ROH Final Battle 2021: 10-Man Tag Team Match Result

A 10-Man Tag Team Match closed out the ROH Final Battle pre-show.

The bout which saw The Bouncers, Cheeseburger, Flip Gordon & PJ Black take on LSG, Demonic Flamita, Will Ferrara, Sledge & Max the Impaler ended when PJ Black hit LSG with the Black Flip.

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Danhausen made an appearance on commentary during the match.

A full rundown of the action can be seen below:

The Bouncers, Cheeseburger, Flip Gordon & PJ Black vs LSG, Demonic Flamita, Will Ferrara, Sledge & Max the Impaler

Cheeseburger and Will start the match off by shaking hands before the two go back and forth until Flip and Flamita come in and the two run the ropes and flip and exchange arm drags and kip ups before countering each other's attempts at an arm drag before facing off. Flip tries to shake hands with Flamita before Flamita flips him off and hits an enzuigiri before Flip hits a jumping knee and tags in PJ before Flamita saves himself from a doomsday device before LSG comes in and rocks PJ with a boot before slamming PJ for two. Max tags himself in before Brian comes in and BCB attacks Max from behind and the two exchange strikes until Sledge tags himself in and BCB and Sledge exchange chops until Sledge hits a spinning spine buster. PJ comes back in and counters a delayed suplex attempt before hitting a reverse DDT and a superkick into a jumping roundhouse before everyone comes in and hits a move until it's Brian and Max in the ring and Max clubs Brian in the corner. Max beats Brian down before hitting a running shoulder tackle in the corner into a spear before BCB drags Max out of the ring and sends him into the barricade before Brian hits Sledge with a dive off of the apron. Flip hits a tope before Sledge knocks BCB off of the top and hits a moonsault at ringside before Max suplexes Cheeseburger out of the ring and onto everyone at ringside before Flamita dropkicks PJ out of the ring when he teases a dive before Flamita teases one and flips off the crowd. Flamita counters a powerbomb into a superkick before hitting a corkscrew cross body off of the top to ringside before LSG and PJ exchange strikes back inside and Flip hits LSG with a cutter out of of mid air before PJ and Flip pin LSG with Black Flip for the win.

Winner: Flip Gordon, PJ Black, Cheeseburger, and The Bouncers defeat LSG, Demonic Flamita, Will Ferrara, Sledge and Max the Impaler via pinfall.

Keep up with everything happening at ROH Final Battle by checking out Fightful's live coverage. We will also have a post-show review immediately following the event's conclusion.

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