast count by Elias.

-Daniel Bryan and Rowan come into the locker room and interrogate Buddy Murphy, demanding that he tell everyone there he lied before Rowan roughs him up. Buddy then finally says that he lied as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for the King of the Ring tournament that is returning Monday night.

-Randy comes out onto the stage before the match starts and says that Kofi can't beat him and he ran away from a fight in front of his wife and kids before saying that he can't beat Randy and says they should make it a six man tag match, which they agree to as we go to commercial.

New Day vs The Revival & Randy Orton

Randy and Kofi start the match off before Randy immediately tags Scott in and the two lock up before Kofi hits a monkey flip into a dropkick for a quick one count. Big-E comes in and he and Xavier double team Scott for a quick two count before Scott comes back with a chop and Dash gets hit with a huricanrrana and a dropkick for a quick two count. Scott gets a blind tag and Xavier rolls him up before Dash hits an arm breaker and Scott starts focusing on the arm of Xavier before Dash comes back in and stays focused on it. Xavier comes back with a rolling elbow and Scott quickly drags him into the corner before sending him out of the ring, Randy back dropping him onto the announce table as we go to commercial.

Scott hits a back drop to Xavier and locks in a shoulder lock before Xavier gets the tag to E who hits The Revival with overhead belly to belly suplexes and Kofi hits a Boom Drop. Kofi then counters an RKO and dropkicks Randy out of the ring before Xavier takes out both members of the Revival and The Revival hit the Shatter Machine for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Revival and Randy Orton defeat New Day via pinfall when they pin Xavier with the Shatter Machine.

-Kofi then takes out The Revival after the match before Randy hits him with an RKO as we go off the air.

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