WWE Cuts Manager Of Talent Operations And Appearances Tavia Hartley

Tavia Hartley is no longer with WWE.

Fightful confirmed that Hartley was cut from the company on Thursday, May 23, 2024. Hired in 2021, Hartly spent three years with the company as the Manager of Talent Operations And Appearances.

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Before coming to WWE, Hartley worked as a Senior Public Relations Manager for Team Epiphany, a Media Specialist for Camino Public Relations, and a External Relations Manager/Communications & Events Manager for Urban Arts Partnership.

Hartley has yet to comment on the departure. Fightful will update fans if that changes.

As a part of the cuts, WWE has also let go of Kristin Prouty, who served as the Senior Vice President of Entertainment Relations.

On Thursday, WWE and UFC announced that they are merging live event teams. Learn more about that statement by clicking here.

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