WWE Smackdown! Live Results 4/17 The Superstar Shakeup Continues!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE Smackdown! Live! Tonight the WWE Superstar Shakeup continues after 20 Superstars switched brands last night on RAW which saw the like a of Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin and Natalya coming over to team red and The Miz being sent to the blue brand. Who will join RAW? Who will be taken from RAW and brought over to Smackdown! Live? Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST to find out these questions and more and don't forget to stick with us after the show for the post show podcast!

-We open the show with a recap of Shinsuke Nakamura attacking AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan last week before AJ comes out and talks about what Shinsuke did to him and how he showed his true colors. AJ says that Shinsuke is a con artist and talks about him ruining his match with Daniel Bryan before demanding that Shinsuke come out to the ring. Instead Rusev Day comes out and Aiden says that Shinsuke isn't there tonight. Aiden says that AJ can fight Rusev before AJ agrees as a referee gets in the ring.

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AJ Styles vs Rusev

Rusev goes after AJ, but he quickly locks in the Calf Killer only for Aiden to come in and attack AJ for the disqualification.

Winner: AJ Styles defeats Rusev via disqualification.

-After the match Daniel Bryan comes out and helps AJ and sends Rusev and Aiden away as we cut to the back with Shane and Paige before they make a tag team match for the main event later tonight between AJ and Daniel and Rusev Day as we go to commercial.

-Shelton Benjamin comes out to the ring and says that he never needed Chad Gable and doesn't care that he is on RAW now before waiting for his opponent in the form of Randy Orton only for Randy to be interrupted by the new WWE United States champion Jeff Hardy.

Jeff Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin

Shelton immediately beats Jeff down before launching him out of the ring under the bottom rope as we go to commercial.

Shelton is in control as we come back from commercial until Jeff hits Whisper in the Wind for a near fall. Shelton counters the Twist of Fate until a spin kick for a near fall of his own before Jeff ends up hitting the Twist of Fate. Jeff then hits a Swanton Bomb for the pin and the win after countering each other's finishers.

Winner: Jeff Hardy defeats Shelton Benjamin via pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.

-The Miz cuts a promo on Daniel Bryan via his phone, saying that he's not there and he's in L.A. with his family and that he'll be on Smackdown! Live next week. We get a graphic for Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille moving to Smackdown! Live before Jey Uso comes out for a match against Harper which ends up being a 30 second squash match. Rowan and Harper then take out Jimmy as well before Naomi comes out and tries to reason with them as she checks on Jimmy. The Bludgeon Brothers then decide to leave as Naomi clings to Jimmy as we go to commercial.

-Samoa Joe comes out to have a match against Sin Cara.

Sin Cara vs Samoa Joe

Sin goes after Joe to start the match before Joe overpowers him, then Joe drops Sin with a series of knees before locking in the Coquina Clutch for the tap and the win in our second squash match of the night.

Winner: Samoa Joe defeats Sin Cara via submission with the Coquina Clutch.

-We come back from commercial to a vignette for the forthcoming SANITY before Daniel Bryan is interviewed backstage about his helping AJ Styles earlier tonight before being interrupted by Big Cass. Carmella then comes out to celebrate her winning the Smackdown! Live Women's Championship last week. Carmella shows a video package for her winning the women's money in the bank and the Smackdown! Women's Championship before she's interrupted by Charlotte. Charlotte starts to get in the ring before the Iconics come out and mock Charlotte until Charlotte attacks them. The Iconics attack Charlotte until Becky comes out and saves her as we go to commercial.

Charlotte vs Billie Kay

Charlotte is in control as we come back from commercial, the match having started during the commercial before Kay drops her with a forearm for a quick two count. Kay clotheslines Charlotte and rolls her up for a near fall before arguing with the referee and kneeing her in the ribs. Charlotte fights out of a straight armbar before Billie slams her to the mat by her hair as we go to commercial after she argues with the referee and Peyton cheapshots Charlotte.

Charlotte comes back with a series of chops as we come back from commercial, then hits a knee drop before Kay counters a swinging neckbreaker into Eat Defeat for a near fall. Charlotte then drops Kay with a boot before locking in the Figure Eight for the tap and the win.

Winner: Charlotte defeats Billie Kay via submission.

-After the match Asuka comes out and she, Charlotte and Becky send Carmella and the Iconics to the back before getting a vignette for the Club as we go to commercial.

-We come back from commercial for vignettes for The Bar, R-Truth and Andrade Almas before our main event.

AJ Styles & Daniel Bryan vs Rusev Day

Daniel and Aiden start the match before Daniel puts Aiden in a submission and tags AJ in. AJ hits a gutbuster before Daniel and AJ try for a dual submission on Aiden and Rusev that they get out of as we go to commercial.

Aiden is in control as we come back from commercial, he and Rusev tagging in and out and beating on AJ in their corner until AJ comes back with a Pele kick and tags Daniel in. Daniel drops Rusev with a lariat before hitting a series of running dropkicks in the corner, then Daniel goes for the Yes Lock, but Aiden breaks it up, then Daniel hits a series of kicks before playing to the crowd. Shinsuke sneaks up behind AJ and hits a low blow from the apron before Cass shows up and boots Daniel for the disqualification.

Winner: Daniel Bryan & AJ Styles defeat Rusev Day via disqualification when Big Cass attacks Daniel.

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