WWE Raw Match Ratings And Podcast Notes For 6/4/18 From Sean Ross Sapp

Elias & Jinder Mahal (w/ Sunil Singh) defeated Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

  • Elias kicks off the show and gets a great reaction, but is predictably interrupted by Seth Rollins. They're interrupted by Jinder Mahal and Roman Reigns, and a match is set up. I really hope that this is planting seeds for something Reigns vs. Rollins related down the line and not WWE still trying to get Reigns a positive reaction by affiliation.
  • It works for tonight, and Reigns gets a good reaction from the crowd, especially on his corner clotheslines. The boos are still in there. 
  • Man, I forgot how bad Otunga was on commentary.
  • This very much seems like "we have their money, save it for the pape" work through the commercial. The crowd loves it and goes bananas, so I can't really blame them.
  • Obligatory Falcon Arrow mention. They're playing up that Rollins' neck is still hurt from the guitar attack.
  • Drive By, Superkick, but Singh gets invovled. Rollins does a suicide dive and "hurts his neck." Rollins catches Singh trying to use a chair and takes it away. Elias DDTs him on it and pins Rollins after Drift Away!
  • Some outstanding storytelling in this, what could have been a total nothing opening tag match.
  • Later on there's a HORRIBLE back and forth between Jinder Mahal and Roman Reigns.
  • "I know where you are..." went wrong way.
  • Roman Reigns kicks the shit out of Jinder Mahal. 
Joe Hendry And Kronik Major Bendies, New Major Stars Line, More Announced From Major Wrestling Figures At SDCC

"James Harden" defeated Curt Hawkins via DQ

  • There are a bunch of tacos and shit at ringside, as Curt Hawkins has a jobber to face him.
  • The jobber is "James Harden." They didn't realize what town they were in, because it was changed from "Steph Curry."
  • Harden gets his ass kicked, but Baron Corbin comes out and hits End of Days on Harden.
  • That's 200 losses for Hawkins!! Corbin then throws Hawkins into the tacos.
  • Backstage, Corbin says he went to WWE HQ and Stephanie McMahon has named Corbin a constable. HAAAAA.

Nia Jax defeated Natalya

  • Ronda Rousey is on commentary. It's really, really bad.
  • This match is the shits early on. After the commercial, Natalya drops Nia with a discus clothesline.
  • Nattie is hurt and Nia drops her with a Samoan drop and scores the pin. 
  • Nia Jax is pretending to be concerned about Natayla, but she's a miserable actress. 
  • Rousey faces off with Nia a couple of times. None of this was good. Rousey seemed like a dickweed.
  • Natalya is trying to put weight on her knee backstage, and Rousey doesn't like that Nia is checking on Natalya. Nattie plays mediator. 

Braun Strowman defeated Bobby Roode

  • What did Bobby Roode actually say there? Like, anything? GLOOOOOOOORIOUS. That's it.
  • Roode kicks Braun and gets freefall'd on a Glorious DDT attempt.
  • Braun Strowman hits the ring post™.
  • Bobby Roode sets up a ladder and thinks Braun can't get around it. He breaks it in half. Bobby Roode's facial expression on that was INCREDIBLE.
  • Strowman chases and powerslams Roode. Pin.
  • That was the most entertained I've been by Bobby Roode on the main roster. That was fun.

Top Contenders Battle Royal
B-Team win

  • This has been such a nothing tag team run for Hardy and Wyatt. They cut a pretty long promo that the crowd eventually gets into. 
  • Ziggler gets superkicked out by Breeze and McIntyre beats the shit out of everyone and hit their finish on Bo Dallas. 
  • We go to commercial. Fandango eliminates Konnor, then The Revival chuck out Fandango.
  • Rhyno eliminates Dash Wilder. Why wouldn't you have it set where you eliminate both members instead of having the other just awkwardly leave?
  • B-Team, Slater & Rhyno. Ugh. Heath Slater at least fires up pretty well, but accidentally knocks Rhyno off the apron. 

The night that wrestling died XXVIIIIIIIIIII

  • Bobby Lashley wants to face off with Sami Zayn right now, but Zayn is in the crowd instead
  • Zayn says that he couldn't cook the organic tofu steaks he wanted because of his injury.
  • Sami Zayn makes fun of Bobby Lashley's inspirational quotes and his fan club, but says that he has an anonymous accounts.
  • Sami Zayn says Lashley makes everything up, including his army service. HE'S GONE TOO FAR!!

Bayley (replacing Alexa Bliss), Sasha Banks & Ember Moon defeated The Riott Squad

  • When I see new main roster additions like Ember Moon and Ruby Riott, I wonder what the need to bring green wrestlers up is.
  • Alexa Bliss says she pulled her hamstring.
  • WWE really overdoes it with the fake hair colors. 
  • Sarah Logan just isn't there yet. There isn't a lot of urgency. She killed Ember with a knee and was in no hurry to pin.
  • Ember Moon has a nice double chickenwing reversal. 
  • The Sasha Banks hot tag clotheslines on Liv Morgan were pathetic. The knees and kicks were good though, so was Liv's comeback.
  • Riott Squad essentially do the Unicorn Stampede.
  • Things break down outside the ring, and Banks hits a double Meteora inside the ring, which was a cool spot. 
  • Bayley comes out and for some reason is legal and gets a hot tag, Bayley to Belly and a pin. 
  • Get the goddamn Constable Corbin out here, THIS ISN'T LEGAL. 
  • The legend Baron Corbin is backstage and actually tells Angle he needs to straighten this shit out. 
  • Terrible dialogue between the three winners backstage, when Angle approaches them and says that Riott Squad actually won the match via DQ. Ember and Sasha aren't happy and walk off.
  • Constable Corbin is scolding John Cone.

Finn Balor defeated Kevin Owens via DQ

  • Kevin Owens bitches about Finn Balor to Charly Caruso backstage about the meaning of Too Sweet. He's oddly fixated on it early in the match, too. 
  • He's doing the headlock match tonight.
  • Tope con hilo from Balor. 
  • Armbar applied. Okay. There's a double foot stomp and Balor beats up Owens on the feet. 
  • This show had a good crowd, and they weren't given what they deserved.
  • Did anyone really think Balor was gonna win with Eye of the Hurricane?
  • Owens superkick, but Balor counters a pop-up with a Slingblade and his dropkick
  • Owens gets DQ'd for stomping a bunch. Welp.
  • KO attacks Balor and frog splashes him.
  • He grabs a ladder and climbs it to emulate getting the briefcase. Why? I dunno.
  • He can't jump off the ladder and tries to get down. Balor catches him and beats him up. Coup de Grace off the ladder.
  • This Raw was garbage.
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