This is the live coverage for Ring of Honor Presents Death Before Dishonor! We have a packed show tonight as in our main event Cody defends his ROH World Championship against the Japanese legend making his first ever trip overseas and making his ROH debut; the leader of Suzuki-gun, Minoru Suzuki! KUSHIDA defends his ROH Television title against Kenny King, the Young Bucks defend their ROH Tag Team Championship against the Motor City Machine Guns and much more so be sure to come 9 PM EST for all of the action!
The Kingdom vs The Briscoes & Bully Ray
TK and Mark start the match off by exchanging chops, slaps and thrusts to the throat before Mark tags Jay in. Jay knocks knocks Vinny and Matt off of the apron before tagging Mark back in. Matt comes in and drops Mark with a running cross body before Mark tags Ray in. Ray chops Matt in the corner before back dropping Vinny when he comes in, then everyone gets out of the ring and brawls around ringside. Mark hits a diving elbow drop off of the apron before everyone else hits a move to the outside, TK teasing the move that broke his leg before Jay hits a tope to the outside and takes out all three of them.
Bully jumps off of the top rope and takes everyone out before they get back in the ring and The Kingdom hit a double team on Mark for a near fall. The Kingdom tag in and out and keep Mark isolated in their corner before managing to tag Ray in. The Kingdom dispatch him before Jay gets triple teamed until he can tag Mark in. Mark takes out TK before Ray hits a Bully Bomb to Vinny, then the Briscoes hit a doomsday device for the pin and the win.
Winner: The Briscoes & Bully Ray via pinfall
-We get taped segment where BULLET CLUB try to locate Hangman Page who's gone missing.
Marty Scurll vs Chuck Taylor
They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks, then do a test of strength before Marty starts with the joint manipulation. Marty takes Chuck down repeatedly before playing to the crowd, then Chuck drops him with a shoulder block and plays to the crowd. Chuck dropkicks Marty and plays to the crowd some more before rolling out of the ring. They both get out of the ring before Marty sends Chuck into the railing, then hits a thrust kick off of the apron. They get back in the ring and Marty starts kicking the left arm of Chuck repeatedly, kicking at it and stomping on it before hitting a suplex for a quick two count.
Chuck fights out of a straight jacket hold before Marty hits a brainbuster for a near fall. Marty goes for the Cross Face Chicken Wing, but Chuck is quick to the ropes for the break. Chuck hits a series of strikes and a sit out powerbomb for a near fall before hitting an enzuigiri. Chuck misses a moonsault before Marty powerbombs him for a near fall, then Chuck hits a sit out powerbomb of his own for a near fall. Marty catches Chuck on the top turnbuckle before hitting a superplex for a near fall, then Chuck hits a move in the corner for a near fall, Marty getting his foot on the bottom rope before the count of three.
After doing several moves in the crowd and at ringside they get back in the ring and Marty uses the referee to put Chuck in the Cross Face Chicken Wing and make him tap for the win.
Winner: Marty Scurll via submission
Punishment Martinez vs Jay White Las Vegas Street Fight
Jay hits a tope to the outside as soon as the match starts, then suplexes Martinez onto the ramp. They get back in the ring and Jay hits Martinez with a trash can before hitting a missile dropkick. Martinez hits Jay with a spinning heel kick when he picks up a chair, then beats on him in the corner before slamming him to the mat. They exchange blows with a trash can and it's lid at ringside before Martinez powerslams him onto the trash can. They get back in the ring and Martinez hits a springboard front flip leg drop before Jay throws a chair at him and beats him down in the corner.
Jay hits a series of German suplexes before hitting a flat liner and beating Martinez down with the chair. Jay hits a dead lift German suplex onto the chair for a near fall before Martinez hits a Michinoku Driver and beats on Jay with the chair. Martinez wedges the chair between the ropes in the corner before Jay suplexes him into it for a near fall. Martinez drops Jay with a roundhouse kick before sending him out of the ring with a double foot stomp. Martinez hits a tope over the top turnbuckle and to the outside, clearing the ring post before they get back in the ring and Jay hits a superplex for a near fall.
Jay hits the Kiwi Crusher for another near fall before putting several chairs in the ring and setting them up. Martinez then powerbombs Jay through the chairs and hits a death valley driver through them for a very close near fall. Martinez then brings thumb tacks in the ring and spreads them around before hitting a choke bomb for the pin and the win.
Winner: Punishment Martinez via pinfall
The Young Bucks & Hangman Page vs Briscoes & Bully Ray ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match
Page shows up with tape on his mouth and wrists before the Bucks hit a double superkick to Ray, then send the Briscoes out of the ring. Jay clears the ring and beats on Adam after the Bucks free him, then Mark takes him out with an enzuigiri. Page takes Mark out with a front flip lariat before Ray takes him out with a boot. The Bucks take out Ray with another double superkick before Page hits a running shooting star press off of the apron. The Briscoes and Ray triple team Nick before Mark puts a table in the ring that Jay sets up before laying out Ray out of nowhere.
Jay then leaves after the Bucks pin Ray for the win with Mark just as confused as everyone else.
Winner: The Young Bucks & Hangman Page via pinfall
KUSHIDA vs Kenny King ROH Television Title Match
King plays to the crowd to start the match before they exchange wrist locks and grapple, then King rolls out of the ring to regroup. He gets back in the ring and they exchange hammerlocks before King hits a series of arm drags before KUSHIDA rolls out of the ring to regroup this time. He gets back in the ring and hits arm drags of his own be following up with a dropkick, only for King to sweep his legs out from under him and put him in a submission. KUSHIDA quickly crawls to the ropes for the break before getting out of the ring. Kenny goes out after him and gets suplexed into the railing for his troubles. KUSHIDA hits a running missile dropkick with the assistance of a chair before they get back in the ring and KUSHIDA starts focusing on the wrist of King.
KUSHIDA puts King in a series of submissions and pinning predicaments before King gets his foot on the bottom rope for the break, then KUSHIDA goes for a double wrist lock, but King reverses it only to be dropped with a Pele kick. KUSHIDA kicks the arm of King before King hits a spinning wheel kick, then a running clothesline in the corner and one off of the ropes. King plays to the crowd before hitting a shotgun dropkick in the corner and a fisherman's suplex for a near fall. KUSHIDA puts King in a triangle choke, then an armbar, then a triangle armbar before King powerbombs his way out of it. KUSHIDA hits a rolling heel kick that sends King out of the ring, then hits a huricanrrana at ringside before hitting a flipping senton to the floor.
They get back in the ring and KUSHIDA hits a rolling DDT for a near fall, then gets caught on the top turnbuckle before KUSHIDA kicks him away and locks in the Hoverboard Lock. King counters into a suplex before KUSHIDA locks it in again, King countering again before they exchange right hands. King hits a spinebuster before they exchange forearms on their knees until they get back to their feet. KUSHIDA starts kicking the left arm of King repeatedly before King hits a spinning uranage for the pin and the win.
Winner: Kenny King via pinfall
Jay Lethal vs Silas Young Last Man Standing Match
They exchange words as the match starts, then lock up before Jay drops Silas and Silas gets out of the ring. They brawl at ringside before Jay suplexes him onto the floor, then Silas beats Jay down when he's looking under the ring. Jay comes back and pulls up the padding before hitting a side Russian leg sweep into the floor and grabbing a table out from under the ring. Silas suplexes Jay onto the apron before putting him back into the ring Jay hits a cartwheel dropkick. Jay beats on Silas with a belt until he rolls out of the ring and Jay chases him around ringside, hitting him with it along the way.
They get back in the ring and Jay keeps hitting him with it until Beer City Bruiser comes out and attacks Jay. Silas and BCB double team Jay before Silas gets a table out from under the ring and sets it up at ringside. BCB tosses Jay out of the ring before Silas sets him onto the table and BCB misses a splash off of the top rope and through the table onto the floor. Jay hits a cutter to Silas through the other table at ringside before they get back to their feet at the count of eight and nine, respectively. They exchange right hands in the ring before Silas sends Jay face first into the middle turnbuckle.
Silas beats on Jay with a belt until he hits a backbreaker and beats him down with a chair. Jay hits the Lethal Combination onto the chair before beating Silas down with it, then tries to injure his leg before taping him to the bottom rope. Silas kicks Jay into the referee before Silas beats a now bloody Jay Lethal down. Silas then hits Misery and hits Jay with the Lethal Injection. Silas gets a ladder out from under the ring and brings it back in before Jay hits two Lethal Injections of his own.
Jay sets a ladder and table up at ringside before superkicking and lying Silas on the table. Jay climbs the ladder, but Silas gets up and hits him with a chair before climbing the other side. They exchange strikes on the ladder until the ladder falls over and they both fall through the table. Silas then manages to get to his feet before the count of ten and is deemed the winner.
Winner: Silas Young
The Young Bucks vs Motor City Machine Guns ROH World Tag Team Championship Match
Alex and Matt start the match off by exchanging wrist locks and flips before playing to the crowd and Matt tags Nick in. Alex tags Chris in and Nick hits an arm drag before Chris hits a backbreaker. MCM double team Nick before Marty comes in only for be dumped out of the ring. He comes back in and the four hit a synchronized dropkick before Nick drops Alex, then the Bucks knock Chris off of the apron. The Bucks start tagging in and out and double teaming Alex for a quick two count that Chris breaks up.
Alex sends Nick over the top rope and onto the floor before MCM double team Matt and play to the crowd. MCM hit a double cross body to the outside before playing to the crowd some more and keeping Nick isolated in their corner once they're back in the ring. MCM double team Nick for a quick two count that Matt breaks up before they double team him with a flurry of offense. MCM start tagging in and out and double teaming Nick before Nick takes out both of them with a series of kicks and a cutter bulldog combination. Matt gets the tag and dumps Alex out of the ring before dropping Chris repeatedly with clotheslines.
The Bucks lock in a double sharpshooter before MCM get to the ropes for the break, then Nick accidentally kicks Matt before Alex hits a sliced bread using the ring post. They get back in the ring and MCM double team Matt for a near fall before a superkick party ensues, everyone kicking each other until they fall down. The Addiction show up out of nowhere after the referee is incapacitated, but MCM save the Bucks and the Bucks thank them with a double sharpshooter. The Addiction get back in the ring and break it up before they come back and with the help of Alex hit a double Indie Taker onto the floor. They get back in the ring and exchange strikes before hitting a series of rapid fire moves that the Bucks win before MCM come right back and double team Nick for the pin and the win.
Winner: The Motor City Machine Guns via pinfall
-After the match the Bucks snatch the belts away before giving them to MCM and leaving.
Cody vs Minoru Suzuki ROH World Championship Match
Cody tries to get Minoru to kiss his ring once the match starts, but he bites him and tries to put him in an armbar before Cody gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Minoru hits Cody with a series of strikes before he rollout of the once more. Cody takes his time getting back in the ring and Minoru kicks him repeatedly before he once again gets out of the ring. Minoru lies down and relaxes as Cody regroups, then Minoru drops him with a boot before tossing him out of the ring. Cody uses his wife as a shield when Minoru goes for a PK on the apron, then stomps on Suzuki be sending him into the ring post.
They brawl at ringside before Cody rolls Suzuki back in the ring and stomps on him for a quick one count. Cody tosses Minoru out of the ring before playing to the crowd, then mocks him before Minoru puts an armbar on him in the ropes. Minoru comes back with a flurry of offense before hitting Cody with a boot in the corner and a PK for a near fall. Minoru immediately follows up with an armbar, but Cody is quick to the ropes for the break. Minoru starts focusing on the arm of Cody before locking in a standing guillotine they Cody powers out of.
Minoru rolls Cody up for a near fall before Cody puts him in a cross face, then plays to the crowd. Minoru counters Cross Rhodes with a kneebar, then an ankle lock before locking in a sleeper hold that Cody fights out of twice. Cody counters the Gotch Style Piledriver before they run the ropes and Cody hits Cross Rhodes for the pin and the win.
Winner: Cody via pinfall
-After the match Minoru kills someone at ringside before leaving.