WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament Night Two Live Viewing Party

This is the Fightful.com live viewing party for the WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament! WWE held the first night of the tournament to crown their very first UK champion and 8 men have advanced to the semifinals today at the famous Empress Ballroom in Blackpool, Lancashire, England! Be sure to come back here at 3PM EST to see who becomes the first WWE United Kingdom Champion!

-We open with a video package for yesterdays show and how Pete Dunne attacked Sam Gradwell as the show went off the air. They then show a tale of the tape for Pete Dunne and Sam Gradwell.

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Pete Dunne vs Sam Gradwell

Sam is all over Pete immediately, dropping him with a series of forearms then pounds on him on the ground. They then exchange running clotheslines as Dunne goes to the outside. Sam dives through the ropes and takes out Pete, the two fighting outside then Sam suplexes Pete onto the ramp before putting him back into the ring. Sam sends Pete across the ring with a missile dropkick then Pete hits a rebound snap German suplex, but Sam is right up and hits a Michinoku Driver for a close 2 count. Sam goes to come off the top rope, but Pete gets out of the ring, Sam opting to dive onto him as soon as he gets out of the ring anyway. They get back into the ring then Pete sends Sam over the top rope and to the floor. Sam gets back in at the count of 9 and Pete powerslams him into the corner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne via pinfall

-We then get a tale of the tape for Mark Andrews and Joseph Conners.

Mark Andrews vs Joseph Conners

Mark gets a series of 2 counts immediately then Joseph beats on Mark in the corner. Conners goes for a sunset flip, but Mark flips and hits a double foot stomp for a quick 2 count. Mark hits a variation on a 619 then sends Joseph outside, Joseph sending Mark face first into the steps. They get back into the ring and Conners does his best to keep Mark grounded. Conners gets a quick 2 count off of a lariat then Andrews sends Joseph out of the ring with an enzuigiri. Joseph drags Mark out of the ring then goes to kick Mark, but Mark gets out of the way and Joseph gets hung up on the stairs. Mark then hits a cannon ball off the barricade. Mark puts Joseph back into the ring then hits a springboard cross body for a quick 2 count, following up with a running double knee in the corner. Mark then hits a northern lights suplex into a standing moonsault, but Joseph gets his knees up for a close 2 count. Joseph then hits a slingshot flat liner for a very close 2 count then Mark hits a huricanrrana off the top rope. Mark then hits a stunner out of no where then a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mark Andrews via pinfall

-We then get a tale of the tape for Trent Seven and Wolfgang.

Trent Seven vs Wolfgang

They lock up for several clean breaks then shove each other before Trent slaps Wolfgang, Wolfgang hitting a backdrop that sends Trent out of the ring. Wolfgang then hits a moonsault off of the barricade, but it appears he injured his knee. Wolfgang then puts Trent back into the ring and plays to the crowd, but Trent immediately dives out onto Wolfgang. Trent puts Wolfgang back into the ring then gets caught on the top rope before being superplexed. They then exchange strikes in the center of the ring before Wolfgang hits wasteland. Wolfgang goes for a moonsault, but Trent gets his knees up, Seven hitting Wolfgang with a dragon suplex for a close 2 count. Trent then turns Wolfgang inside out with a RAINMAKER for a very close 2 count. Wolfgang then hits The Howling to the back of Seven when he knocks him off the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Wolfgang via pinfall

-We then get a tale of the tape for Tyler Bate and Jordan Devlin.

Tyler Bate vs Jordan Devlin

Tyler sends Jordan over the top rope immediately then dives out after him before getting back into the ring. Jordan then focuses on the left arm of Tyler, mounting and hitting him with a series of forearms. Jordan pins Tyler's shoulders to the mat repeatedly for a series of 2 counts then Tyler sends Devlin across the ring with a monkey flip. Tyler hits a springboard uppercut off the top rope then goes for the airplane spin, but Jordan counters with a springboard cross body. Tyler catches Jordan in mid-air and hits the airplane spin anyway. Devlin sends the rope into the eye of Tyler then hits an enzuigiri before hitting Tyler with a jumping knee for a close 2 count. Jordan misses a moonsault then Tyler goes for the Tyler Driver 97, but Jordan counters with a roll up for a close 2 count. Tyler then hits  right hand that drops Jordan then follows up with the Tyler Driver 97 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate via pinfall

-We then get a tale of the tape for Mark Andrews and Pete Dunne

Mark Andrews vs Pete Dunne

Pete looks for a quick pin for a 2 count then Pete puts a side headlock on Mark, trying his best to keep him grounded. Mark sends Pete out of the ring then flips over the top rope after him. Mark gets Pete back into the ring, but Pete stomps on his hand when he starts to follow him, going back out and trying to stomp on his hand on the steps, but Mark hits a huricanrrana to the floor. They get back in the ring and Pete it back on Mark, slamming him into the bottom turnbuckle for a quick 2 count then immediately gets back on him, stomping on Mark and trying to keep the high-flyer grounded. Mark hits a double stomp to Pete then a double running knee in the corner into a northern lights suplex, finishing up with a standing reverse 450 splash for a very close 2 count. Mark hits a running shooting star press for a close 2 count that sends Pete to the outside to recover. Pete catches Mark coming off the apron and hits a release suplex onto the apron. Pete then hits another one onto the apron before getting back into the ring. Mark gets back in at the count of 9, Pete stomping on the side of his head immediately. Pete goes for another suplex, but Mark hits a stunner out of no where for a very close 2 count. Mark goes for the shooting star, but Pete gets his knees up and gets a very close 2 count of his own. Andrews hits an enzuigiri then goes for a springboard back elbow, but Pete catches him with a forearm in mid-air. Mark misses a shooting star then is hit with a German suplex into the corner before Pete hits The Bitter End for the pin and the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne via pinfall

-We then get a tale of the tape for Tyler Bate and Wolfgang.

Tyler Bate vs Wolfgang

They lock up then Wolfgang sends Tyler across the ring, showing off his strength. Tyler then hits Wolfgang with a series of strikes before he backs him into the corner. Tyler hits a back elbow off the top rope after Wolfgang misses a splash in the corner then tries to get him up for the airplane spin, but Wolfgang puts a quick stop to that. Tyler hits Wolfgang with a jumping knee then gets a quick 2 count off of a roll up. Wolfgang then hits a pop up powerslam for a close 2 count. Wolfgang misses The Howling then spears Tyler for another close 2 count then plays to the crowd before Tyler hits the Tyler Driver 97 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate via pinfall

-Pete Dunne comes out and attacks Tyler after the match, running him shoulder first into the post before William Regal comes out and pushes Pete to the back. 

Neville vs Tommy End

They lock up to start the match then exchange wrist locks before Tommy sits down out of no where. Tommy drops Neville with a kick for a quick 1 count then puts a side headlock on Neville that he's quick to get out of. Neville flips around then Tommy hits him with a series of kicks before Neville ducks out of the ring. They get back in the ring and Neville is in control, hitting Tommy with a series of kicks before a running kick for a close 2 count. Tommy then turns Neville inside out with a roundhouse kick then hits a moonsault that sends him to the floor. Tommy then hits Neville with a series of strikes for a very close 2 count then Tommy hits a roundhouse kick to the side of the head of Neville before hitting a bridging German suplex for another very close 2 count. Neville catches Tommy on the top rope and hits a huricanrrana before hitting The Red Arrow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Neville via pinfall

-Finn Balor comes out to the ring next and talks about the tournament and the fans. 

-We then get a tale of the tape for Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne.

Tyler Bate vs Pete Dunne WWE United Kingdom Championship Match

They lock up to start the match for a surprisingly clean break then do it again, but Pete slaps Tyler in the face when they break the second time. They exchange wrist locks then Pete puts an armbar on Tyler then focuses on the wrist and fingers of Tyler. Tyler drops Pete with a dropkick then focuses on the ankle of Dunne before Pete spins on his head and Tyler does a cartwheel. They lock up again and go out of the ring before Pete slams the arm of Tyler into the barricade then they exchange right hands around ringside. Tyler ends up dropping Pete with a forearm then rolls him back into the ring before Pete gets right back on the arm then throws him into the turnbuckle before stomping on Tyler. Tyler then sends Pete into the same ring post the way that Pete had done to him earlier. Tyler drops Pete with a right hand then hits the flying uppercut and an exploder suplex for a close 2 count. Pete drops Tyler with a forearm then hits a double stomp before Pete goes for The Bitter End, but Tyler gets a very close 2 count off of a small package. Tyler puts the airplane spin on Pete then drops him for a close 2 count. Pete then locks in a triangle choke out of no where, but Tyler lifts Pete up and slams him down. Pete rolls out of the ring to recover then Tyler hits a corkscrew moonsault over the top rope. Tyler rolls Pete back into the ring and hits a 450 splash for a very close 2 count then Pete takes his mouth guard out and hits The Bitter End for a very close 2 count of his own. Pete then puts a Kimura on Tyler, then transitions into a body scissor Kimura before Tyler counters into a brainbuster for a very close 2 count. They exchange strikes then Tyler hits a rolling front kick before hitting the Tyler Driver 97 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate via pinfall

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