WWE Summerslam Results Roman Reigns vs John Cena, Bobby Lashley vs Goldberg

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for WWE's Summerslam event!

Kickoff Show

Shazza McKenzie Coming To Japan For The First Time, To Challenge Yuki Arai For TJPW International Princess Title

- We get a video package for the WWE Championship match between the champion Bobby Lashley and the challenger Goldberg.

- We get a video package for the Smackdown Women's Championship match between the champion Bianca Belair and the challenger Sasha Banks.

- We get a video package for the grudge match between Edge and Seth Rollins.

- We get a video package for the RAW Women's Championship Triple Threat Match between the champion Nikki Cross and the challengers Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair.

Big E vs Baron Corbin

E drives Baron into the corner before beating him down and they try to knock each other over before Baron drops E and E hits an overhead belly to belly into a back suplex for two. E misses a splash onto the apron before Baron sends E into the post and hits Deep Six for two before going outside and grabbing the briefcase. E then brings Baron back inside only for him to go back out and try to run off with the briefcase before E brings him back inside and hits the Big Ending for the pin and the win.

Winner: Big E defeats Baron Corbin via pinfall.

- We end tonight's kickoff with a video package for the Universal Championship match between the champion Roman Reigns and the challenger John Cena.

Main Show

RAW Tag Team Championship Match
AJ Styles & Omos (c) vs RKBRO

AJ and Randy start the match off with Randy driving AJ into the corner with strikes before suplexing him and stomping him as Riddle comes in and hits an assisted corkscrew senton and AJ rolls out of the ring to regroup before Omos and Riddle come in and Omos beats Riddle down before man handling him and tossing him around the ring until AJ comes back in and DDTs Riddle for two. Riddle then comes back with and gets the hot tag to

Randy who knocks Omos off of the apron and hits AJ with a draping DDT before AJ hits an asai at ringside and AJ and Randy counter each other's finishers before Randy hits AJ with an RKO for the pin and the win.

Winner: RKBRO defeat AJ Styles and Omos via pinfall to become the new RAW Tag Team champions.

Alexa Bliss vs Eva Marie (w/ Doudrop)

Alexa repeatedly dodges Eva before Eva gets back inside and Alexa rocks her with a back elbow before dropping her with a toe hold and Eva comes back with strikes and slams Alexa to the mat by her hair before grabbing Lilly and slapping her repeatedly before Alexa hits a clothesline and a Thesz press. Alexa then hits a senton before missing Twisted Bliss and Eva argues with the referee before Alexa hits her with a DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss defeats Eva Marie via pinfall.

WWE United States Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs Damian Priest

The two lock up before Sheamus takes Damian down with a side headlock before slamming Sheamus down and booting him in the chest before hitting a running back elbow in the corner into a Broken Arrow for two before sending Sheamus out of the ring and hitting a flipping senton onto the floor. Back in the ring Sheamus knees Damian off of the apron before Damian rocks him with strikes before Sheamus catches him and drives him into the post before tossing him back inside before hitting a back suplex for two before locking in a rear chin lock. Sheamus hits an Irish Curse backbreaker and flexes for the crowd before walking around and dusting himself off before locking in a rear chin lock before Damian briefly comes back with strikes and Sheamus drops him before Damian rolls out onto the apron and Sheamus hits Damian in the ropes. Damian comes back with a clothesline into a diving spin kick for two before Sheamus hits a rolling senton and goes up top before Damian grabs him and Sheamus snaps his neck across the top rope before hitting a diving clothesline into an Alabama slam for two. Sheamus headbutts Damian before calling for the Brogue Kick and Damian boots him before hitting South of Heaven for a near fall before booting Damian out of the air for a near fall before locking in a heel hook and Damian rips his mask off. Damian then beats on Sheamus sans mask and hits a snake eyes into a wheel kick before hitting The Reckoning for the pin and the win.

Winner: Damian Priest defeats Sheamus via pinfall to become the new WWE United States champion.

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match
The Usos (c) vs The Mysterios

Dom and Jimmy start the match off with Dom taking control early before Jey gets the blind tag and knocks Dom off of the top and down onto the floor and into the barricade before the Usos isolate Dom until he gets the hot tag to Rey who drops Jey repeatedly before knocking Jey off of the apron before Jimmy superkicks Rey for a near fall. Jimmy superkicks Rey before hitting a diving splash for a near fall before Jey drops Dom onto the apron and Jimmy misses a splash before Rey hits a head scissors into a 619 before taking out Jey with a PK from ringside before Jimmy gets his knees up when Rey goes for a splash. The Usos then hits a double superkick before Jey hits a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Usos defeat The Mysterios via pinfall to retain their Smackdown Tag Team titles.

- Intercontinental champion Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs come out to the ring and play to the crowd.

- Bianca comes out to the ring to defend her title against Bianca Belair before the ring announcer gets on the mic and announces that Sasha Banks will not be able to compete before announcing Carmella as her replacement. Carmella then comes out to a chorus of boos and gets into the ring before she's interrupted by the return of Becky Lynch who gets into the ring and attacks Carmella and dumps her out of the ring. Becky then gets in the mic and challenges Bianca to a match, challenging her to tear the house down as the referee is visibly annoyed that the match he was scheduled to referee has been changed twice in the last several moments before Bianca accepts The Man's challenge.

WWE Smackdown Women's Title Match
Bianca Belair (c) vs Becky Lynch

Bianca immediately goes for a hand shake before Becky pins her with her new finisher The Manhandle Slam for the pin and the win in a matter of seconds.

Winner: Becky Lynch defeats Bianca Belair via pinfall to beome the new Smackdown Women's champion.

Drew McIntyre vs Jinder Mahal

Drew immediately drives Jinder into the corner and whips him across the ring before Jinder rocks him with a back elbow and Drew clotheslines Jinder before Drew calls for the Claymore and Jinder rolls out of the ring to escape before pulling Drew down onto the apron and Drew hits an overhead belly to belly onto the floor. Jinder gets several two counts once he brings Drew back into the ring before whipping him into the corner and beating him down before locking in a shoulder lock and Drew gets to his feet and comes back with a headbutt into an overhead belly to belly. Drew then hits the Future Shock DDT before hitting a Claymore for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre defeats Jinder Mahal via pinfall.

- After the match Veer and Shanky come out and tend to Jinder before Drew swings a sword at them and the three flee.

WWE RAW Women's Championship Triple Threat Match
Nikki Cross (c) vs Rhea Ripley vs Charlotte Flair

Rhea dropkicks Charlotte before Nikki sends Rhea through the ropes and hits Charlotte with a monkey flip before getting two off of a clutch to Rhea before Charlotte kicks her in the midsection and dumps her out of the ring before Rhea and Charlotte exchange and Nikki sends Charlotte out of the ring. Charlotte drives Nikki into Rhea and clotheslines Rhea before hitting Nikki with a fall away slam before smashing Rhea's face into the top turnbuckle and hitting a neck breaker into a flat liner that sends Rhea face first into the middle turnbuckle. Nikki hits a flying cross body and punches Charlotte before Charlotte knees her in the midsection and slams her on top of Rhea before everyone counters each other until Rhea sends Nikki out of the ring and Charlotte boots her for two before Rhea comes back with clotheslines and headbutt. Rhea hits a low dropkick before kicking Charlotte and hitting a northern lights suplex for two before Charlotte whips her over the top and down onto the floor before booting her off of the apron and Nikki hits a tornado DDT for two before Rhea Germans Charlotte who hits Nikki with a fall away slam at the same time. Rhea hits Charlotte with a missile dropkick for two before Rhea and Charlotte brawl at ringside until Nikki dives off of the top onto the two of them before Charlotte counters a double delayed suplex into a double DDT before chopping the two. Nikki and Rhea double up on Charlotte before Charlotte sends them out of the ring and hits a corkscrew moonsault onto Nikki and Rhea at ringside before Rhea locks in a reverse cloverleaf on Nikki before breaking the hold and booting Charlotte.

Rhea locks in the submission on Charlotte before Charlotte counters into a Figure Eight before Nikki dives onto the two of them to break up the hold before Nikki hits Charlotte with a swinging fisherman's neckbreaker for a near fall that Rhea breaks up. Nikki then counters the Riptide into a DDT before missing a diving cross body and Charlotte locks in the Figure Eight and forces Nikki to tap for the win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair defeats Nikki Cross and Rhea Ripley via submission to become the new RAW Women's champion.

Seth Rollins vs Edge

Seth and Edge lock up before Edge punches Seth and clotheslines him over the top and down onto the floor before Seth takes his time getting back inside and Edge lays into him with punches and stomps in the corner before Seth kicks him in the midsection on the separation and Edge sends Seth crashing down onto the floor. Edge goes out after Seth and smashes his face into the announce table before sending him into the barricade and Seth gets back inside before Edge knees him out of the ring and Seth drives him into the post before smashing his head into the stairs. Seth rolls Edge back inside and hits a neckbreaker for two before stomping him in the corner and choking him before hitting another neckbreaker for two before hitting a springboard flying knee for two before playing to the crowd. Edge counters a neckbreaker into a back slide for two before hitting a neckbreaker and a running shoulder tackle into the corner before setting Seth up top backwards and Seth fights off an inverted superplex into frog splash for two before Edge rolls out onto the apron when Seth teases a stomp. Edge counters a superplex into a diving swinging neckbreaker before Edge drops Seth across the top rope and clotheslines him before booting him and hitting the Edgecution for a near fall before going up top and Seth meets him and hits a superplex into a falcon arrow for a near fall.

Edge counters a stomp into slam for a near fall before Seth hits a neckbreaker in the ropes before missing a stomp onto the apron and Edge sends him into the post before spearing Seth through the ropes and onto the floor before Seth counters a spear into a Pedigree for a near fall. Edge then catches Seth's foot and locks in the Edgecator before Seth rolls him up for two and Seth locks in a cross face before smashing Seth's face into the mat and locking in a sleeper before Seth taps for the win.

Winner: Edge defeats Seth Rollins via submission.

- The MIz and John Morrison come out and MC for a bit before Xavier Woods comes out with a water cannon and sprays the two.

WWE Championship Match
Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ MVP) vs Goldberg

Bobby and Goldberg lock up before Goldberg backs Bobby into the corner before Bobby shoves Goldberg and tries to run him over before hitting a flying shoulder block and a powerslam into a front slam before hitting a running clothesline in the corner and a shoulder tackle. Bobby comes back with strikes before beating Goldberg down and Goldberg counters a Jackhammer before Bobby hits a flat liner and beats on Goldberg in back mount before going up top and Goldberg launches Bobby off of the top and across the ring. MVP drags Bobby out of the ring to keep Bobby from getting speared before Goldberg spears Bobby ar ringside and goes for another one before Bobby rolls out of the ring and MVP hits Goldberg with his cane before Bobby hits a chop block. Bobby hits a one armed spine buster before Goldberg counters the Hurt Lock and Bobby hits another chop block before Goldberg rolls out of the ring and Bobby drives him into the post before walking around and playing to the crowd. Bobby then sends Goldberg into the post a second time before tossing him back inside and Goldberg clutches his knee before the referee throws out the match and stops it.

Winner: Bobby Lashley retains his WWE title by defeating Goldberg via referee stoppage.

- After the match Bobby attacks Goldberg with a chair before Goldberg's son comes in and tries to save his dad and Bobby submits him unconscious with the Hurt Lock before MVP apologizes for what happened just now before MVP and Bobby leave as Goldberg checks on his son.

WWE Universal Championship Match
Roman Reigns (w/ Paul Heyman) vs John Cena

The Usos come out with Roman before Roman has Paul tell Jimmy and Jey to leave and go to the back as he wants to face John alone before the match starts with the two locking up and exchanging side headlocks before Roman runs John over and John rolls Roman up for one. Roman and John lock up before Roman gets two off of an inside cradle before Roman kicks John in the midsection and drops him with a right hand before playing to the crowd and dropping John with another right hand before John rolls him up for two and Roman clotheslines him. Roman whips John into the corner before hitting a float over suplex for two before locking in a rear chin lock and John gets to his feet and Roman kicks him in the midsection and drops him before hitting a snap suplex for two before dumping John out of the ring. Roman goes out after John before John comes back with right hands and Roman sends him into the steps before smashes his face across the steps and taking his title and posing on the top of the stairs before handing it back to Paul and John rolls into the ring. John rolls Roman up for two before Roman clotheslines him and mocks him before countering an AA into a DDT for two before apologizing to movie executives and Hollywood before saying that they can have John, but not him.

John comes back with right hands before going for a flying shoulder tackle and Roman knocks him out of the air before John rolls him up for a near fall before locking in a sleeper and John fights to his feet before driving Roman into the corner to break the hold. John clotheslines Roman before collapsing before John hits a flurry of shoulder tackles and a slam before Roman locks in a guillotine when John goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle before John turns it into an inside cradle for two before Roman hits a Superman punch. John counters a spear and hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle into the AA for a near fall before locking in an STF before Roman gets to the ropes for the break before Roman hit a drive-by at ringside and John counters a spear into an AA at ringside. John rolls Roman back inside for a near fall before John goes up top and Roman powerbombs him out of the air for a near fall before Roman calls for a Superman punch and John counters into a roll up for a near fall before Roman counters an AA into a Superman punch for a near fall. Roman then calls for a spear before John counters and hits a super AA for a near fall before mocking Roman and the two exchange strikes until Roman hits a pair of Superman punches and a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns retains his Universal title by defeating John Cena via pinfall.

- After the match Brock Lesnar returns and faces off with Roman before the two exchange words and Roman leaves with a terrified Paul as we go off the air.

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