WWE Smackdown! Live Results 5/22 Daniel Bryan vs Jeff Hardy, Naomi vs Sonya Deville, New Day Joins Miz TV & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE Smackdown Live. Tonight we have three Money in the Bank qualifying matches, New Day join The Miz on Miz TV to announce which one of them will represent the group in the Money in the Bank match and much more so be sure to come back here at 8pm EST for all of the action and be sure to stick with us afterwards for the post-show podcast.

-The Miz is in the ring to start the show before he introduces New Day so they can announce which one of them will represent the group in the Money in the Bank match. Miz then goes on to say that he can beat any of them before he goes backstage and Paige makes a match between The Miz and Big-E as we go to commercial.

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The Miz vs Big-E

Miz is in control to start the match before E puts him in an abdominal stretch and drops him. E stomps Miz repeatedly on the apron before hitting a jumping splash off of the apron that sends Miz to the floor. Miz then slaps E before they get in the ring and Miz slides back out before pulling E's leg and sends him face first into the apron before sending him into the barricade as we go to commercial.

E comes back as we come back from commercial when he backs Miz into the corner before hitting a running splash and playing to the crowd. E catches Miz coming in and hits a uranage for a quick two count before Miz catches E when he goes for a spear through the ropes. Miz hits a snap DDT for a quick two count before they clothesline each other and The Bar show up and attack Xavier sit Kofi. Miz then uses the distraction when E knocks Cesaro off of the apron and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Miz defeats Big-E via pinfall with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match 

Lana vs Billie Kay

Lana immediately rocks Billie with a roundhouse kick before hitting a sit-out facebuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lana defeats Billie Kay via pinfall with a sit-out facebuster to gain entry into the Women's Money in the Bank match.

Andrade Almas vs Local Talent

Almas immediately attacks his opponent before whipping him into the corner and hitting him with a series of clotheslines in the corner. Almas hits him with a series of knees before he tries to come back only to be dropped. Almas then hits two running knees in the corner before hitting the hammer lock DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Andrade Almas defeats a local performer via pinfall with a wrist lock DDT.

-AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura come out to the ring and Shinsuke jokingly says that their match at Money in the Bank will be a pillow fight before AJ attacks him. Shinsuke then lays AJ out with a Kinshasa before counting to ten and announcing that it will be a last man standing match.

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match

The Usos vs Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

They brawl before the match starts, then the Usos clear the ring before hitting topes to the outside as we go to commercial.

Karl is in control of Jimmy as we come back from commercial, catching him up top before Jimmy hits an enzuigiri and Luke tags himself in. The Usos hit a superkick into a diving splash for a quick two count before they go for a double splash  but Karl sends Jey off of the top. Luke and Karl then hit the Magic Killer to Jimmy for the pin and the win. 

Winner: Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows defeat the Usos when they hit Jimmy with the Magic Killer to earn a shot at the WWE Smackdown Tag Team championship at Money in the Bank.

Women's Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Naomi vs Sonya Deville

Sonya takes Naomi down as soon as the match starts before they exchange pin attempts and Sonya spears her for a quick two count as we see Charlotte looking on backstage. Sonya beats Naomi down in the corner before hitting a snapmare into a sliding knee to the back for a quick two count. Sonya hits a spinebuster for a quick two count before they exchange kicks until both of them fall down and Sonya drops Naomi with a series of knees. Naomi then catches Sonya coming in and hits a back slide before rolling her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Naomi defeats Sonya Deville via pinfall with a roll up to gain entry into the Women's Money in the Bank match. 

Money in the Bank Qualifier Number One Contender Match ​​​​

Daniel Bryan vs Jeff Hardy

They exchange wrist locks to start the match before Daniel drops Jeff with a shoulder block and takes him down for a quick two count before Jeff sends him out of the ring as we go to commercial.

They hit a double running cross body as we come back from commercial before exchanging strikes until Daniel sends Jeff out of the ring with a series of kicks before hitting a wrecking ball dropkick through the ropes and sends Jeff into the barricade. Daniel misses a meteora off of the apron before Jeff hits a clothesline off of the apron. They get back in the ring and Daniel catches Jeff on the top before putting him in the tree of woe and kicks him repeatedly before hitting a sliding dropkick. Jeff fights him off when he goes for an avalanche back suplex before hitting the Whisper in the Wind for a near fall. Daniel counters a Twist of Fate before hitting his signature Yes Kicks until Jeff counters with a Twist of Fate.

Jeff goes for the Swanton Bomb  but Daniel gets his knees up before hitting Jeff with a roundhouse kick for a near fall. Daniel then hits a dragon screw leg whip before locking in a knee bar and Jeff is forced to tap for the win.

Winner: Daniel Bryan defeats Jeff Hardy via submission with a knee bar to gain the opportunity to face Samoa Joe with the winning qualifying for the Money in the Bank match. 

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