WWE Wrestlemania: Backlash Results Roman Reigns vs Cesaro, RAW Title Triple Threat

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for Wrestlemania: Backlash!

Kickoff Show

NXT North American Title Match Between Tony D'Angelo And Oba Femi At NXT Halloween Havoc To Be Decided By Pinfall

- We open tonight's kickoff with a breakdown for tonight's main card before we get a video package for the Universal Championship match between the champion Roman Reigns and the challenger Cesaro.

- We get a video package for the Smackdown Women's Championship match between the champion Bianca Belair and the challenger Bayley.

- We get a video package for the rivalry between The Miz and Damian Priest which led to tonight's Lumberjack match.

- We get a video package for the RAW Women's Championship Triple Threat match between the champion Rhea Ripley, and former champions Asuka, and Charlotte Flair, respectively.

- We get a video package for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship match between the champions Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode and the challengers, father and son team Rey, and Dominik Mysterio who are looking to make history by becoming the first father and son tag champions in WWE history. We then go backstage to see Roode and Ziggler attack Dom and lay him out by pushing a container on top of him as we go to commercial.

Sheamus vs Ricochet

Ricochet uses his speed and athleticism to stay one step ahead of Sheamus until he drops Ricochet with a clothesline and throws him across the ring before dropping him with a back elbow. Sheamus rocks Ricochet with an uppercut before hitting an Irish Curse backbreaker before hitting him with clubbing blows in the ropes. Sheamus controls Ricochet on the ground before he gets to his feet and rocks Sheamus with an enzuigiri before hitting a springboard clothesline into a standing shooting star. Ricochet hits an asai moonsault for two before hitting a back stabber into a springboard 450 for a near fall before dodging a Brogue Kick. Sheamus then knocks Ricochet out with a V-Trigger after Ricochet rolls him up for a near fall for the win.

Winner: Sheamus defeats Ricochet via pinfall.

- After the match Ricochet sends Sheamus out of the ring and wears his hat and coat before fleeing when Sheamus gets back in and goes after him.

- We end the kickoff with a video package for the WWE Championship Triple Threat match between the champion Bobby Lashley and the challengers Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman.

Main Show

RAW Women's Championship Triple Threat Match
Rhea Ripley (c) vs Asuka vs Charlotte Flair

Everyone start off timidly before Charlotte gets out of the ring and Asuka goes after her before Rhea goes the other way and they get back inside before everyone hits a move. Rhea and Asuka shove each other before sending Charlotte out of the ring and knocking her off of the apron before Asuka gets two off of a series of pin attempts. Charlotte sweeps Asuka and pulls her out of the ring before slamming her onto the floor before Charlotte and Rhea exchange words and strikes before Charlotte slams Rhea and stomps her in the corner. Rhea clears the ring before Charlotte takes out both Asuka and Rhea at ringside before locking in a rear chin lock on Asuka in the ropes. Asuka locks in an armbar before Charlotte gets to the ropes for the break before Asuka locks it in again and Rhea breaks it up before Charlotte chops her.

Charlotte hits a flat liner into the middle turnbuckle before countering a German by Asuka and dropping her with chops before Rhea clotheslines her repeatedly. Rhea hits a northern lights suplex for a deep two count that Asuka breaks up before she and Asuka rock each other with strikes. Asuka hits Charlotte with a pair of Germans before hitting Rhea with a hip attack in the corner before kicking both Charlotte and Rhea before hitting Charlotte with a sliding knee for two. Charlotte clears the ring before taking Rhea and Asuka out with a moonsault before they hit a double superplex to Charlotte and all three women exchange strikes in a circle. Charlotte takes out Asuka and Rhea with a double chop block and a double Natural Selection for a double cover for a double near fall before Asuka hits Charlotte with a Code Breaker.

Everyone counters each other's finishers before Charlotte is sent out of the ring and Rhea pins Asuka with the Riptide for the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley defeats Asuka and Charlotte Flair via pinfall to retain her RAW Women's title.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode (c) vs The Mysterios

Rey goes after Dolph immediately and takes him out of the match before Rey sends Robert into the steps and drops Robert with a drop toe hold. Rey gets two off of a small package for two before Roode clotheslines him and Dolph rushes in for the cover for two before Rey is double teamed by the champions. Dom limps his way down to ringside and beckons his father to tag him in before Dolph hits Rey with a Zigzag for a near fall before Dom tags in. Robert hits Dom with a spine buster before Dolph sends him into the post and Roode yells at Dom before Dom superkicks Dolph for a near fall. Dom then gets the hot tag to Rey who knocks Dolph off of the apron before Robert hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two before Rey takes out Dolph and Dom hits Roode with a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Mysterios defeat Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode via pinfall to become the new Smackdown Tag Team champions.

- Backstage John Morrison checks on the lumberjacks for Miz's match before he opens the door and finds a room full of zombies.

- In the locker room Jimmy talks to Jey about how Roman owes everything he's accomplished this past year with Jey's help before Roman shows up and Jimmy leaves.

Lumberjack Match
The Miz (w/ John Morrison) vs Damian Priest

Before the match the zombies surround the ring and run John off before Damian is distracted by the zombies at ringside and Miz sends him out onto the apron. Miz ends up on the floor before he gets back inside sends Damian out of the ring before Damian attacks them and gets dropped by Miz when he's back inside. Miz gets sent out of the ring and goes underneath it before going back inside and Damian clotheslines him before dropping him with a wheel kick. Miz locks in a figure four before they're both dragged out of the ring and they work together to fight off the zombies at ringside. Back inside Damian hits a Broken Arrow for two before John runs out and rocks Damian before Miz hits him with a flying knee for a near fall.

Johnny takes out zombies with parkour before he's dragged over the barricade by zombies and Damian pins Miz with Hit the Lights for the win.

Winner: Damian Priest defeats The Miz via pinfall.

- Backstage Jey and Jimmy argue before Jimmy calls Jey a bitch and leaves as Jey throws something on the ground.

Smackdown Women's Championship Match
Bianca Belair (c) vs Bayley

The two exchange standing switches before Bianca dumps Bayley out of the ring and controls her on the mat with a straight armbar once she's back inside. They run the ropes before Bayley stacks Bianca for two before Bianca mocks Bayley and dropkicks her before whipping Bayley into the corner. Bayley rolls out of the ring to regroup before Bianca chases her around ringside and clotheslines her before tossing her back inside and hitting a moonsault for two. Bayley comes back and whips Bianca into the corner before choking her in the ropes and locking in a rear chin lock before Bianca gets to her feet. Bianca gets dropped with a back suplex for two before Bayley goes up top and Bianca knocks her off before Bayley sends her into the ropes.

Bianca suplexes Bayley into the ring before Bayley rolls Bianca up for two and they end up at ringside where Bayley slams Bianca onto the steps and suplexes her onto the floor. Back inside the ring Bayley gets two off of a spinning side slam before Bianca sends Bayley through the ropes and out onto the floor when she kicks out. Bayley mocks Bianca who drops her before hitting a spine buster for two before Bayley clotheslines Bianca and hits a diving elbow drop for a near fall. Bayley sends Bianca into the post before Bayley misses a dive and Bianca drops her face first across the apron before rolling Bayley back inside for two. Bayley gets a pair of near falls before they exchange and Bayley rakes the eyes of Bianca before Bayley hits a rip cord Bayley to Belly using Bianca's hair for a near fall.

Bianca then counters Bayley's finisher into a clutch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair retains her Smackdown Women's title by defeating Bayley via pinfall.

WWE Championship Triple Threat Match
Bobby Lashley (c) vs Drew McIntyre vs Braun Strowman

Bobby tries to align with Drew before Braun runs them both over and he's double teamed by Bobby and Drew and the two exchange before Drew sends Bobby out of the ring. Drew and Bobby brawl at ringside before Braun takes them both out with a tope before slamming Bobby once they're back in the ring for two. Braun fights out of a Hurt Lock before Drew hits a diving cross body and sends Bobby out of the ring and Braun into the post before hitting a diving clothesline. Drew drops Braun before Bobby breaks up a pin and beats on Drew in the corner before suplexing him and hitting Braun with a uranage for two. Bobby drops Drew before Braun hits Bobby with the steps and Drew sends Braun over the barricade before Bobby suplexes Drew onto the ramp.

Drew sends Bobby through an LED board on the stage before Braun runs over Drew and hits a running senton for two before Drew hits a Driver for a near fall. Drew hits an overhead belly to belly suplex onto the floor before Braun counters a Claymore and powerbombs Drew through the announce table. Back in the ring Drew then hits Braun with a Claymore before Bobby tosses him out of the ring and hits Braun with a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley retains his WWE title by defeating Braun Strowman and Drew McIntyre via pinfall.

WWE Universal Championship Match
Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs Cesaro

The two lock up for a pair of clean breaks before Roman takes Cesaro down with a side headlock take over and drops him with a shoulder block before re-apply the headlock. Cesaro repeatedly tries to pin Roman who rolls out of the ring and regroups with Paul at ringside before getting back inside at eight. Roman drives Cesaro into the corner before Cesaro hits a springboard uppercut into a spine buster before Roman fights off a swing. Roman dumps Cesaro out of the ring and drops him with a back elbow once he gets back inside before Roman sends him into the post. Roman locks in a cravat and suplexes Cesaro for one before reapplying the cravat and beating on Cesaro on the mat before locking in a rear chin lock.

Cesaro drops Roman with an uppercut when he goes for a Superman punch before Roman focuses on the arm of Cesaro until Cesaro rocks him with a headbutt and an uppercut. Roman clotheslines Cesaro before kneeing him in the corner and dropping him with a back elbow before stomping him in the corner. Cesaro hits a discus clothesline before collapsing and grabbing his arm before they exchange strikes on their knees up to their feet before Cesaro beats Roman down in the corner. Roman counters a Neutralizer into a Fujiwara armbar before Cesaro counters into a pin attempt and Roman knocks him out of the air with a jumping knee when he goes for a springboard. Cesaro counters a spear before Roman locks in a guillotine and Cesaro powers up to his feet before slamming Roman to get free before locking in a sharpshooter.

Cesaro transitions into a cross face before Roman counters and beats on Cesaro in mount before Roman hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before locking in a mounted guillotine. Cesaro then gets free before Roman transitions back into a normal guillotine until Cesaro passes out for the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns retains his Universal title by defeating Cesaro via referee stoppage.

- After the match Jey comes out to the ring and gives Roman a ceremonial lay before attacking Cesaro at Roman's behest before Seth Rollins comes out to the ring and attacks Cesaro. Seth then puts the arm of Cesaro in a chair and sends it into the post before hitting Cesaro with a curb stomp at ringside before celebrating in the ring as we go off the air.

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