Bellator 275 Results, Live Coverage And Discussion: Gegard Mousasi Knocks Out Austin Vanderford!


Welcome to's results, live coverage and discussion for Bellator 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford.

We will bring you full, fight-by-fight coverage of the main card, plus quick results for tonight's preliminary bouts. Scroll down to the Disqus boards below and chat with fellow MMA fans during the event.

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Main Card (Showtime, 4:00 p.m. ET/1:00 p.m. PT)

  • Gegard Mousasi (C) def. (#1) Austin Vanderford via knockout (strikes) (1:25, R1)
  • (#5) Sinead Kavanagh def. (#4) Leah McCourt via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
  • Ciaran Clarke def. Abou Tounkara via TKO (doctor stoppage) (5:00, R1)
  • Khasam Magomedsharipov def. Jose Sanchez via unanimous decision (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Prelims (YouTube, 1:00 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT)

  • Jarnel Lugo def. Brian Moore via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
  • Brett Johns def. Khursed Kakhorov via TKO (punches) (3:00, R3)
  • Davy Gallon def. Charlie Leary via TKO (punches) (3:01, R2)
  • Stephanie Page def. Danni McCormack via TKO (punches) (1:46, R1)
  • Darragh Kelly def. Junior Morgan via submission (guillotine choke) (1:47, R1)
  • Vladimir Tokov def. Daniele Scatizzi via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
  • Gokham Saricam def. Kirill Sidelnikov via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
  • Nathan Kelly def. Scott Pederson via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
  • Lee Hammond def. Jamie Hay via TKO (punches) (3:32, R1)


Gegard Mousasi (C) vs. (#1) Austin Vanderford

Round One - Vanderford opens the action with a straight right that lands. Mousasi fires back with a right of his own that hits it's mark. The champion starts working the jab and a straight left stuns the challenger, who drops to a knee then shoots for a takedown but Vanderford covers up and Mousasi sees the opening and absolutely pieces Vanderford up with some vicious ground-and-pound and the referee has no choice but to wave this one off! What a performance from Gegard Mousasi!

Result: Gegard Mousasi (C) def. (#1) Austin Vanderford via knockout (strikes) (1:25, R1)

(#4) Leah McCourt vs. (#5) Sinead Kavanagh

Round One - McCourt starts with a front kick to open the action and then dives in for a takedown, which she gets and quickly transitions to side control. Kavanagh scrambles and ends up in top control and immediately goes for a kimura. McCourt rolls, Kavanagh continues to tighten the grip, McCourt finally escapes but Kavanagh starts unloading hammerfists on McCourt but the latter is saved by the bell as the horn sounds to send this one to round number two.

Round Two - McCourt latches on for the clinch right at the bell, works for a takedown, Kavnagh almost goes down to the mat but catches herself and stays up for the moment. Kavanagh reverses the hold and pushes McCourt against the fence, McCourt tries to crank the neck but Kavanagh lands a takedown and quickly gets McCourt’s back but McCourt slides her off and ends up back on the feet. Kavnagh unloads a right hook that cracks McCourt but Kavanagh is the one who drops to a knee and she may have an injury and McCourt ends up on top. Kavanagh attacks from her back and lands a pair of slicing elbows across McCourt's nose and the round comes to a close.

Round Three - Kavanagh is clearly hurt to start the third and final round and McCourt probably needs a finish. McCourt with a leg kick to start, Kavanagh pushes through and presses McCourt against the fence and looks for the takedown and gets it but McCourt twists and ends up on top. McCourt looks to isolate the arm but Kavanagh gets out and looks for McCourt's neck and uses it to get to top control and she'll ride out the final few seconds in that position as the buzzer sounds to send this one to the judge's scorecards.

Result: (#5) Sinead Kavanagh def. (#4) Leah McCourt via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Ciaran Clarke vs. Abou Tounkara

Round One - Clarke shoots immediately for a takedown but Abou has none of it and shoved him aside.. Clarke initiates the clinch but eats a looping left hook from Abou, who shuns another takedown attempt from Clarke and locks-in a guillotine, Clarke scrambles out, Abou transitions to a rear-naked choke but Clarke's able to escape, get back on his feet and circles back to the center of the cage. landing some shots to the side of the head. Abou trips up Clarke and goes for an arm-bar but Clarke counters and ends up on top. Abou's relentless with the submission attempts and looks for a minute, Clarke rolls, Abou won't loosen the hold but Clarke unloads some elbows to force the break and he ends the round on top. In-between rounds, Abou can't continue due to an apparent shoulder injury.

Result: Ciaran Clarke def. Abou Tounkara via TKO (doctor stoppage) (5:00, R1)

Khasam Magomedsharipov vs. Jose Sanchez

Round One - Magomed opens the action with a pair of leg kicks, Sanchez dives in for a takedown but Magomed shoved him aside. Sanchez lands an uppercut, shoots for another takedown but is again shunned away. Sanchez keeps on the attack with a hook and catches a kick from kick from Magomed and looks for another takedown but Magomed continues to flash great defense. Sanchez drills Magomed with a right then locks-up Magomed with a clinch but Magomed powers out, nails Sanchez with a spinning-back kick and lands a takedown as the horn sounds to end the opening frame.

Round Two - Sanchez opens with an overhand right but Magomed knots him up and opens up a pair of knees to Magomed's mid-section and finally lands a takedown. Magomed transitions and gets Sanchez's back, Sanchez scrambles and gets back to his feet. Magomed latches onto the back of Sanchez's head, Magomed trips Sanchez and unloads a bevy of shots to a blood Sanchez, who covers up, Magomed looks for the rear-naked choke but runs out of time as the buzzer sounds to end round number two.

Round Three - Magomed lands a takedown right out of the gate, immediately gets the back and works for the neck. Sanchez powers back to his feet and Magomed drags him right back down to the mat. Sanchez fights off Magomed with some side elbows, Magomed wants a triangle choke but can't quite get it and the horn sounds a relatively actionless final frame and this one is headed to the judge's scorecards.

Result: Khasam Magomedsharipov def. Jose Sanchez via unanimous decision (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

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