WWE 2K17 Didn't Even Bother To Edit Out Jerry Lawler's Line Flubs

Welcome to another edition of


Joe Hendry To Appear At HOG Wrestling On September 29

where I shine a light on the stupid stuff in wrestling

in this case,
a major video game company
forgetting to edit out a line flub
by a veteran commentator

Like, it's really bad.


So the new Hall of Fame Showcase DLC is out for WWE 2K17 and one of the featured matches you can play is The Godfather vs Papa Shango, which of course is impossible in real life, since they're both the same guy.

I wonder if there's an option to have Kama be the special guest referee.

Anyway, someone was playing through the match and found out that there's a point in the match-specific in-game commentary where Jerry Lawler just flat out forgets how to read, and 2K games just left the huge flub in there without any editing whatsoever.

Check this out. It's pretty amazing:

Man, that's just EGREGIOUS.

If you're hoping to recreate this on your own gaming system, I'd hurry up. I expect them to release a patch for the game that corrects the mistake.

But then again, I also would have expected them to edit out the original botch, so maybe they'll just leave it there forever, and we can enjoy Lawler flubbing his line in perpetuity.

Here's hoping.

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