WWE TLC 2019 Results: Three Tag Team Title Matches, Daniel Bryan Returns & A Massive Brawl

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2019. We'll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Bray Wyatt def. The Miz

Joe Hendry To Appear At HOG Wrestling On September 29

Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match
King Corbin def. Roman Reigns

WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships
Ladder Match

The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) def. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) to retain the titles

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match

The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) def. Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair to retain the titles

Tables Match
Bobby Lashley w/Lana def. Rusev

Aleister Black def. Buddy Murphy

WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) (c) fought The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) to a double countout

Humberto Carrillo def. Andrade w/Zelina Vega

- The kickoff panel for tonight’s show consists of The Coach, Booker T, Charly Caruso and David Otunga.

- The panel go over the card for tonight’s event.

- The panel discuss tonight’s WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match.

- Lana & Bobby Lashley are shown talking to a member of personnel backstage.

- A video package airs highlighting the feud between Rusev, Lana and Bobby Lashley.

- Bobby Lashley and Lana are interviewed by the panel, Lashley says everything has been worth it and Rusev is jealous of their love. Otunga asks the couple a question about their relationship and Lana gets angry, Lashley says that Lana is not holding him back and Lana is his ally. Lana says her and Lashley are the victims and they are just showing their love, Charly asks a question and Lana mocks her for not being Renee Young before threatening her. Lana says that Lashley will crush and destroy Rusev tonight.

- The panel talks about tonight’s match between Bobby Lashley and Rusev.

- Highlights from last weeks Raw are shown, as Seth Rollins joins AOP to attack Kevin Owens.

- The panel discusses the AOP & Seth Rollins’ attack on Kevin Owens.

- The Revival interrupt the panel to ask them why they are talking about their ladder match tonight, The Revival ask why Booker T disrespects them while they say that he should find Stevie Ray to face them in a future match. The Revival leaves before Booker T responds and Booker T says he is setting the example by not lowering himself to their level.

Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Humberto Carrillo

The match begins with Andrade blocking a Carrillo drop kick before landing a basement drop kick, Andrade corners Carrillo before landing a few strikes. Andrade then cracks Carrillo with a running knee strike for a near fall, Andrade follows that up by nailing Carrillo with a back body drop. Carrillo fights back and he drops Andrade with a series of arm drags, Andrade exits the ring and Carrillo looks for a dive before getting shoved to the arena floor. Andrade gets Carrillo back in the corner before choking him by the ropes, Andrade then catches Carrillo in a rope assisted arm bar before stomping away on him again. Andrade holds Carrillo down while wrenching away on his arm, Carrillo gets free after nailing Andrade with a jaw breaker. Andrade avoids an enziguri from Carrillo before eating a hurricarana, Carrillo follows that up by sending Andrade to the arena floor. Andrade gets back in the ring and he attacks Carrillo with a bunch of strikes, Carrillo recovers and he nails Andrade with a springboard cross body block and roundhouse head kick.

Carrillo misses a standing moonsault and Andrade sends him into the corner, Andrade sets up for a double knee strike and Carrillo knocks him out of the ring after landing a drop kick. Carrillo then hits Andrade with a suicide dive, Carrillo gets Andrade back into the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Andrade gets trapped in the ropes and Carrillo nails him with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Carrillo goes to the top rope and Andrade trips him up before landing a few strikes. Andrade meets Carrillo on the top rope and Andrade hangs him upside down before landing a double stomp that sends both crashing to the arena floor, Andrade gets Carrillo back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Carrillo and Andrade go back and forth until Andrade lands a clothesline, Andrade then goes to the top rope and Carrillo kicks him in the head. Carrillo climbs the ropes and Andrade knocks him off, Carrillo recovers and he nails Andrade with a springboard head kick. Andrade recovers and he back body drops Carrillo into the corner, Andrade then hits Carrillo with a running double knee strike for another near fall.

Andrade looks for a hammerlock DDT and Carrillo gets free before both almost run into Vega, Andrade nails Carrillo with a suplex after escaping a roll up attempt. Andrade climbs the ropes and Carrillo attacks him, Carrillo then nails Andrade with a super reverse hurricarana and a top rope moonsault for a three count.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo

- A video package airs highlighting the feud between Bray Wyatt and The Miz, followed by analysis from the panel.

- Aleister Black appears and he says that Buddy Murphy is somebody who can challenge him, Black says they may be battling over and over again unless Black amputates him from his career tonight.

- A video package airs highlighting the feud between Roman Reigns and King Corbin, followed by analysis from the panel.

- The New Day are shown backstage.

- The show starts with a TLC Edition of the Firefly Fun House, Bray Wyatt welcomes everybody to the show and he wants everybody to reflect on who they were as a person in 2019. Highlights of the various feuds for tonight’s event are interspersed as Wyatt is speaking.

WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships
Ladder Match
The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) (c) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)

The match begins with an all out brawl between the competitors in the contest, E and Kingston drop The Revival first before Kingston nails Wilder with a penalty kick. Kingston then nails Wilder with a leap frog leg drop, Kingston and E go for the ladders until they get jumped on the arena floor. Wilder drops E before choking him near the barricade, The Revival grab some ladders before getting attacked by Kingston and E. E grabs Dawson and he throws him into the ring post, Kingston grabs Wilder and he smashes him face first into a ladder. E grabs Dawson and he throws him over an announce table and into some announcers, Dawson fights back and he throws E into the announce table and ring steps. Dawson and Wilder then throw Kingston into the LED screen at ringside, Kingston fights back and The Revival crush him with multiple ladder shots. Kingston avoids a ladder shot to take out The Revival with a dive onto the ladder they were holding, E grabs a ladder and he gets it into the ring after Kingston helps.

The Revival drag Kingston out of the ring before Dawson drops him with a clothesline, E grabs a ladder and he attacks The Revival with it. E leaves the ring and he smashes Wilder face first into the ladder, E places Wilder on top of the ladder. E goes for a splash and he crashes onto the ladder as Dawson saves Wilder, The Revival catch a diving Kingston before throwing him into the ladder. The Revival set up a ladder in the ring and they start climbing it, E takes both opponents down before dropping them with a belly to belly suplex and a clothesline. E starts climbing the ladder and Dawson missile drop kicks the ladder to drop E, The Revival then ram the ladder into the testicular area of E. The Revival lean the ladder on the ropes before propelling E into it, Kingston returns and he nails both opponents with the ladder. E returns and he applies the stretch muffler submission to Dawson, Wilder saves Dawson before getting dumped out of the ring by Kingston.

E reapplies the stretch muffler to Dawson while Kingston attacks him with a ladder, The New Day set up the ladder and Kingston starts climbing it. The Revival return to knock E out of the ring, Kingston fights back and The Revival knock him off the ladder. Kingston quickly responds to hit Dawson with a tornado DDT and Wilder with a Trouble In Paradise, Kingston climbs the ladder again and Dawson climbs up behind him. The Revival then get Kingston off the ladder before landing a Shatter Machine, The Revival climb the ladder and E returns to throw Dawson into the ring post. Wilder is sent to the ring apron before E takes him out with a spear that sends both crashing to the arena floor, E grabs another ladder and he attacks Dawson with it. E throws one ladder out of the ring and he brings another one in it. E sets up the second ladder right next to the first one, E grabs Dawson and he throws him into a ladder. E brings a third ladder into the ring and he sets it up between one ladder and the corner, E places Dawson on the third ladder before climbing to the top rope.

Wilder distracts E and he eventually crotches him on the top rope, Dawson climbs the ropes and he superplexes E through the third ladder. Dawson places E back on the third ladder before Wilder takes him out with a top rope splash, The Revival climb the other two ladders and Kingston propels himself on the ladders to attack The Revival. The Revival trap Kingston in the ladder before smashing his face on the top of a ladder multiple times, E returns and he nails Wilder with a super Big Ending from the top of the ladder. Dawson climbs the ladder and Kingston returns to knock Dawson off the ladders and onto another ladder. Kingston climbs the ladder to grab the titles and win the match.

Winners: The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E), still the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions

- Kayla Braxton interviews King Corbin, who says he isn't concerned about facing Roman Reigns because he has him where he wants him. Corbin says he will show Reigns who his master is tonight.

- Highlights are shown from the pre-show as Humberto Carrillo defeating Andrade.

Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy

The match begins with Murphy exiting the ring as Black quickly attempts Black Mass, Murphy returns to the ring and he goes through a series of reversals with Black. Black sends Murphy out of the ring and Murphy returns to have a staredown with him, Murphy goes for a penalty kick and Black nails him with an arm drag. Black drags Murphy to the mat below while wrenching away on his arm, Black then backs Murphy into the corner and Murphy nails him with a knee strike. Black recovers to nail Murphy with an arm drag before wrenching away on his arm, Murphy gets free and he nails Black with an elbow strike. Black recovers and he attacks Murphy with multiple kicks, Black gets Murphy to the ring apron before knocking him to the arena floor after landing a leg sweep. Black goes to the ring apron and Murphy sends him face first into the ring post and ring steps, Murphy gets Black into the ring after nailing him with a few strikes.

Murphy keeps Black cornered while stomping away on him, Black fights back and Murphy gets him down before wrenching away on his arm. Black gets free and Murphy knocks him back out of the ring, Murphy exits the ring and he smashes the face of Black into the announce table. Murphy grabs Black’s jacket and he puts it on, Black gets in the ring and Murphy throws the jacket at him. Black gets angry and he attacks Murphy with a few strikes, Murphy goes for a sleeper and Black gets free. Murphy leaps off the top rope and Black nails him with a head kick, Black then attacks Murphy with some forearm strikes. Black drops Murphy with a combination before landing a running knee strike, Black then nails a charging Murphy with a head kick and knee strike. Black follows up by hitting Murphy with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Black knocks Murphy to the ring apron after landing an elbow strike. Black goes to the ring apron and Murphy fights back against him, Black knocks Murphy into the ring post and then to the arena floor.

Black follows up by landing a moonsault before getting him back in the ring, Black then hits Murphy with a knee strike for a near fall. Black looks for his submission and Murphy escapes before eating a push kick, Black places Murphy on the top rope and he follows him up there. Murphy fights back and Black nails him with a step up head kick, Murphy fights back again and he gets free before trapping Black in the corner. Murphy then hits the trapped Black with multiple super kicks and a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Murphy traps the arms of Black before looking for a knee strike. Black blocks it and Murphy nails him with super kicks and knee strikes afterwards, Murphy then hits Black with a brain buster for a near fall. Black fights back and he eventually cracks Murphy with Black Mass from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

- Charly Caruso interviews Rusev, who says he is elated that Bobby Lashley may propose to Lana because he won’t have to pay her alimony.

- Highlights are shown of Seth Rollins & AOP attacking Kevin Owens from the past weeks WWE Raw.

- The Viking Raiders come out and they issues another open challenge, which is answered by The OC. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows mock The Viking Raiders for issuing the open challenge, Anderson say they are the only tag team to beat The Viking Raiders and they have a trophy to prove it.

WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) (c) vs. The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

The match begins with Erik backing Anderson into the corner, Anderson gets free and he gets Erik in a headlock. Erik gets free and he drops Anderson before slamming him face first a few moments later, Ivar tags in and he double teams Anderson with Erik. Ivar holds Anderson down while wrenching away on his arm, Anderson fights back and Ivar slams him. Erik tags in and he slams Ivar onto the downed Anderson for a near fall, Gallows distracts Erik and that allows Anderson to knock him out of the ring. Gallows then nails Erik with a super kick, Anderson leaves the ring to send Erik back first into the ringside edge. Anderson gets Erik in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Anderson keeps Erik down while applying a chin lock. Erik fights back and Anderson nails him with a spine buster for a near fall, Gallows tags in and he corners Erik before landing some strikes. Gallows then hits Erik with a suplex followed by an elbow drop for a near fall, Gallow sholds Erik down before landing elbow strikes and applying a chin lock.

Erik gets free and Gallows drops him with a kick before tagging Anderson in, Erik fights back again and he eventually makes the tag to Ivar. Ivar quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ivar nails Anderson with a seated senton before nailing Gallows with some strikes. Ivar goes to the top rope and Anderson sneaks up behind him to shove him to the mat below, Gallows tags in and The OC hit Ivar with an elevated neck breaker for a near fall. Anderson tags in and Ivar takes out The OC with a double handspring elbow strike. The Viking Raiders nail Anderson with The Viking Experience for a near fall, Gallows then hits Erik with a choke bomb before dropping Ivar with a kick to the face. Erik battles The OC on the arena floor before he is tossed into the crowd, Ivar then takes out The OC with a suicide dive. The referee makes the ten count and none of the competitors beat the count.

Match Result: Double Countout

After the match, The OC continue attacking The Viking Raiders, Karl Anderson destroys the KFC table and Ivar prevents a Magic Killer from The OC. The Viking Raiders then put Anderson through the table.

- Kayla Braxton interviews The Miz, who says his family has been moved to an undisclosed location after Bray Wyatt invaded their home at WWE Smackdown. The Miz says he is fighting as a husband and father tonight and he doesn't care about what Wyatt can do to him tonight.

- King Corbin grabs the microphone before the next match and he says that he’ll force Roman Reigns to bend the knee to the king.

Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match
Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin

The match begins with Reigns attacking the members of Corbin’s security team, Corbin meets Reigns on the entrance ramp and Reigns drops him with a right. Reigns grabs Corbin and he throws him into the LED screen before attacking him with a ladder, Reigns throws Corbin off the stage onto the arena floor below. Reigns follows that up by throwing Corbin into the barricade, Reigns drags Corbin into the crowd and they exchange some strikes. Reigns regains control and he throws Corbin over the barricade and to the ringside area, Reigns grabs Corbin and throws him into the ring steps. Reigns follows that up by sending Corbin face first into an announce table, they battle into the ring and Corbin nails Reigns with a Deep Six for a near fall. Corbin mounts Reigns while attacking him with a plethora of strikes, Corbin follows that up by throwing Reigns shoulder first into the ring post. Reigns falls out of the ring and Corbin follows him out there before ramming him into the barricade, Corbin gets Reigns back into the ring.

Reigns fights back and he attacks Corbin with some strikes, Corbin misses a clothesline before nailing Reigns with a second attempt for a near fall. Corbin keeps Reigns down while attacking him with elbow strikes, Corbin knocks Reigns out of the ring and he follows him out there. Reigns recovers and he throws Corbin into the barricade a few times, Reigns gets Corbin into the ring and Corbin instantly low blows him. Reigns falls to the arena floor and Corbin follows him out there before throwing him into the ring steps, Corbin grabs a ladder and he attacks Reigns with it. Corbin gets Reigns back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Corbin grabs a chair and he attacks Reigns with it. Corbin takes the chair and he places it in the corner, Reigns fights back and he drops Corbin with a few clotheslines. Reigns corners Corbin before landing a series of clothesline smashes and a big boot, Reigns goes for a superman punch and Corbin avoids it to land a choke breaker.

Corbin sets up for a spear and Reigns counters it by throwing Corbin into a chair and landing a superman punch for a near fall, Reigns finds a table and he gets it in the ring. Corbin exits the ring and Reigns sets up the table before going to look for him, Corbin grabs a can of dog food and he hits Reigns with it. Corbin nails Reigns with a choke slam through a table for a near fall, Corbin leaves the ring and he clears off a few announce tables. Corbin gets back in the ring and he dumps Reigns out of it, Corbin exits the ring and he places Reigns on an announce table. Corbin climbs the table and he sets up for a power bomb, Reigns recovers and he hits Corbin with a Samoan drop through an announce table. Reigns gets up first and he sets up for a spear before Dolph Ziggler nails him with a super kick from out of nowhere, Corbin attacks a time keeper for no reason and Ziggler joins in on the attack. Ziggler finds some handcuffs and another can of dog food, Reigns returns to hit Corbin and Ziggler with a Drive By.

Reigns finds a kendo stick and he attacks Corbin’s security force with it, The Revival come out and they attack Reigns. The Revival get Reigns into the ring and he quickly nails them both with superman punches, Corbin returns and Reigns knocks him back out of the ring. Reigns then takes a ton of people out with a suicide dive, Reigns gets Corbin back into the ring and he sets up for a spear. Ziggler returns and he attacks Reigns with a chair shot, Ziggler then nails Reigns with a Zig Zag. Corbin and cohorts attack Reigns in the ring and The Revival nail Reigns with a Shatter Machine, Corbin then hits Reigns with an End Of Days on a steel chair for a three count.

Winner: King Corbin

Bray Wyatt vs. The Miz

The match begins with Miz kicking Wyatt in the face before attacking him with a plethora of strikes, Miz keeps Wyatt trapped in the corner while landing a ton of knee strikes. Wyatt gets out of the corner and Miz attacks him with a ton of kicks and stomps, Miz keeps Wyatt near the ropes while ripping away at his face. Miz blinds Wyatt with his shirt while attacking him with a bunch more strikes, Wyatt fights back and Miz nails him with more kicks. Miz also nails Wyatt with a series of running knee strikes and clotheslines, Wyatt looks for Sister Abigail and Miz counters with a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz keeps Wyatt down while smashing his face on the mat below, Miz traps the arm of Wyatt while snapping the other one in a backwards manner. Wyatt leaves the ring and he rams his injured shoulder into the barricade to pop it back in place, Miz returns and he drop kicks Wyatt before throwing him into the announce table. Miz follows that up by throwing Wyatt into the ring steps a few times, Miz again throws Wyatt into an announce table.

Wyatt fights back and he sends a charging Miz into the time keepers area, Wyatt gets angry and he nails Miz with a Sister Abigail on the arena floor. Miz beats the count by getting back into the ring and Wyatt nails him with a second Sister Abigail for a three count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

After the match, The Fiend appears on the big screen and Bray Wyatt tells The Fiend that he’ll do it before grabbing an oversized hammer. Wyatt brings the giant hammer in the ring, the lights go out and Wyatt starts getting all excited while saying “he’s here.” Daniel Bryan returns and he nails Wyatt with a running knee strike as the lights come back on, Bryan keeps Wyatt cornered while attacking him with a ton of kicks and drop kicks. Wyatt tries fighting back and Bryan nails him with another running knee strike, Bryan traps the arms of Wyatt while stomping away on his face a bunch of times. Bryan grabs the oversized hammer and he goes to hit Wyatt with it and the lights go out, Wyatt is gone when the lights come back on. Bryan decides to just smash the WWE Championship with the hammer.

Tables Match
Rusev vs. Bobby Lashley w/Lana

The match begins with Lashley exiting the ring to consult with Lana, Rusev follows him out there and he attacks Lashley with a plethora of unanswered strikes. Rusev drops Lashley with a short arm clothesline before getting him back in the ring, Rusev grabs a table and he gets it in the ring. Lana interferes to get the table out of the ring and Lashley attacks Rusev from behind, Lashley then nails Rusev with a clothesline. Lashley follows that up by nailing Rusev with the Dominator, Lashley exits the ring and he sets a table up on the arena floor. Rusev returns and he throws Lashley into the ring steps, Rusev attacks Lashley further and they battle up the entrance ramp. Rusev then nails Lashley with a suplex on the entrance ramp, Rusev brings Lashley back to the ringside area and Lashley saves himself from being put through a table. Lashley then throws Rusev into the ring steps, Lashley follows that up by shoving Rusev into the ring post. Lashley throws a table at Rusev and Rusev avoids it, Lashley gets Rusev back in the ring and he sets a table up on the arena floor.

Lashley throws Rusev into the corner before bringing a table into the ring, Lashley sets up a table in the corner and Rusev attacks him from behind. Lashley fights back as both competitors try putting each other through the table, Lashley ends that by nailing Rusev with a spine buster. Lashley corners Rusev with landing a spear in that corner, Lashley leaves the ring again and he brings another table back into it. Lashley sets up the table and then he places Rusev on the top rope, Lashley follows Rusev up the ropes while landing strikes. Lashley looks for a superplex and Rusev gets free before tripping Lashley up, Rusev gets Lashley up and he dumps him on the ringside area. Rusev attacks Lashley with strikes and Lashley fires back, Lashley eventually drops Rusev neck first on the top rope. Rusev knocks Lashley off the ring apron and Lashley flies over a table, Rusev grabs the ring steps and he attacks Lashley with them. Rusev heads towards the backstage area and he returns with a piece of the barricade, Rusev attacks Lashley with the piece of the barricade.

Lashley recovers and he rakes the eyes of Rusev before putting him through the barricade, Lashley finds a kendo stick and he attacks Rusev with it. Lashley gets Rusev back into the ring while continuing to attack him with the kendo stick, Lashley then grabs a table and he sets it up in the corner. Rusev fights back and he attacks Lashley with the kendo stick, Rusev then drops a dazed Lashley with a Machka Kick. Lana gets in the ring and she attacks Rusev, Lashley then puts Rusev through a table to win the match.

Winner: Bobby Lashley w/Rusev

- The Street Profits are backstage talking about what just went down in the ring when a bunch of wrestlers are shown brawling, The Street Profits join in. 

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match
The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) (c) vs. Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair

The match begins with an all out brawl between all the competitors in the match, Lynch knocks Asuka out of the ring before throwing her into a pile of chairs. Asuka fights back and Lynch throws her into the barricade, Flair and Sane also brawl on the arena floor. Sane goes for a leap off the ring apron and Flair boots her in the midsection, Flair clears an announce table as Lynch works over Sane. Lynch and Flair get Sane on an announce table and they toss her back and forth on them, Flair and Lynch try bringing a ladder into the ring before both get attacked by Asuka. Sane gets in the ring and she attacks Flair with a steel chair, Sane then drops kicks a chair into the face of Flair. Asuka and Sane then attack Lynch on the arena floor before getting her into the ring, Lynch uses a drop toe hold to drop Asuka onto a chair. Lynch then drops Asuka face first onto a ladder, Sane goes after a ladder and Flair attacks her. Sane jumps on the back of Flair and Flair backs her into the ring post, Lynch and Flair then power bomb Asuka into the ring post.

Flair and Lynch get in the ring and they set up a ladder in it, Sane gets angry and she throws some chairs at her opponents. Flair and Lynch respond by throwing chairs at Sane, Sane tries running away as she gets chased by Lynch and Flair. Sane grabs a fire extinguisher and she sprays it into her opponents eyes, Asuka grabs a rope and she whips Flair and Lynch with it. Sane then hits Lynch with a rolling neck breaker onto a pile of chairs, Asuka grabs an office chair and she sits Flair on it. Asuka and Sane trap Flair on the chair before Asuka attacks her with kicks, Sane and Asuka grab a ladder before tying the rope to it. Asuka then slams Lynch onto the ladder before Sane ties her to it, Sane and Asuka get back into the ring as Flair goes after Sane. Asuka drops Flair by landing a sliding knee strike, Asuka and Sane throw Flair into the crowd after throwing her into the barricade a few times. The Kabuki Warriors get back in the ring and they climb the ladder, Flair returns and she attacks both opponents with a kendo stick. Flair eventually clears the ring after knocking the ladder over, Flair grabs the ladder and she attacks Asuka and Sane with it.

Flair exits the ring and she throws Asuka into a pile of chairs, Flair then hits Sane with an exploder suplex into the barricade. Flair finds Lynch and she tries untying her before eating a chair shot from Asuka, Sane and Asuka then throw Flair into the ring steps. Sane goes for an Insane Elbow and Lynch fights back against both opponents before freeing herself, Lynch and Flair get angry and they attack both of their opponents. Lynch grabs a chair and she attacks both opponents with it, Lynch grabs a kendo stick and she attacks Sane with it. Lynch gets Sane in the ring and Flair does the same to Asuka, Flair and Lynch place Asuka and Sane on chairs while attacking them with a ton of strikes. Flair puts Asuka onto a table on the arena floor and Lynch puts her through it with a guillotine leg drop, Flair and Lynch then grab Sane and they ram her into the ring post multiple times. Flair and Lynch look for a double suplex and Sane DDT’s them both on the arena floor, Sane grabs Flair and Lynch and puts them both on a table. Sane goes to the ring apron and she leaps off onto Lynch as Flair gets off the table, Sane continues battling Lynch as Flair goes towards Asuka.

Flair attacks Sane with a spear from out of nowhere before power bombing her through a table, Asuka returns and she hits Flair with a release German suplex on the arena floor. Asuka grabs a bunch of objects and she places them on top of her opponents, Sane gets up and she works with Asuka to get a ladder in the ring. Asuka and Sane they set the ladder up in the ring, Asuka climbs the ladder as Sane plays guard in the ring. Flair and Lynch return to attack their opponents with steel chair shots, Flair kicks a chair into the face of Asuka while Lynch attacks Sane with more chair shots. Flair sets up a table on the arena floor and she gets Asuka on it, Flair climbs to the top rope and Asuka gets up. Asuka power bombs Flair off the top rope and through the table below, Lynch nails Sane with multiple exploder suplexes onto a pile of ladder. Lynch gets in the ring and she attacks Asuka with the rope, Lynch clears the ring and she climbs the ladder. Asuka pulls the rope to knock Lynch off the ladder and out of the ring, Asuka gets back in the ring and she climbs it to grab the belts and win the match.

Winners: The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane), still the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

After the match, the massive locker room brawl spills all over the arena as Roman Reigns and King Corbin brawl into the crowd. Reigns nails Corbin with a spear and they winds up taking a lot of people out.

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